Topic: An evaluation of E621 character tags with a look towards commercial slutty furries.

Posted under General

iow: a moment of insane boredom solved. Enjoy. or don't. :) It's not scientific.

Renamon 1974
No surprise that Renamon, the yellow fox from the Digimon series, still holds the number one spot, practically the most popular character for furry art (she is the most popular character overall, though Rainbow Dash made #2 in a very short time and may overtake her. However, most Rainbow Dash art is NOT erotic in nature, and Renamon's lead is still nearly 50% ahead of Dash.) Renamon is alpha slut.

Pikachu 1269
Pikachu, the yellow electric mouse from Pokemon, is very prominent in fandom, yet this is still a bit of a surprise as Krystal is widely acknowledged as the second most abused character in fandom. He/She/It actually is still the third most popular character, just after Rainbow Dash (in most of the erotic art, Pikachu seems to be female). Nevertheless, Pikachu art continues to come out, and most of it is erotic. Pikachu holds onto beta slut position.

Krystal 972
Krystal, the blue fox from Starfox, is a popular furry character, yet she's only the number three erotic character on the site, with less than half the hits of Renamon. She's actually the SEVENTH most popular character, after Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy (who do not make this list as most of their art is not erotic).

Lucario 833
Lucario, a black and blue fox from Pokemon, is surprisingly high as the fourth most popular erotic character. He seems to be male most of the time, making him the most popular male, as well (although the count includes quite a few female images, too). Lucario tags along right behind Krystal.

Sonic the Hedgehog 821
Sonic the Hedgehog is the very popular Sega mascot, a blue hedgehog with a talent for speed. Sonic is immediately behind Lucario, and is nearly always male, so while Lucario is possibly the most popular male character, should Sonic make up those 12 images he absolutely would be.

Miles 'Tails' Prower 777
Miles is a twin-tailed fox from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, and often depicted with Sonic in said images. He's usually male, but female versions are not uncommon (as furs love their female foxes!). Miles drops a few places again due to ponies, with Applejack and Princess Celestia coming between him and Sonic.

Zangoose 729
Zangoose is a cat Pokemon that I'd never actually heard of before this list, but here he is right after Tails. Like most Pokemon, a bit of a gender bender, but seems to be generally male. His distinctive markings probably earn him a spot in many scenes.

Umbreon 571
Pokemon is a vast breeding ground for slutty furries, and Umbreon also hails from this heritage, not to mention often participates. A black fox-like pokemon with distinctive yellow markings, she's usually female, though tails a fair bit behind Zangoose. She also loses a couple of slots to ponies, with Princess Luna and Rarity between them.

Rouge 560
Rogue the Bat from the Sonic the Hedgehog series was always a bit slutty, even in her original incarnation (being the only Sonic character with breasts must have helped). However, this list betrays her true nature as more of a tease, barely making the list at #9, and worse, being separated from #8 by Derpy Hooves, of all characters. What would you rather see: Rouge's tits or Derpy delivering a muffin? The fans have spoken and the answer is Derpy.

Amy Rose 548
Cute, but strong, and with a series crush on the story lead, Amy comes from the Sonic the Hedgehog world as a little pink hedgehog with a hammer. She rounds out the list of sluttiest commercial furries right behind Rouge. And in some cases on top of her.

So what do we see in the top 10? 6 of 10 have unusual coloration, and 6 of 10, though a different 6, have distinctive fur markings. Rogue is unusual in that she's often depicted with flesh coloring over her body, making it unclear if she's ever furry or just a great set of tits. 4 of 10 are male, which is a reasonably close to even split since all of these characters have been drawn male at one time or another. 4 of 10 characters are Pokemon, and 3 of 10 are Sonic the Hedgehog - both series designed without adult elements at all (well, until Rouge was introduced). Pokemon don't even have sexes, and are referred to as 'it'. Only Renamon and Krystal stand without comrades in this list.

My Little Pony: FriendShip is Magic has made huge rushes in a comparably short time on this list, which is no surprise to anyone who has ever browsed the site or the forums. 9 of them have slipped between the top 10 sluts. Personally I find it refreshing to see some cute, non-adult art now and then, but at the same time it's impressive how quickly they are taking over.

Back on topic, Renamon's lead is commanding, but she carries a lot of non-erotic art as well, someday it would be interesting to skew these numbers by the actual ratio of clean to dirty (though on E621 the erotic art usually outweighs the clean).

Honorable mentions, Fox McCloud, the male fox and hero of Starfox, was right after Amy with 493. Zig Zag, while not commercial, is well known and probably the most drawn, at least most loved of furry's original character sluts, with 335, just one ahead of Felicia from Darkstalkers. We have to go a long ways down to see Lola Bunny of Space Jam (153) or Gadget Hackwrench of Rescue Rangers (144), both of whom I expected to do better.

