Topic: Idea - User Status, Additions, Changes(?)

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Ok, so we have the e621 user... Quick view comment space I guess you can call it.

(just using this for an example)

Esme Belles
4 minutes ago
(Profile Picture Here)

My idea revolves around information;

possibly a small space allowing users to put a character limited line of text, something really small I would suppose under the (user status/level).

adding a small section to the (User status/level) that counts either the amount of time they have been at such level, and if blocked, a small reason field (possibly clickable).

so it would look like: (I cant calculate the duration correctly since I was a Contrib level for several months before being demoted for being an idiot lol. so I will just calc the entire time as a "member".)

Esme Belles
Member - 4 years, 4 months, 29 days
(Users specified text here)
4 minutes ago
(Profile Picture Here)

a blocked user would show:

Esme Belles
Blocked - 4 years, 4 months, 29 days, 10 seconds ago - (reason) ((?)Time till unblock(?))
(Users specified text here)(removed)
4 years ago
(Profile Picture Here) (removed)

I know it seems complicated, and maybe it is to much so. at most it serves no function other than aesthetic and information display.
I imagine the time stamp would need to be changed to the current one which would only show seconds, days, months or years, not all of them at once.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

That timestamp would serve what purpose?

The other thing, that user editable text field, has been discussed already.
It got a resounding "maybe".

Also, there is a feature request thread, you have been here longer than the thread itself, so use it.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
That timestamp would serve what purpose?

The other thing, that user editable text field, has been discussed already.
It got a resounding "maybe".

Also, there is a feature request thread, you have been here longer than the thread itself, so use it.

I made it in here so users who normaly don't visit that thread would see an comment. as I said, the addition of the time stamp is purely Aesthetic and informational.
people see a comment by a blocked user, go to reply, then realize they where banned a few minutes ago and so decide to not reply.
the normal user timestamp would more be like a sort of "hey look ive been (rank) for this long!". or "Hey I just got promoted!".

but fine, ill start using the FRT. want me to copy it to there? kinda redundant though...

Updated by anonymous

The purpose of the thread is to have it all in one place, and Tony, as well as many others, read it very regularly.

So yes, please paste it there.

Updated by anonymous

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