Topic: Epic Ban Reasons

Posted under General

Not to bawww or anything...

but (DINOSAURS ARE EXTINCT!) doesn't seem quite enough of a reason to ban me from the IRC...

I didn't pay much attention to the person who banned me due to me thinking it was a kick and I refreshed the page.

I'm just looking for a better reason for this.

Updated by AnonymousTWhelan

The|Gay|Dinosaur said:
Not to bawww or anything...

but (DINOSAURS ARE EXTINCT!) doesn't seem quite enough of a reason to ban me from the IRC...

I didn't pay much attention to the person who banned me due to me thinking it was a kick and I refreshed the page.

I'm just looking for a better reason for this.

This is e621. Bans are random and nonsensical. Fear the mods. Fear them.

Updated by anonymous

Well I understand some of them may be the type to 5min ban for bad grammar... But I never expected a ban because of a simple fact...

It would be like being banned because (The sky is blue) or
(grass is green)

There is no real reason for the ban other than that person had an inferiority complex with long names or something...

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
That ban was epic XD

Seriously... of there was one way to work out an unbann... Such as me perhaps censuring "Dinosaur" as to not offend anyone who believes dinosaurs are extinct, or perhaps COMPLETLEY changing my name to something that does not cause such rage towards a person such as myself.

tl;dr Unban me please! I'll do whatever you want!

My opinion is that the ban was unwarranted

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Well, you can't change your name, so, idk.

I meant in IRC

They way you go about changing your name is to type

/nick (new_name)

Updated by anonymous

Oh, well do that then, and see if changing your name to retardicon will make them forgive you for whatever you did.

Updated by anonymous

I cant change my name since im BANNED...

AND theres proxy detection...

So I cant change my name since it wont let me connect... and I cant connect using a proxy since it doesn't matter anyways...

Theres no way other than spamming the forum to get anything done other than fapping... I was enjoying my time on the IRC and im pretty sure cbee hates me more than everyone else and out relationship of hate/hate-ee was going strong...

Updated by anonymous

The|Gay|Dinosaur said:
I cant change my name since im BANNED...

AND theres proxy detection...

So I cant change my name since it wont let me connect... and I cant connect using a proxy since it doesn't matter anyways...

Theres no way other than spamming the forum to get anything done other than fapping... I was enjoying my time on the IRC and im pretty sure cbee hates me more than everyone else and out relationship of hate/hate-ee was going strong...

Just shut up. You won't get unbanned, and if you keep pressing it you'll get banned here.

Updated by anonymous

The|Gay|Dinosaur said:
Ill just let it go -.-
I blame the internet

Just give it a bit, no ban lasts forever. Just becomes longer the more you whine.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
no ban lasts forever.

Put the Bourbon down. Hey, I see you trying to take another swig, so PUT IT DOWN.

Updated by anonymous

Asking to be unbanned and trying to use a proxy to banvade doesn't exactly go hand-in-hand.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Put the Bourbon down. Hey, I see you trying to take another swig, so PUT IT DOWN.

Some bans last longer than the individual will (and prolly the site) but they go away. :)

And I want burbon ._.

Updated by anonymous



Updated by anonymous

I got banned in chat too. It only lasts a couple hours at most, usually. It's really no big deal. Oh, and why did you name this epic ban reasons? I created that forum topic a while back.

Updated by anonymous

swamprootwolf said:
I got banned in chat too. It only lasts a couple hours at most, usually. It's really no big deal. Oh, and why did you name this epic ban reasons? I created that forum topic a while back.

I was banned on IRC too; I think the WiFi spot I was on also had someone on IRC the previous day, but it doesn't really matter anymore....

Updated by anonymous

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