Updated by Tokaido

getinthecar said:
Back on topic, Renamon's lead is commanding, but she carries a lot of non-erotic art as well, someday it would be interesting to skew these numbers by the actual ratio of clean to dirty (though on E621 the erotic art usually outweighs the clean).

Then do so, sort by rating:explicit and rating:clean

This is the most advanced system on the planet for a reason.

Updated by anonymous

slyroon said:
Lucario isn't a fox, he's a jackal


Updated by anonymous

I'm surprised that Sonic placed higher than Tails.

Updated by anonymous

This is all kind of interesting. What inspired the research?

Updated by anonymous

THFBM said:
So what's the arguement exactly?

Nothing. Just the OP comparing some numbers and describing how they matched up with his expectations.

Updated by anonymous

These Pokémon are probably based on some animal, but here's what they're actually called and their game gender ratios.

slyroon said:
Lucario isn't a fox, he's a jackal

RedOctober said:
Lucario isn't a jackal, he's a nonexistant pocket monster.

Lucario is the aura Pokémon, dual-type Fighting/Steel. As for gender ratio, they are 87.5% male, 12.5% female, seven males to one female.

cookiekangaroo said:
zangoose isn't a cat, he's a mongoose.

Zangoose is the cat ferret Pokémon, Normal-type. 50% male, 50% female

getinthecar said:
Umbreon 571
Pokemon is a vast breeding ground for slutty furries, and Umbreon also hails from this heritage, not to mention often participates. A black fox-like pokemon with distinctive yellow markings, she's usually female, though tails a fair bit behind Zangoose.

Umbreon is the moonlight Pokémon, Dark-type. 87.5% male, 12.5% female, so it's odd that most would be female.

How do I know all this? I checked Bulbapedia.

Updated by anonymous

Yes, because moonlight is an animal type, as is aura.

-.- They're descriptors for the Pokémon species/race/whatever. Like how you get leo tigris and tigris tigris. Pokémon auralis and Pokémon mustela felis or something of the sort if they follow anything like our current scientific classification format.

Zangoose is, obviously, a mongoose. It's in his name, and how he looks. Mongooses (Yes, that's a correct pluralization) are part of the suborder feliformia, and as such ARE grouped with cats. The ferret part is likely because of how they look- They're basically feline ferrets, so cat ferret pokémon.

Calling Lucario anything but a jackal is just plain silly, as well. He's based off of Anubis (Egyptian jackal-headed god) and has the ability to sense auras; You know, those things that are normally called souls. His aura sphere is a concentration of soul energy- Otherwise known as ki/chi/gi/whateverthefuckyouwannacallit. His fighting subtype is a callout to ancient Egyptian boxing traditions. The steel ttype is representative of the physique obtained by true martial artists, where their fists are said to be "as strong as steel". In otherwords, a bad joke. >_>;

Updated by anonymous

Then do so, sort by rating:explicit and rating:clean

Not quite so easy as suggested, or at least I couldn't work out how. The original list was created using the 'tags' option set to character. I couldn't see how to /also/ insert a rating in order to get only character tags used in Explicit images. In addition, Explicit includes gore as well as erotic, which was not really my intent. (But it's still a better filter than I had in my original survey).

Since I couldn't do a true search, I started with the top character tags, then evaluated how much of their posted work was rated explicit. The potential problem with this approach is that characters not in the top may actually slip into that ranking when only explicit images are concerned. Perhaps the admin above can suggest how to get that particular query.

I did start with a top 20, in hopes that would help some who might edge up into the top 10 still be included. For each tag, I then added a search for rating:e. This demonstrated another small issue -- I couldn't find a count of returned matches. I resorted to counting. Thus my dedication to this thread which until today I had forgotten I even created. ;)

Here are the results I got:

ALL Explicit % Who
2403 418 17.3 Rainbow Dash
2368 465 19.6 Twilight Sparkle
2310 1562 67.6 Renamon
2168 326 15.0 Pinkie Pie
1918 351 18.3 Fluttershy
1566 144 9.2 Princess Celestia
1518 819 54.0 Pikachu
1453 208 14.3 AppleJack
1410 141 10.0 Princess Luna
1341 232 17.3 Rarity

1145 782 68.2 Krystal
1080 649 60.0 Sonic
1077 749 69.5 Lucario
982 694 70.7 Tails
981 79 8.1 Derpy
960 568 59.2 Zangoose
893 530 59.4 Rouge
822 170 20.7 Spike
733 451 61.5 Umbreon
707 500 70.7 Amy

Note that Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle both surpassed Renamon in raw count over the last 8 months. Despite this, the overall order of the previous list didn't change much - Renamon, Pikachu and Krystal remain the top three, although Sonic crept ahead of Lucario, and Rouge passed Umbreon. But the actual previous top ten, if I just used my previous criteria, would remain unchanged. What happens when we look at the Explicit tag?

