Topic: New Scroll Feature Is Awesome

Posted under General

The new feature is very handy because now you don't have to jump through pages but can scroll nearly through entire gallery, but why isn't it allowing to scroll completely like google images? The feature is great but there should be a feature like when you reach max loaded images there should be a button to click "load more images"

Is this feature possible? Because so far this update is great.


Fixi said:
The new feature is very handy because now you don't have to jump through pages but can scroll nearly through entire gallery, but why isn't it allowing to scroll completely like google images? The feature is great but there should be a feature like when you reach max loaded images there should be a button to click "load more images"

Is this feature possible? Because so far this update is great.

I don't think that's what's happened, they've simply increased the number of images per page. I'm personally in favor of not doing it like Google image search, I really don't like how that works now. The "next page" button is, in essence, a "load more images" button, 'cause that's what happens.

Updated by anonymous

Well actually it's not necessary to make like google but similar feature would be great, it's just that nearly all websites are made 4chan style and it's really outdated. Scrolling through images would be the best update, instead of listing through pages. Plus it won't jam your webpage because if you check it out right now images only load when you scroll down.

Updated by anonymous

Oh god please no. x-x There are people like myself that LIKE small pages of pictures.

Updated by anonymous

Well maybe there should be like a feature switch in your profile? Like to enable some features or keep it classic?

Updated by anonymous

Fixi said:
Well maybe there should be like a feature switch in your profile? Like to enable some features or keep it classic?

Try out the firefox plugin that makes all images a WALL that can be browsed and zoomed however you like. It's called Cooliris.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Oh god please no. x-x There are people like myself that LIKE small pages of pictures.

Fixi said:
Well maybe there should be like a feature switch in your profile? Like to enable some features or keep it classic?

I say we go with these.

Updated by anonymous

Fixi said:
Well actually it's not necessary to make like google but similar feature would be great, it's just that nearly all websites are made 4chan style and it's really outdated. Scrolling through images would be the best update, instead of listing through pages. Plus it won't jam your webpage because if you check it out right now images only load when you scroll down.

Problem is,if you refresh page by accident,you don't know what page is.
This way (current system) is great.And it should stay..

Updated by anonymous

Fixi said:
The new feature is very handy because now you don't have to jump through pages but can scroll nearly through entire gallery, but why isn't it allowing to scroll completely like google images? The feature is great but there should be a feature like when you reach max loaded images there should be a button to click "load more images"

Is this feature possible? Because so far this update is great.

Use a Greasemonkey script on Firefox called Endless Danbooru Pages.

Updated by anonymous

I really don't want to rely too much on javascript for the site, there are so many scripts that'll break.

Ultima_Weapon said:
Use a Greasemonkey script on Firefox called Endless Danbooru Pages.

Speaking of... We need to put together a list of extension of mods for the site. :)

Updated by anonymous

I personally use Unlimited Paginator Works, because it automatically loads another page at the bottom of the current page when you scroll to the bottom of the current page. I don't use Endless Danbooru Pages because I don't like a never ending page, because I get lost. These scripts were made for use on Danbooru, so if you want them to work here, you have to add this site's name to the list. It's not hard, but I can go into detail if anyone needs help with it.

Updated by anonymous

Personally, I like it being broken into multiple pages. Though I can also see the appeal of a scrolling-based system kind of like what Sankaku Complex does: (warning: not furry)
Is that sort of what people are hoping to see?

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
Personally, I like it being broken into multiple pages. Though I can also see the appeal of a scrolling-based system kind of like what Sankaku Complex does: (warning: not furry)
Is that sort of what people are hoping to see?

That's exactly like Endless Danbooru Pages.

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
Personally, I like it being broken into multiple pages. Though I can also see the appeal of a scrolling-based system kind of like what Sankaku Complex does: (warning: not furry)
Is that sort of what people are hoping to see?

That's actually not that bad, the thing is if a website would have this feature you wouldn't have to use any plugins or add ons. The auto paging feature looks pretty good, plus this way you can keep the page numbers and scroll if desired.

Updated by anonymous

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