Topic: Where do weird kinks downvoters come from?

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There're virtually no scat pictures scored higher than 10.
There're 7 true scat pictures scored higher than 5.
There're fucking 141 scat pictures scored lower than 0.

What. The. Heck.

Who are those misterious people who look at every scat picture uploaded, gag convulsing, with their eyes dropping out of the eye sockets, vomit their precious dinner all over themselves, down vote the picture with shaky hands and move on, scarred for life, not bothering to save themselves from the continuous torture of losing erection by blacklisting things they don't like. Let's face it, if you hate scat, there's no chance in hell you'll like a picture with it. You won't miss anything. Just blacklist it.

I understand that downvoting is a great step forward from thousands of hateful comments. Some people learned to use the blacklist. Some were forced to learn by being banned. However, some are still persistent.

Tell me, please tell me, WHY, oh WHY do you do it?

Updated by null0010

As long as one doesn't whine in the comments about said picture, abuse the FFD tool, they can down vote any picture they damn please.

Scat, like the crap it is.. should be down voted.

Updated by anonymous

Someonr seems mad. And scat gets downvoted because even for people cool with a lot of kinks, scat is really gross

Updated by anonymous

Brightwater said:
What's the big deal?

I'm curious how many people actually LIKE it. Currently there's no way to know: displaying of favorites is disabled for regular users, votes are meaningless.

CamKitty said:
Someonr seems mad. And scat gets downvoted because even for people cool with a lot of kinks, scat is really gross

It's gross, people hate it, I'm okay with that. What I want to know is why said people even LOOK at these pictures? What's the point?

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
I'm curious how many people actually LIKE it. Currently there's no way to know: displaying of favorites is disabled for regular users, votes are meaningless.

It's gross, people hate it, I'm okay with that. What I want to know is why said people even LOOK at these pictures? What's the point?

It's a fetish, theirs no rhyme, theirs no reason, it just "is". Just like vorephiles or snuff-freaks

Updated by anonymous

I'm indifferent to it, I think. I guess I shy away from most of it, but some pieces, particularly Shiro's I am okay with. At least the drier stuff anyway.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
I'm curious how many people actually LIKE it. Currently there's no way to know: displaying of favorites is disabled for regular users, votes are meaningless.

From here

Search for posts favorited by the user Bob.

Updated by anonymous

I hate scat, and honestly, I find it disgusting.
But that's what the blacklisting tool is for, so I don't have to be exposed to it.
I would never, however, downvote it just because I don't like it.
I would only downvote stuff if it's poorly made, or if it's stolen, etc.

I don't understand why people don't just fucking add "scat" to their blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

Free2Run said:
I don't understand why people don't just fucking add "scat" to their blacklist.

Well, it takes three clicks and five keystrokes, that's tough.

Updated by anonymous

Free2Run said:
I don't understand why people don't just fucking add "scat" to their blacklist.

Because downrating scatporn is funner.

Updated by anonymous


Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:
From here

Search for posts favorited by the user Bob.

I need a reverse thing: how many people favorited each picture. I can use “order:favcount”, but I won't get exact numbers.

Munkelzahn said:
post #170604
score = -119

Yes, the most downvoted picture on e621 is a scat picture.

But it's well deserved.

Updated by anonymous

Most people don't like shit and piss because it's smells foul, and shit is chock full of bacteria.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
post #170604
score = -119

I'm moderately amused by the fact that, since you posted this here, the score has gone down by another six points.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
I'm moderately amused by the fact that, since you posted this here, the score has gone down by another six points.

lol even OP voted it down awhile back. Makes me wonder why this topic even exists.

Updated by anonymous

The question was mostly "if people don't like scat so much, why are they not blacklisting it, instead choosing to downvote the ones they see".

Updated by anonymous

Valence said:
The question was mostly "if people don't like scat so much, why are they not blacklisting it, instead choosing to downvote the ones they see".

I'm guessing that they aren't grossed out about it to vomit all over themselves and then blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

Some people don't blacklist on the chance of missing something funny or of exceptional quality. Downvoting is a way to express dislike without starting drama in the comments, and it may help with blacklisting individual images, rather than the entire category.

Updated by anonymous

Isn't there a way to see which images you downvote? Can't people blacklist that?

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Isn't there a way to see which images you downvote? Can't people blacklist that?

In order:
Yes (voteddown:$username)
No (putting voteddown:$username on your blacklist does nothing)

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
In order:
Yes (voteddown:$username)
No (putting voteddown:$username on your blacklist does nothing)

That would be beneficial to a lot of people who don't want to blacklist a whole group. Isn't there a way to implement it so people don't cry about not wanting to blacklist stuff?