ALL Explicit % Who
2310 1562 67.6 Renamon
1518 819 54.0 Pikachu
1145 782 68.2 Krystal
1077 749 69.5 Lucario
982 694 70.7 Tails
1080 649 60.0 Sonic
960 568 59.2 Zangoose
893 530 59.4 Rouge
707 500 70.7 Amy
2368 465 19.6 Twilight Sparkle

733 451 61.5 Umbreon
2403 418 17.3 Rainbow Dash
1918 351 18.3 Fluttershy
2168 326 15.0 Pinkie Pie
1341 232 17.3 Rarity
1453 208 14.3 AppleJack
822 170 20.7 Spike
1566 144 9.2 Princess Celestia
1410 141 10.0 Princess Luna
981 79 8.1 Derpy

While the top three are no surprise, Umbreon is actually bumped off the top ten by Twilight Sparkle. Of minor surprise is Tails edging ahead of Sonic, but, perhaps that shouldn't be a surprise, everyone likes foxes.

I thought the percentages might be interesting too, but I think there is a time-skew here. Characters popular when E621 opened were more likely to have erotic art uploaded than not, and characters who fell out of favor before E621 are unlikely to be represented at all. Nevertheless, unscientific numbers are fun and part of your complete breakfast!

ALL Explicit % Who
982 694 70.7 Tails
707 500 70.7 Amy
1077 749 69.5 Lucario
1145 782 68.2 Krystal
2310 1562 67.6 Renamon
733 451 61.5 Umbreon
1080 649 60.0 Sonic
893 530 59.4 Rouge
960 568 59.2 Zangoose
1518 819 54.0 Pikachu

822 170 20.7 Spike
2368 465 19.6 Twilight Sparkle
1918 351 18.3 Fluttershy
2403 418 17.3 Rainbow Dash
1341 232 17.3 Rarity
2168 326 15.0 Pinkie Pie
1453 208 14.3 AppleJack
1410 141 10.0 Princess Luna
1566 144 9.2 Princess Celestia
981 79 8.1 Derpy

The list changes significantly here. Renamon is bumped down to fifth place. Maybe she really is the loving homemaker that so many pictures portray her as, and not a mere porn star! Tails and Amy tie for first, and Krystal finally moves up to a position almost of note in fourth place. However, the top ten list contains only the same characters as the original work. The jump in percentage points between the top ten and the next ten is a split that's almost too perfect. Also interesting is that the bottom ten is all MLP characters.

What does all this mean? Absolutely nothing. The source data is flawed, the search incomplete. But you could consider it insight into what people consider important, if you like. You could look at it on a temporal axis as to what changed over time. Or you could just go do the searches yourself and look at the naughty pictures.

Updated by anonymous

So, uh.

Was it really so direly important as to bump an eight-month old post?

Updated by anonymous

Holy shit... Im not quite sure what to take away from all this other than thats one hell of a hobby you got Mr/Mrs Getinthecar...

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
So, uh.

Was it really so direly important as to bump an eight-month old post?

You're right. I really should be updating this every other day rather than putting time between the updates. Then you could GRAPH the data!

I hadn't realized that the forum had locked down to only posts of dire importance. :)

Updated by anonymous

Adrian_Blazevic said:
You should use the API to generate stats by the minute.

If you somehow used the data to generate a graph.. that might be an interesting addition to E621. Have a section which has a graph of both amount of pictures and most clicked. (Know we already have a popular by ray/week/month are but be interesting to be able to compaire using graphs.

Updated by anonymous

getinthecar said:
Note that Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle both surpassed Renamon in raw count over the last 8 months.

ooh...I'm so surprised as if this had nothing to do with the flood of MLP pics. If those results don't key in to people that MLP is/was flooding the site, they must be stupid. It's just common knowledge and this reinforces it.

Updated by anonymous

Here I am again, posting a direly important update to my pointless statistics! Again, it's late, and I was looking at the pretty pictures, then putting numbers to them. Where are we a year later?

