Topic: Tag distinction : Arrow (symbol) from arrow (weapon)

Posted under General

I like arrows! They point towards stuff and help us decide where to look (especially when they're pointing towards "certain helpful places").
The main problem with that is that its easy to confuse that kind of arrow with another very similar but different of purpose kind, and by that I mean the weapon.
The current tag for arrow currently applies for both, despite its definition implying that it should only refer to the later. This is rather unfortunate because they don't share the same purpose at all. What I'm suggesting is to divide the tag into arrow(weapon) and arrow(symbol) to clear things up, and avoid overlapping.


Another idea, what if we had arrow (as in the weapon) just default to arrow, and arrow (as in the symbol) be tagged with arrow and symbol

I'm just opposed to adding _(conditions) after posts because say, if I had never used this site before and I went to search "arrow", it would yield no results (seeing as we changed the other two) and I would then sad face

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Another idea, what if we had arrow (as in the weapon) just default to arrow, and arrow (as in the symbol) be tagged with arrow and symbol

Let's say we did that for all the *_symbol and *_(symbol) tags.

Then an image with an arrow (as in the weapon) and, say, a biohazard symbol would show up if you're looking for arrow symbols. Turning one tag into two tags makes it much more likely that false positives will show up (which is why I wish we had gender-species tags).

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
I'm just opposed to adding _(conditions) after posts because say, if I had never used this site before and I went to search "arrow", it would yield no results (seeing as we changed the other two) and I would then sad face

Unfortunately, the problem with using multiple tags like that is that something like, say, a symbol arrow pointing to a gun would fall into arrow weapon, and something like a guy with a weapon arrow stuck in his foot with an exclamation mark over his head would fall into arrow symbol.

Your second point is why I advocate keeping the more used case as (or maybe aliased from?) the default arrow.

Updated by anonymous

hmmm, not sure though. Although I don't see those scenarios happening often, might make it worth aliasing arrow to like arrow_(weapon)

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
hmmm, not sure though. Although I don't see those scenarios happening often, might make it worth aliasing arrow to like arrow_(weapon)

That's a better solution. Go through the arrow tag, replace arrow with arrow_(symbol) as needed, then alias it.

I'd offer to do it myself, but finals are next week. WHATAMIEVENDOINGHERE

ETA: I think it's a good idea to have each concept tagged with the _(conditions), and alias the main tag (arrow) to one of the disambiguated tags. Otherwise, if we add conditions to each tag , we'll end up with all three tags being used. I also think it's a bad idea to use the main tag for one of the specific concepts, because people will misapply it. So we'd end up with arrow_(symbol) for arrow symbols, and arrow being used for both the weapon and the symbol. I think that this is probably a general best practice for conflicting tags (such as an artist and a character sharing the same name...both should get tags with _(conditions), and [conflictingname] should be aliased to either [conflictingname]_(artist) or _(character)).

Updated by anonymous

Are arrow symbols some sexual fetish that people need to be able to search? If my inclination was to search for weaponry, I'd probably search "bow_and_arrow" first, unless I had a fetish for things impaled by arrows and had an aversion to bows, in which case I would search "arrow". But god help me if any arrow symbols show up while I'm looking for impaled furs, those things are such a turn off (I'm more of a question mark guy).

There is a point where disambiguation gets silly.

Updated by anonymous

TraumaFox said:
Are arrow symbols some sexual fetish that people need to be able to search? If my inclination was to search for weaponry, I'd probably search "bow_and_arrow" first, unless I had a fetish for things impaled by arrows and had an aversion to bows, in which case I would search "arrow". But god help me if any arrow symbols show up while I'm looking for impaled furs, those things are such a turn off (I'm more of a question mark guy).

There is a point where disambiguation gets silly.

Do you think I'm just asking for the lulz? Yes, I like arrows and while I can't say I'd fap to them, I like to be able to loop up for arrows and not have to go through 5 pages of people killing each other to find this :
post #139123
Not that I have anything against people killing each other, but that's not exactly what I'm looking for when browsing for porn.

Updated by anonymous

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