Topic: Everyones little ponies?

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It would appear that the furry fandom is quickly succumbing to a relentless onslaught of mlp pics, and its beyond me as to why they have surpassed a plague like level amongst the furry art world. I mean dont get me wrong, im a girl and can see the cuteness in some mlp, but the level to which this art is appearing is unreal! I guess im curious as to what the community sees in these characters that has them quickly outnumbering most other styles of furry art posted nowadays? And is anyone else feeling like perhaps the mlp onslaught is choking out our community and maybe painting a new image of us furs?

Updated by Princess Celestia

"Choking out the community"? As if the furry community doesn't choke itself out like Glenn Quagmire on a daily basis. At least we're getting better art now. From what i've seen, there aren't that many good furry artists compared to other genres, but pony art is attracting better artists who might not have been drawing much of anything otherwise.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
It would appear that the furry fandom is quickly succumbing to a relentless onslaught of mlp pics, and its beyond me as to why they have surpassed a plague like level amongst the furry art world. I mean dont get me wrong, im a girl and can see the cuteness in some mlp, but the level to which this art is appearing is unreal! I guess im curious as to what the community sees in these characters that has them quickly outnumbering most other styles of furry art posted nowadays? And is anyone else feeling like perhaps the mlp onslaught is choking out our community and maybe painting a new image of us furs?


Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
"Choking out the community"? As if the furry community doesn't choke itself out like Glenn Quagmire on a daily basis. At least we're getting better art now. From what i've seen, there aren't that many good furry artists compared to other genres, but pony art is attracting better artists who might not have been drawing much of anything otherwise.

I agree with the fact of our community being plenty capable of choking itself out, and I agree with the shortage of epic artists (though we have lots of decent ones) however my argument is aimed moreso towards the lack of diversity brought on by the mlp wildfire. More and more mlp seems to be showing up now and less and less other stuff... I worry that origionality and creativity, or what was once there prior to, is dying.

And thanks adam lol.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
I agree with the fact of our community being plenty capable of choking itself out, and I agree with the shortage of epic artists (though we have lots of decent ones) however my argument is aimed moreso towards the lack of diversity brought on by the mlp wildfire. More and more mlp seems to be showing up now and less and less other stuff... I worry that origionality and creativity, or what was once there prior to, is dying.

Originality isn't dying because of it, it's just getting lots of art because it's popular. Remember when Dragonball Z came out? It was kinda like this.

Updated by anonymous

I worry that origionality and creativity, or what was once there prior to, is dying.

As Raiden pointed out, all of the hype is just a fad. Don't think that because it's popular now it's going to stay that way forever. People will find some new thing to obsess over, and then you'll finally get to hate something else for all of the attention you don't think it deserves.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:

As Raiden pointed out, all of the hype is just a fad. Don't think that because it's popular now it's going to stay that way forever. People will find some new thing to obsess over, and then you'll finally get to hate something else for all of the attention you don't think it deserves.

LOL! oh he mad ^^ she never even used the word HATE bro. Half her statement was in the form of a question

Updated by anonymous

Choking what out? MLP is anthropomorphized animals. WTF is a furry if not someone who delights in anthropomorphized animals? I agree with

Raiden_Gekkou said:
At least we're getting better art now. From what i've seen, there aren't that many good furry artists compared to other genres, but pony art is attracting better artists who might not have been drawing much of anything otherwise.

Such a devoted fanbase for a show of anthropomorphized animal characters means that people who would never otherwise draw anthropomorphized animals are now showing their great talent by drawing some awesome images of anthropomorphized animals. We're losing nothing from this, but rather gaining a lot. Just because we may have more people drawing ponies doesn't mean we have fewer people drawing not-ponies. Sure, the percentage of ponies compared to not-ponies may increase, but the hard number of not-pony artists isn't going to drop just because more pony artists choose to share their work. Even if you don't care for the show that these characters are from, surely you can appreciate the images on their own, as fantastic images of anthropomorphized animals, well drawn, often cute, regularly epic, sometimes sexy as hell.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Choking what out? MLP is anthropomorphized animals. WTF is a furry if not someone who delights in anthropomorphized animals? I agree with Such a devoted fanbase for a show of anthropomorphized animal characters means that people who would never otherwise draw anthropomorphized animals are now showing their great talent by drawing some awesome images of anthropomorphized animals. We're losing nothing from this, but rather gaining a lot. Just because we may have more people drawing ponies doesn't mean we have fewer people drawing not-ponies. Sure, the percentage of ponies compared to not-ponies may increase, but the hard number of not-pony artists isn't going to drop just because more pony artists choose to share their work. Even if you don't care for the show that these characters are from, surely you can appreciate the images on their own, as fantastic images of anthropomorphized animals, well drawn, often cute, regularly epic, sometimes sexy as hell.

I think you might be misconstruding what im saying... Im not knocking the art itself, nor the quality of a lot of the mlp pics that are being generated, I just cant grasp how they could become such a huuuge obsession amongst our fandom. I mean yes I find some stuff hot, some cute, some funny, etc... But when like one in five pics posted are mlp... It seems a little much. (dont quote 1 in 5 comment lol)

Updated by anonymous

You know, I think it's just temporary. Ponies are mainstream right now, and they're something furries connect to. People like the cartoon, and they draw what inspires them—clean, sexy, or otherwise.