All Explicit % Who
7055 1923 27.2 Twilight Sparkle
6355 1652 26.0 Rainbow Dash
5801 1398 24.1 Pinkie Pie (does not include 890 Pinkamena)
5282 1438 27.2 Fluttershy
4456 1262 28.3 Applejack
4102 1221 29.8 Rarity
3699 661 17.9 Princess Celestia
3454 610 17.7 Princess Luna
2266 358 15.8 Derpy Hooves
2116 677 32.0 Spike

2070 1279 61.8 Sonic
1625 1129 69.5 Tails
1620 1043 64.4 Rouge
1576 387 24.6 Scootaloo
1500 403 26.9 Trixie
1475 1014 68.7 Krystal
1470 356 24.2 Apple Bloom
1336 582 43.6 Big Macintosh
1284 932 72.6 Amy
1279 334 26.1 Sweetie Belle

The pony domination is clearly complete, not only completely owning the top ten in raw image counts, but taking five of the second ten, as well. We have completely lost sight of Renamon and all the Pokemon - but the Sonic gang is hanging in there. In fact they Sonic, Tails and Rouge all moved up (and except for Amy, gathered together for safety!)

As for the ponies themselves, Twilight finally overtook Rainbow Dash, nudging her to second place (and I'm sure she's not very happy about that!) Pinkie and Fluttershy slipped into Renamon's spot, while Applejack and Rarity slipped in front of the Princesses, leaving the mane six clustered together at the top. Derpy and Spike lept up to round out the top ten, while new ponies Trixie, Big Mac, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders joined in to nudge the classics off the list.

It's worth noting that Pinkamena, Pinkie Pie's generally-darker alt, is a separate character tag, so her 890 pics aren't on the list.

Sorting by explicit count:

All Explicit % Who
7055 1923 27.2 Twilight Sparkle
6355 1652 26.0 Rainbow Dash
5282 1438 27.2 Fluttershy
5801 1398 24.1 Pinkie Pie
2070 1279 61.8 Sonic
4456 1262 28.3 Applejack
4102 1221 29.8 Rarity
1625 1129 69.5 Tails
1620 1043 64.4 Rouge
1475 1014 68.7 Krystal

1284 932 72.6 Amy
2116 677 32.0 Spike
3699 661 17.9 Princess Celestia
3454 610 17.7 Princess Luna
1336 582 43.6 Big Macintosh
1500 403 26.9 Trixie
1576 387 24.6 Scootaloo
2266 358 15.8 Derpy Hooves
1470 356 24.2 Apple Bloom
1279 334 26.1 Sweetie Belle

Seems like Fluttershy likes to get down just a little bit more than Pinkie does, and Sonic, Tails, Rouge and Krystal all hang onto top ten places in this list. Sonic actually moves UP one position from 6 to 5, taking Tails' spot while the fox drops down to 8. Rouge loses one spot, and Amy falls out of the top ten. Krystal drops all the way from third to tenth, while Renamon and Pikachu fall out of the list completely.

In the bottom grouping, people certainly like to see Spike dragon get what's coming to him, and peeping on the Princess sisters seems popular. New-comer Trixie makes a good showing - I'm expecting great things from her. And.. the Cutie Mark Crusaders might be just a /little/ too precocious here...

Sorting by explicit percentage is next. Again, this is somewhat skewed for older characters, who tended to have mostly porn uploaded when E632 was new. At the same time, all characters who were in this list last year saw new uploads and changes in their percentages.

All Explicit % Who
1284 932 72.6 Amy
1625 1129 69.5 Tails
1475 1014 68.7 Krystal
1620 1043 64.4 Rouge
2070 1279 61.8 Sonic
1336 582 43.6 Big Macintosh
2116 677 32.0 Spike
4102 1221 29.8 Rarity
4456 1262 28.3 Applejack
7055 1923 27.2 Twilight Sparkle

5282 1438 27.2 Fluttershy
1500 403 26.9 Trixie
1279 334 26.1 Sweetie Belle
6355 1652 26.0 Rainbow Dash
1576 387 24.6 Scootaloo
1470 356 24.2 Apple Bloom
5801 1398 24.1 Pinkie Pie
3699 661 17.9 Princess Celestia
3454 610 17.7 Princess Luna
2266 358 15.8 Derpy Hooves

Old school hangs onto the lead for percentage. Tails and Amy settle their tie from last year, with Amy gaining almost 2%, and Tails losing just over 1%. With the Pokemon eliminated, Krystal slips up into a comfy third place (up 0.5%), while Rouge (up 5%) bumps ahead of Sonic (up just under 2%). The rest of the top ten are ponies, who had no top ten on this list last time. All ponies on the list jumped 7-10% in explicit ratio, showing that you can lead a horse to E621, and have her lift her tail. And yet the top pony is everyone's favorite stud stallion Big Mac, who is probably cheating - with as many mares as there are to deal with in Ponyville, going at it at least half the time is the least he can do. Spike takes the next place, again, there's that 10:1 female-to-male ratio working in the dudes' favor!