Updated by anonymous

Ask for it in the feature request thread. It may already be in the works, but its not in that thread, and can't hurt to ask.

Edit: I went ahead and followed my own advice, so ignore the above

Updated by anonymous

Please pardon the oddball tangent, but

FeralBeast said:
Where do weird kinks downvoters come from?

Rumor has it weird kinky-tailed storks (the ones without brown tailfeathers) brought them. ;p


On-topic, different people react to disgust in various ways, and have their own personal rules about what the up/down vote thing is useful for. Some see it as a means of giving their opinion on the technical aspects of a picture, regardless of whether they like it or not, while others see it as a means of showing their like/dislike of the picture. Neither approach is wrong.

Also, I often think that people tend to attach a little too much importance to the number of votes a picture has, but that's just me.

Updated by anonymous

The first picture that informs me I need to blacklist a new tag gets downvoted. A picture that would've been on my blacklist if it'd been properly tagged also gets downvoted (and then I fix the tag). An otherwise-blacklisted picture that I have to look at in order to follow an interesting debate on the forums is also in danger... though I've avoided this one. Ech.

Any picture I'm exposed to on e621 that I dislike, I tend to downvote, without worrying too much if the picture 'deserves' it. My blacklist is pretty long though, so there's quite a few pictures I'm never exposed to in the first place. The 'weird kink' I downvote most often has to be watersports. I've probably contributed more downvotes than upvotes to that particular fetish... but I've a few of those pictures favorited, too.

That might be a small part of your answer right there. Some of those weird-kink-downvoters might be people who consider a particular fetish to be generally distasteful but can't blacklist it lest they lose the few things they enjoy from it.

For fans of unusual fetishes, I recommend 1) going through and making your own votes clear on the images, to improve their sorting, 2) making sure that the images covered by the fetish are accurately and thoroughly tagged, and finally 3) encouraging people who dislike the fetish to make use of their blacklist. Do your best at those three things and the site will work better for everyone.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
post #170604
score = -119

I lol'd, then I accidentally up voted it when trying to down vote it. it was at -128 before that.

Updated by anonymous

For fans of unusual fetishes, I recommend 1) going through and making your own votes clear on the images, to improve their sorting, 2) making sure that the images covered by the fetish are accurately and thoroughly tagged, and finally 3) encouraging people who dislike the fetish to make use of their blacklist. Do your best at those three things and the site will work better for everyone.

And vomit while trying to do such a thing? Hell no.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
Who are those misterious people who look at every scat picture uploaded, gag convulsing, with their eyes dropping out of the eye sockets, vomit their precious dinner all over themselves, down vote the picture with shaky hands and move on, scarred for life, not bothering to save themselves from the continuous torture of losing erection by blacklisting things they don't like.

Are you really that upset that people don't like what you like or something? I don't like scat but I don't detest it and it's fairly uncommon, there isn't much of a reason for me to blacklist it.

Updated by anonymous

Beeseverywhere said:
Are you really that upset that people don't like what you like or something?

If you read my second post in the thread, you'll know.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
If you read my second post in the thread, you'll know.

Because awful things are fun to make fun of, just like people. :V
Sometimes it's just fun to complain.

Updated by anonymous

@FeralBeast, people frequently tag images improperly, causing blacklists not to work. My own habit when I come across such images is to give them a downvote, then correct the tagging. I doubt that accounts for the entirety of low scores, but it could be a contributing factor if anyone else votes that way.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
It's gross, people hate it, I'm okay with that. What I want to know is why said people even LOOK at these pictures? What's the point?

I think it's the curiosity factor. "Is that what I think it is...? Let me get a closer loo... OH MY GOD THAT'S DISGUSTING!! -1"

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
Someonr seems mad. And scat gets downvoted because even for people cool with a lot of kinks, scat is really gross

I hardly ever downvote. then again I hardly ever upvote.

Updated by anonymous

n_a_f said:
I think it's the curiosity factor. "Is that what I think it is...? Let me get a closer loo... OH MY GOD THAT'S DISGUSTING!! -1"

but then why downvote? they thought it was something they didn't like went to it to confrim and then downvoted it because, surprise, it was something they didn't like.


Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
I downvote images out of spite.

The first honest answer. I applaud you.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
The first honest answer. I applaud you.