There have been other furry cartoons (Thundercats, The Lion King, Road Rovers, etc.), but none have the duration and attention at the present time to attract furry artists.

If Ponies goes off the air, or another furry-attractive cartoon hits the stream, I'm sure you'll see a change in the art that follows.

Updated by anonymous

DobiesHot said:
You know, I think it's just temporary. Ponies are mainstream right now, and they're something furries connect to. People like the cartoon, and they draw what inspires them—clean, sexy, or otherwise.

There have been other furry cartoons (Thundercats, The Lion King, Road Rovers, etc.), but none have the duration and attention at the present time to attract furry artists.

If Ponies goes off the air, or another furry-attractive cartoon hits the stream, I'm sure you'll see a change in the art that follows.

Hmmm... Yes, yes. I see your point... Well said.

Updated by anonymous

I think this is maybe the 97th thread about this topic just this year.

Updated by anonymous

Im not hating on mlp or the art or the fanbase it has aquired, just trying to figure out WHY and get opinions... Didnt think the other threads were quite like this one but perhaps it shows how pandemic like this mlp thing is

Updated by anonymous

I sense... butthurt. Massive butthurt. So massive, my ass hurts. Ow.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Im not hating on mlp or the art or the fanbase it has aquired, just trying to figure out WHY and get opinions... Didnt think the other threads were quite like this one but perhaps it shows how pandemic like this mlp thing is


Mechaniatrix said:
Thinly veiled troll thread is thinly veiled.

JoeX said:
I sense... butthurt. Massive butthurt. So massive, my ass hurts. Ow.

Saying "I'm just trying to find out why you like a little girl show LOLOLOL" doesn't make this a non-troll thread. People like it because they like it, if you don't like it you can ignore it. Job fucking done, moar work?

Updated by anonymous

I know the convention in Oklahoma coming up this weekend called "Wild Nights" has MLP as their theme, so people are getting MLP related badges made for that...but that's not a super popular convention.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly I think most people like MLP because they aren't "supposed" to and so liking it is "ironic" and therefore "cool."

And I think most of those people don't realize it.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Honestly I think most people like MLP because they aren't "supposed" to and so liking it is "ironic" and therefore "cool."

And I think most of those people don't realize it.

Are you obtusely calling me a hipster? 'Cos dem's fighting words.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
Are you obtusely calling me a hipster? 'Cos dem's fighting words.

Mmmmmaybe. :V

Updated by anonymous

Vagabond said:
So... what was this thread about again?

I don't know, something about a lizard.

Updated by anonymous

Vagabond said:
So... what was this thread about again?



Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
I predict thread getting locked by the end of the day.

Y u no fun?

IvoryWolf said:
Im not hating on mlp or the art or the fanbase it has aquired, just trying to figure out WHY and get opinions... Didnt think the other threads were quite like this one but perhaps it shows how pandemic like this mlp thing is

It's because MLP is a special show and is sharing a message of friendship to everypony, finally bringing about world peace.

Updated by anonymous

I just farted, and it smells like a brand new truck tire. Would you love and tolerate that?

Updated by anonymous

Well I guess the mlp thing could phaze itself out... Sometime... Im just shocked to what extent it grew and for such a lengthy time.

Mechaniatrix said:
Saying "I'm just trying to find out why you like a little girl show LOLOLOL" doesn't make this a non-troll thread. People like it because they like it, if you don't like it you can ignore it. Job fucking done, moar work?

Great job taking everything out of context, and if you dont see what I was saying and thats all you could comprehend out of all I said then I recommend midol and a rereading of the "not being a dick to members" thread. And some comprehension courses or something cuz it all flew right by you...

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Great job taking everything out of context, and if you dont see what I was saying and thats all you could comprehend out of all I said then I recommend midol and a rereading of the "not being a dick to members" thread. And some comprehension courses or something cuz it all flew right by you...

You seem upset.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
You seem upset.

Not at all! Merely surprised your incapable of comprehending and instead wildly twist things out of context... But hey thats ok, cant expect everyone to get it ^_^

Updated by anonymous

Roughly 50 posts again till it hits the 13k mark


Updated by anonymous

Rusteee said:
I love the blacklist feature. :3

See I dont really have a problem with them, a lot of them are quite good! They are just flooding the interwebs at an astounding rate and dont seem like they are slowing any time soon lol

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Honestly I think most people like MLP because they aren't "supposed" to and so liking it is "ironic" and therefore "cool."

And I think most of those people don't realize it.

Mechaniatrix said:
Are you obtusely calling me a hipster? 'Cos dem's fighting words.

null0010 said:
Mmmmmaybe. :V

You guys are awesome. Truly.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Merely surprised your incapable of comprehending

Wow. Harsh. REALLY harsh.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Wow. Harsh. REALLY harsh.