A bit of a surprise (not really) is that Rarity seems willing to present about 30% of the time -- that's not what a proper lady would do! Our farmgirl Applejack isn't so opposite from Rarity after all, it seems, being very nearly as willing to roll in the hay. Twilight holds onto the top ten, but, of course, she wouldn't want to disappoint her teacher!

The bottom ten belongs to the ponies again, although they've all increased their percentages along with their counts. Trixie makes a powerful first showing right behind supposedly-shy Fluttershy. Sweetie Belle is apparently following in her big sister's hoof-prints by overtaking even Rainbow Dash, who holds steady at fourteenth. Pinkie drops a position as farm-sister Apple Bloom tries to keep up with Sweetie Belle, and Celestia overtakes Luna, while Derpy holds onto the end.

Well, I had fun! Let's see if the old-timers make a comeback next year, or if background ponies take up the last five slots on the list!

Updated by anonymous

MLP dominates the list = not very surprised

Renamon is no longer the furry icon = sorta surprised

Sonic & friends hang on to the list = very surprised

Getinthecar comes back annually to update the list = dedication and deserves lemon pie with a side of bacon

Updated by anonymous

Patch said:
>MLP dominates the list.


You say that like that any surprise lol. Look at the front page 9 times out of 10 :P

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
Look at the front page 9 times out of 10 :P

You know, because I got curious I've looked at the front page. About 30/150 pics looked like mlp. I think that you might be exaggerating a little.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
You know, because I got curious I've looked at the front page. About 30/150 pics looked like mlp. I think that you might be exaggerating a little.

I'm not saying it's all that, just often it is very present. I don't particularly care anymore, just that it is pretty evident from stuff like this thread and the other statistics thread from before :o

Updated by anonymous

I would love to see a graph of change over time of the popularity of various characters.

Updated by anonymous

I decided that lemon pie sounded too good to pass up! Also, spreadsheet this year, so it took a lot less time to assemble.

Here we are much later.. where are we now? Or more importantly, who are we watching when nobody is watching us? ;)

First, top 20 characters by count, or, who do we see the most of:

Count Rat:Ex % Ex WHO

13580 4518 33.27% Twilight Sparkle
11280 3626 32.15% Rainbow Dash
10401 3634 34.94% Fluttershy
9850 2863 29.07% Pinkie Pie
8523 2999 35.19% Rarity
8487 3075 36.23% Applejack
7305 1912 26.17% Princess Celestia
7177 1751 24.40% Princess Luna
4089 1548 37.86% Spike
3541 685 19.34% Derpy Hooves

3114 1936 62.17% Sonic
3000 905 30.17% Scootaloo
2837 894 31.51% Sweetie Belle
2815 1025 36.41% Trixie
2713 787 29.01% Apple Bloom
2527 1575 62.33% Rouge
2477 1737 70.13% Tails
2391 1294 54.12% Big Mac
2391 1413 59.10% Krystal
2184 1522 69.69% Amy

What's changed over last year? Twilight Sparkle is still our favorite naughty nerd, building a strong lead over Rainbow Dash, who owned the top spot just two years ago. We see that Fluttershy has squeaked ahead of Pinkie Pie, but really, who doesn't love a shy girl? Rarity fights back against workhorse Applejack, squeaking back ahead of her, while the Princesses hold firm. Spike overtakes Derpy Hooves, but again, it's a close race. The actual contents of the top ten didn't change, and they're all still ponies.

In the second ten, Sonic holds onto 11th place, but Tails and Rouge are pushed aside by the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Trixie, who all moved up. Rouge does nudge ahead of Tails compared to last year, while Krystal and Amy and pushed to the very bottom of the heap. The biggest position jump is Sweetie Belle, from 20th to 13th over last year, which has the CMC almost bunched together. Trixie just has to get in the way there.

All that said, the whole top 20 list is the same as last year, nobody fell off, and nobody was added. But because I keep reading just one line further, an honorable mention goes to the evil Queen Chrysalis, who's just 55 images from bumping Amy off and taking her place.

Sorting the same list by explicit image count, or, who wants us to see what they've got:

Count Rat:Ex % Ex WHO

13580 4518 33.27% Twilight Sparkle
10401 3634 34.94% Fluttershy
11280 3626 32.15% Rainbow Dash
8487 3075 36.23% Applejack
8523 2999 35.19% Rarity
9850 2863 29.07% Pinkie Pie
3114 1936 62.17% Sonic
7305 1912 26.17% Princess Celestia
7177 1751 24.40% Princess Luna
2477 1737 70.13% Tails

2527 1575 62.33% Rouge
4089 1548 37.86% Spike
2184 1522 69.69% Amy
2391 1413 59.10% Krystal
2391 1294 54.12% Big Mac
2815 1025 36.41% Trixie
3000 905 30.17% Scootaloo
2837 894 31.51% Sweetie Belle
2713 787 29.01% Apple Bloom
3541 685 19.34% Derpy Hooves

Here the shy girl act is shown for what it is, as Fluttershy slips ahead of Rainbow Dash as well. Applejack's been showing off those farm toned hindquarters more times than Rarity, and while Sonic is still bringing something to the party, he still slipped two spaces this year (with AJ and Rarity's little competition nudging them up). Tails also slipped two, rounding out the top ten.

