Topic: "Not Furry" as a deletion flag

Posted under General

So, I recall once seeing this topic in the rules section, and how the site approached it; however, now I can't for the life of me find it.

So, could we go over this from the top again?
Is this a legitimate reason for deletion?
Or are the deletion flags with this FFD-abuse?

Updated by Riversyde

If something isn't furry, it -could possibly- be deleted. But if that's its only reason, I doubt it. On the other hand, if it has a secondary reason to be deleted such as there's a higher res version, or whatever, often it will get deleted anyways even if the reason was wrong.

that's just from remembering stuff from convos lately.

Updated by anonymous

Yes, it is FFD abuse. help:flag_for_deletion
Not furry does not equal irrelevant to the site. If it were, we'd have to get rid of every pure scalie we have, wouldn't we?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Yes, it is FFD abuse. help:flag_for_deletion
Not furry does not equal irrelevant to the site. If it were, we'd have to get rid of every pure scalie we have, wouldn't we?

So can the mods start dropping-the-hammer on people who keep marking this?

Not to bitch or anything, but constant stupidity and "I didn't read the rules but I'm helping" seriously kills a boner.
Tru fax.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
So can the mods start dropping-the-hammer on people who keep marking this?

Not to bitch or anything, but constant stupidity and "I didn't read the rules but I'm helping" seriously kills a boner.
Tru fax.

Well we can't smack them with the banhammer straight away, they'd have to do it more than once to truly be worthy of a ban.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Well we can't smack them with the banhammer straight away, they'd have to do it more than once to truly be worthy of a ban.

Well, you can give their account a -1 record, I think?
Maybe if you wag a finger at them enough, they'll learn?

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
Well, you can give their account a -1 record, I think?
Maybe if you wag a finger at them enough, they'll learn?

Maybe I can wag them into submission or something.
A -1 record should be enough to stop them, hopefully. If they still don't learn, they get banned!

Updated by anonymous

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