Topic: site suggestion: age verification

Posted under General

In order to make it less likely that this site has 12 year old creepers, and make it easier on the mods so they don't have to ban the under-age users (as they won't exist), would it be possible for this site to have an age verification, similar to the one found on SL? Or would it take too much out of the servers to do so? Just something I thought about that I thought would be handy to get rid of any unseen under age creepers.

Updated by Burninghart

If you mean just an "Enter age here:" thing, that's not going to stop them.

If you mean a "enter a valid credit card number" deal, I think that's a bit overboard to prevent a couple of annoying users.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
If you mean just an "Enter age here:" thing, that's not going to stop them.

If you mean a "enter a valid credit card number" deal, I think that's a bit overboard to prevent a couple of annoying users.

I was referring to the ID number verification, much less important or private than a credit card, as anyone can see your ID number.

Updated by anonymous

ID Number verification? You mean like... 14071 for you?

Am not sure what that has to do with age... else, you're talking about something that might not be universal..? I mean, I do't *think* I have any sort of ID number, out side of my social security number :P Or driver's liscense, or.. yeah.

I know taps required a scan of a valid driver's liscence, but..

That said, I wouldn't mind some sort of "hey, you need to be 18 or of legal blahblahblah to view this website. Are you 18? If not, remember it's ILLEGAL for you to look at this page!" with Yes and No (taking you to google or something) options.. the sort of thing that, I think, is usual done with cookies... but that might be annoying if people are browsing in 'porn mode' on their browsers, if I recall correctly.

Alternatively.. you could also go "hey, to view images here, you need to be logged in" with the log in process being full of "ARE YOU 18 OMG" stuff, buuuut that (or the other idea I had of only logged in users being about to view explicit/questionable images) would probably require extensive recoding of the site... and still doesn't STOP underage people, but does have a fair bit more (I'd think) legal ass covering.

Mm.. legal pants.

Updated by anonymous

I don't think it's enough of a problem to be worth addressing.

Updated by anonymous

aside from conker (:3), most of the underage kids on the site know to keep their heads low and don't attract attention to themselves.

Updated by anonymous

A wild erica_wolf appears

you use logic on erica_wolf

Having an age verification feature would have absolutely no effect on the minors ability to access porn on the web... therefore it is useless.

Updated by anonymous

It's useless, as everyone noted, and creepy dumb furries can be 30 years old.

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
It's useless, as everyone noted, and creepy dumb furries can be 30 years old.

This. Creepy dumb people don't necessarily have to be young, as has been made obvious by quite a fair number of banned users.

Updated by anonymous

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