The Princesses make their top ten explicit count debut here, pushing out Rouge and Krystal, who slip from 9th and 10th to 11th and 14th. Spike and Amy swap order while dropping one position each, while Big Mac, Trixie, and Scootaloo hold steady. Derpy and Sweetie Belle swap places, with Derpy dropping to the bottom of the list. Still, most entrants nearly doubled their counts.

Finally, the list by explicit percentage, or who's just looking for attention:

Count Rat:Ex % Ex WHO

2477 1737 70.13% Tails
2184 1522 69.69% Amy
2527 1575 62.33% Rouge
3114 1936 62.17% Sonic
2391 1413 59.10% Krystal
2391 1294 54.12% Big Mac
4089 1548 37.86% Spike
2815 1025 36.41% Trixie
8487 3075 36.23% Applejack
8523 2999 35.19% Rarity

10401 3634 34.94% Fluttershy
13580 4518 33.27% Twilight Sparkle
11280 3626 32.15% Rainbow Dash
2837 894 31.51% Sweetie Belle
3000 905 30.17% Scootaloo
9850 2863 29.07% Pinkie Pie
2713 787 29.01% Apple Bloom
7305 1912 26.17% Princess Celestia
7177 1751 24.40% Princess Luna
3541 685 19.34% Derpy Hooves

It's hard to beat the Sonic crew's massive percentages. As noted in previous entries, characters who existed before E621 were more likely to have porn uploaded than clean pictures, while newer characters tended to see a mix. Still, the percentages are still changing year over year.

This year Tails jumps above Amy with 70% of his images being explicit - but it's interesting to note that Amy's score last year was 72.6% More non-explicit images are being loaded! Krystal loses two slots to Rouge and Sonic (and drops from 68.7% to 59.1%), but the top five are still Sonic characters. Big Mac and Spike hold their positions, although both of their percentages INCREASED, and Rarity was nudged down to the bottom of the top ten by Trixie, who jumped up from 12th place. Twilight Sparkle was nudged right out of the top ten, despite an increase from 27.2% to 33.3% explicit.

Second ten shows Fluttershy holding 11th place, Dash nudging ahead of Sweetie Belle, and Pinkie Pie getting ahead of Apple Bloom, though they are still about the same distance apart. There's not much to say, changes were not drastic, except that the older characters seem to be getting more clean art, and the newer characters are getting more explicit art. It's probably reaching towards an equilibrium, which is a good thing.

TLDR Version: Quiet year, favorites didn't change, I want pie.

Updated by anonymous

getinthecar said:
What's changed over last year? Twilight Sparkle is still our favorite naughty nerd, building a strong lead over Rainbow Dash

Bet you that this is all Kevinsano's fault.
He and his boner for Sparkle's dick.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Bet you that this is all Kevinsano's fault.
He and his boner for Sparkle's dick.

I blame Tara Strong.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
2348 is the total of all "krystal" posts ever.

There were 628 krystal posts from Jan. 1, 2014 to Dec. 31, 2014.
There were 54 krystal posts from Jan. 1, 2015 to now.

52.3 a month average vs. 54. She still got it.

If she appears in the upcoming Star Fox game though...

I used to thing SF was fun. Then Krystal showed up and it became my favorite Nintendo series

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Bet you that this is all Kevinsano's fault.
He and his boner for Sparkle's dick.

Plot twist: Kevinsano is the one that is actually engaged to Purple Smart and wants himself to stop porning his fiancee.

Updated by anonymous

As of February 10th, 2015, here's where these heavy-hitting characters now stand.

1. Twilight Sparkle (13720)
2. Rainbow Dash (11378)
3. Fluttershy (10486)
4. Pinkie Pie (9938)
5. Rarity (8619)
6. Applejack (8553)
7. Princess Celestia (7419)
8. Princess Luna (7247)
9. Renamon (4886)
10. Spike (4134)

I've gone through and downloaded and organized the images I've saved from the friendship_is_magic tag, right up to about the 430000-ish post, and I'm just blown away by not their popularity, but by their growth.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
As of February 10th, 2015, here's where these heavy-hitting characters now stand.