Naw, I was maintaining a civil manner, my harsh side brings out the real bitch in me and thats a beast I try and not let loose unless provoked and I have just cause. I rather make friends than enemies, ya know? ^_^

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Naw, I was maintaining a civil manner lol

Haha, that's civil? If that passes for civility then you need to sit down and rethink your actions.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:

Saying "I'm just trying to find out why you like a little girl show LOLOLOL" doesn't make this a non-troll thread. People like it because they like it, if you don't like it you can ignore it. Job fucking done, moar work?

So... You pretty much slandering my thread, taking everything out of context, and more or less assuming you knew what the hell I was saying and more or less telling me it is what it is so shut the fuck up... Is more civil than what I said about your obvious lack of comprehention here?

wow... #shakes head# sad.

Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:
The OP for the 80s mlp was pretty nice

I really dont think there is anything wrong with mlp period... There is just so much of it now. Kinda miss the days of a more even artistic field, even if a lot of the mlp pics are win.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
I really dont think there is anything wrong with mlp period... There is just so much of it now. Kinda miss the days of a more even artistic field, even if a lot of the mlp pics are win.

Just wait for Pokemon black/white 2 to be released, you'll see more pokemon then.

Updated by anonymous

Lyokira said:
Just wait for Pokemon black/white 2 to be released, you'll see more pokemon then.

CAN'T WAIT! Not being the slightest bit sarcastic either

Updated by anonymous

Lyokira said:
Just wait for Pokemon black/white 2 to be released, you'll see more pokemon then.

Lol indeed... Could be a worthy rivalry on the horizon! A pics race unlike e6 has EVER SEEN!

Updated by anonymous

I don't understand the rudeness toward IvoryWolf. She had a simple question, and the question got answered on the last page. She was satisfied, and it was over. Then Mechaniatrix had to throw out an accusation, and the whole thing flared into everyone attacking the original poster. She wasn't being a troll at all, and I think the person who accused her of it was.

Updated by anonymous

God, 10 hours and this thread is BOOMING! I don't really mind the furry pics here but seriously? People post what they want, you got a problem with that? Artists nowadays think of making mlp art because one thing is obvious: they're so damn easy to draw! If someone wants to post artwork such as mlp and others, why not post artwork of other known things (pokemon and cartoon network shows)? I mean, some of them are easy to draw.
Btw, I don't care about mlp so I'm not taking sides or anything...

Updated by anonymous

DobiesHot said:
I don't understand the rudeness toward IvoryWolf. She had a simple question, and the question got answered on the last page. She was satisfied, and it was over. Then Mechaniatrix had to throw out an accusation, and the whole thing flared into everyone attacking the original poster. She wasn't being a troll at all, and I think the person who accused her of it was.

Aww thank you for the back up! I appreciate it truly, me and mechaniatrix talked it out and all is well now ^_^

AbsebaroKoon said:
God, 10 hours and this thread is BOOMING! I don't really mind the furry pics here but seriously? People post what they want, you got a problem with that? Artists nowadays think of making mlp art because one thing is obvious: they're so damn easy to draw! If someone wants to post artwork such as mlp and others, why not post artwork of other known things (pokemon and cartoon network shows)? I mean, some of them are easy to draw.
Btw, I don't care about mlp so I'm not taking sides or anything...

Ermm... Im a little lost on your reply. Though I can tell you that I dont really have a problem, and im glad your maintaining neutrality even though the thread really isnt intended for sides to be relevant at all.

Updated by anonymous

My little pony is, like it or not, something some furries enjoy. If they want to upload it, they're free too. Just like the scat users, just like the watersports users, just like the gore users.

It does not break our terms of service, its not low quality, and the artists usually dont mind it being posted here.

Therefor, no, we will not be taking it down.

Updated by anonymous

I agree that I wouldn't mind seeing MLP fan art so much if it weren't drawn/traced exactly like how the show is. Sort of reminds me of people who just re-color sonic pics. My original character do not steal.

Come on, does a little originality hurt at all?

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
My little pony is, like it or not, something some furries enjoy. If they want to upload it, they're free too. Just like the scat users, just like the watersports users, just like the gore users.

It does not break our terms of service, its not low quality, and the artists usually dont mind it being posted here.

Therefor, no, we will not be taking it down.

WHOS ASKING YOU TO?!?!? nobody

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
My little pony is, like it or not, something some furries enjoy. If they want to upload it, they're free too. Just like the scat users, just like the watersports users, just like the gore users.

It does not break our terms of service, its not low quality, and the artists usually dont mind it being posted here.

Therefor, no, we will not be taking it down.

Yet another person who misunderstood everything ive said. This is NOT a mlp troll thread, bash thread, hater thread or any of the sort. Its stating observation of a huge amount of mlp art... You know what... Just read it again, I grow tired of explaining.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Yet another person who misunderstood everything ive said. This is NOT a mlp troll thread, bash thread, hater thread or any of the sort. Its stating observation of a huge amount of mlp art... You know what... Just read it again, I grow tired of explaining.

I'll one up that since the questions been answered. KERCHUNK.

Updated by anonymous

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