1. Twilight Sparkle (13720)
2. Rainbow Dash (11378)
3. Fluttershy (10486)
4. Pinkie Pie (9938)
5. Rarity (8619)
6. Applejack (8553)
7. Princess Celestia (7419)
8. Princess Luna (7247)
9. Renamon (4886)
10. Spike (4134)

I've gone through and downloaded and organized the images I've saved from the friendship_is_magic tag, right up to about the 430000-ish post, and I'm just blown away by not their popularity, but by their growth.

I think getinthecar's plan is to come in and revive this thread on a yearly basis with post number updates. I think that's a good thing to do yearly, we don't really need to rehash it every week XD

But I agree, it's surprising to see how popular they are, but pretty cool none the less.

Updated by anonymous

Direly Important Update

It's been about five years, but hey! What better to distract us from our forced confinement than to spend too much time looking at not naked furries, but statistics about naked furries! Cause if you can't have tits, you might as well have staTITstics, right...? Oh let's just move on.

There's nothing sexier than numbers, so let's get right into them. First by count, who are we actually seeing the most of?

Count Rat:Ex % WHO
27913 9981 35.76% Twilight Sparkle
21577 7771 36.02% Rainbow Dash
21450 3934 18.34% Judy Hopps
21223 8027 37.82% Fluttershy
19871 2823 14.21% Nick Wilde
18330 6014 32.81% Pinkie Pie
17917 6873 38.36% Rarity
15980 5967 37.34% Applejack
15252 5027 32.96% Princess Celestia
15013 4652 30.99% Princess Luna

9204 4600 49.98% Sonic
8846 3550 40.13% Spike
8236 3922 47.62% Rouge
7513 4432 58.99% Tails
6913 3390 49.04% Krystal
6383 3432 53.77% Amy
6351 2298 36.18% Toriel
6288 3201 50.91% Fox McCloud
5908 3233 54.72% Bowser
5780 2148 37.16% Sweetie Belle

The numbers are WAY up (good work everyone!!), but what's interesting is that favorite nerd horse Twilight Sparkle continues to lead by several lengths! There was an article not too long ago that mused that Twilight Sparkle perhaps had more porn drawn of her than any other fictitious character ever, and this survey is certainly not going to break that assertion.

Twilight increases her lead over Rainbow Dash just slightly in the grand scheme of things - from 120.3% to 129.3%, but she is pulling away. Rainbow put up a strong fight but Twilight's pacing just can't be defeated.

Not only that, but Rainbow's second place is now threatened by newcomer police constable Judy Hopps, Zootopia's first bunny police officer. With fewer than 200 images to go for second, she's hopped into third place in our collective hearts, overtaking Fluttershy by even more than that. Shy drops one position into fourth place. That's okay, if you want to...

This wouldn't be too bad for Pinkie, except that Judy's partner and probably-more-than-that-wink-wink fox Nick Wilde has slyly slipped himself into the top 5. He's got a long way to go to catch Fluttershy but Pinkie is not going to see that position again, I suspect. She along with fellow ponies Rarity, Applejack, Celestia and Luna all hold relative order but lose two positions, now holding 7th through 10th.

Interesting is the large gap in counts between 10th and 11th place. While pure coincidence, it does suggest that there's an unconscious count of cultural favorites at any given time... someone should do a study. ;)

Even though the ponies above him dropped, Sonic held firm to 11th place, with Spike losing three positions to fall from above him to just under him at 12th. Derpy, who was previously 10th, has fallen off the list entirely.

Under Spike, Rouge the Bat has pushed up 3 positions to take 13th, and brought Tails along with her to hold 14th, displacing Scootaloo and Trixie who have also both fallen right off the list. Great and Powerful, but no staying power.

Krystal moves up 4 positions to reassert her furry goddess status in 15th place, displacing Apple Bloom who is yet another pony casualty. Amy Rose comes with her from 20th place up to 16th, filling the gap that Rouge left.

Newcomer Toriel of Undertale fame pops in at 17th place, and Fox McCloud finally makes the list at 18th.

Rounding out the list at 19th is another surprise for me, Mario's favorite whipping post Bowser makes the list at 19th, and the lone surviving member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sweetie Belle holds onto 20th place. This is a large drop from her 13th place and rising just a few years ago.

So four new characters, all displacing ponies. The herd is being culled and only the favorites will remain. Let's see who's being naughty with rating:ex...

9981 Twilight Sparkle
8027 Fluttershy
7771 Rainbow Dash
6873 Rarity
6014 Pinkie Pie
5967 Applejack
5027 Princess Celestia
4652 Princess Luna
4600 Sonic
4432 Tails

3934 Judy Hopps
3922 Rouge
3550 Spike
3432 Amy
3390 Krystal
3233 Bowser
3201 Fox McCloud
2823 Nick Wilde
2298 Toriel
2148 Sweetie Belle

The top three here haven't changed since the last survey - Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash continue to show us... well, everything apparently. All three counts have more than doubled but the ratios are close enough for government work (department of smut, apparently...)

Ponies hold the top eight positions, which is actually an improvement as last time they only consecutively held the top six. Rarity and Pinkie Pie both push ahead of Applejack - apparently since they both have more time what with AJ's chores backing up. But then Princest Sisters Celestia and Luna both push ahead of Sonic the Hedgehog - quite strongly in Celestia's case, though Luna manages to keep up. Sonic is nudged down to 9th and Tails holds onto 10th, like a good fox.

Judy hops right up there to 11th place, though she's a bit back from Tails yet. This pushes each of Rouge, Spike, Amy and Krystal down one slot to 12th through 15th. Big Macintosh drops off the list, maybe also due to farm chores, and is replaced by villian Bowser who takes over 16th place. I hope he likes mares.

Fox McCloud pops in at 17th next to Nick Wilde at 18th, bringing enough foxes to this list to finally justify it as furry-related, and GoatMom Toriel appears at 19th place.

Rounding out the list, Sweetie Belle drops from 18th to 20th place, while fellow CMCs Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are completely absent.

So that's lovely, but it's the percentages that really show us who the naughty fictional furries are. Let's take a look there and see who wants us to watch.

58.99% Tails
54.72% Bowser
53.77% Amy
50.91% Fox McCloud
49.98% Sonic
49.04% Krystal
47.62% Rouge
40.13% Spike
38.36% Rarity
37.82% Fluttershy

37.34% Applejack
37.16% Sweetie Belle
36.18% Toriel
36.02% Rainbow Dash
35.76% Twilight Sparkle
32.96% Princess Celestia
32.81% Pinkie Pie
30.99% Princess Luna
18.34% Judy Hopps
14.21% Nick Wilde

Last time, the top four were Sonic characters, and places 5-10 were MLP, but there are only three MLP characters left in the top ten.

Tails holds onto his role as the most lascivious, although his percentage shows a strong trend towards balancing explicit and non-explicit, dropping from 70% to just under 59%.

However, the gap between Tails and the next most adventurous character grew significantly - from less than half a percentage point to more then 4. And it's Bowser who takes over that number two position, pushing Amy Rose down to third.

Fox makes his debut on this list at 4th place, taking over Rouge's traditional block between Amy and Sonic, who is now in 5th. Sorry Amy, there's always someone in the way.

Krystal keeps her relative position but drops down to 6th, then it's here at 7th that Rouge has landed, a nasty drop from 3rd. But then, her sexiness was really meant for distraction more than going through with it, wasn't it?

The last three of the top ten are the MLP hangers ons: little dragon Spike who loses only a single position to land at 8th, Rarity who climbs one position for 9th, and Fluttershy who follows along to 10th. After that, Applejack drops two positions to land at 11th, and Trixie falls off the list completely.

Sweetie Belle proves that she's holding onto her spot in the list and doing it for all she's got by climbing from 14th to 12th, and lucky 13th is Toriel - proving that we all want GoatMom to tuck us in at night and read us a bedtime story. ;)

Rainbow Dash loses one position to 14th, but proves that she's better than Twilight at giving up the goods - nudging Twilight down to 15th after a long battle. Quality over quantity, bookhorse!

Princess Celestia nudges up two positions to 16th - I guess retirement is a little dull - and Luna fails to keep up, gaining only a single position to 18th. Celestia's advance forces Pinkie to drop one position, and she finds herself in the enviable position between the two naughty ancients.

Rounding out the perverted 20 are Zootopia's mammal inclusion program officers Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, who also score surprisingly low percentages of explicit artwork. Or.. perhaps not so surprising, since as we look back certain beloved characters tend to start with less explicit artwork, and gain those percentages later. Nevertheless, they're here and it turns out Judy does in fact love Nick. Yes, yes she does.

I was curious about GameManiac's post, cause Renamon didn't show after my second survey. Indeed, if I search for her specifically, I get about 12000 hits, putting her at 11th place. It appears she's lost her character tag, so doesn't come up in the character tag search. I'll see if I can add it back, but we'll have to wait till next year to get her back. ;)

Edit: well... it looks like Renamon, Pikachu, etc, are considered species and not names. Not sure how to integrate that with this list... I can't just browse all species tags looking for ones we confuse with names...?

Edit2: Well, if I do, Bowser, Fox, and Sweetie Belle poof, and Renamon, Lucario and Pikachu rejoin the lists. Renamon and Lucario take 4th and 5th by ex count and 2nd and 3rd by %. I'll incorporate that next time. It's for fun anyway.


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