I wrote a four-paragraph answer to you breaking down not only all of my personal motives for engaging in the activity he you inquired about, but also suggesting reasonable possibilities for the actions of others. By calling someone else's response the FIRST honest answer, you just called me a liar. If you were only going to believe the answer that matched your prejudices perfectly what was the point of even asking on the forum?

Edit: Just a little fix, adjusting the struck-through element.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
The first honest answer. I applaud you.

I'm a very hateful person and I just want to watch the world burn. The first step in my grand scheme is to downvote drawings of poop.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
I'm a very hateful person and I just want to watch the world burn. The first step in my grand scheme is to downvote drawings of poop.

null also likes bread.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
null also likes bread.

I love bread soooo much you have no idea.

Updated by anonymous

If every thread I get upset in turns hilarious like this, I may have to indulge a little more often.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
I love bread soooo much you have no idea.

Then I bet you get orgasms from toast.

Updated by anonymous

Furry_Fanatic said:
Then I bet you get orgasms from toast.

You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.

Updated by anonymous

31h253 said:
I wrote a four-paragraph answer to you breaking down not only all of my personal motives for engaging in the activity he you inquired about, but also suggesting reasonable possibilities for the actions of others. By calling someone else's response the FIRST honest answer, you just called me a liar. If you were only going to believe the answer that matched your prejudices perfectly what was the point of even asking on the forum?

Have you ever heard about a thing called joke? Irony maybe? Sarcasm? Do I need to put a smiley every time I'm joking?

And regarding your recommendations... I almost always vote for pictures I like, especially if they're downvoted, so it's already done. I've rarely seen a weird fetish untagged. And I can't make people use their blacklist, for the exact reasons you've explained before (people are afraid to miss something they like). Thank you for trying, but it won't work.

Seriously, even though some people tried to explain things in four long paragraphs, I think this answer is the closest to the truth.

Princess_Celestia said:
It's a fetish, theirs no rhyme, theirs no reason, it just "is". Just like vorephiles or snuff-freaks

It's a fetish. Vomiting over a scat picture and then downvoting it is a fetish. Simple as that. :-D

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
It's a fetish. Vomiting over a scat picture and then downvoting it is a fetish. Simple as that. :-D

For that matter, I suspect being grossed by images is in itself a fetish too. :p

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
Do I need to put a smiley every time I'm joking?


Updated by anonymous

What I'm about to say will wrap up this whole conversation:
Everyone looks at pictures, vote up/down whenever they want to. If you like it, vote up. If ya don't, vote down. Apparently, there are more people who hates pictures like these than those who likes them. GET OVER IT. Everyone has free will here unless banned or warned of a consequence so they can vote whatever they feel like is necessary.
Btw, I'm not into these types of pics anyways, but I don't vote down because I just brush over it and let others fight over them. That's why e621 (and with the help of god) created the blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:
What I'm about to say will wrap up this whole conversation:

You have one hell of an ego.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
You have one hell of an ego.

He's completely correct, though.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
He's completely correct, though.

more like 70%

Updated by anonymous

Could be worse you know, there are worse fetishes out there and so with that said, be happy its just negative marks on pics. times like this you could be ridiculed, hazed or even hated for likes and dislikes.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
there are worse fetishes out there

I think I know what you're referring to.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
I think I know what you're referring to.

Oh? And what do you think im referring to?

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Oh? And what do you think im referring to?

A thread about dog-mongling that I sadly can't find anymore :(

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
A thread about dog-mongling that I sadly can't find anymore :(

because it was locked and deleted for obvious reasons

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
A thread about dog-mongling that I sadly can't find anymore :(

I actually (and honestly) was not referring to my thread at all, I know better now and I deleted it to avoid further conflict it might have caused. Such matters as I found out are not good public topics lol. Though if you or anyone else wish to chat over pm's about that topic I wouldnt mind. ^_^

Updated by anonymous

Well, I can sympathize with somebody who gags upon seeing a scat pic, but downvoting it simply due to content is kinda like, well... hating somebody because it's a furry....
We should know better.

Anyway, I post here because I don't feel self-important enough to open a new thread for the following question (The discussion is being permanently regurgitated at this point anyway):

How exactly is that downvote thing supposed to work?
I would've thought it's supposed to indicate general quality....

(Counter question à la "specify/objectify 'quality' " frowned upon.)

Updated by anonymous

Well, I can sympathize with somebody who gags upon seeing a scat pic, but downvoting it simply due to content is kinda like, well... hating somebody because it's a furry....

Those two actions are nothing alike.

Updated by anonymous

Vagabond said:
Well, I can sympathize with somebody who gags upon seeing a scat pic, but downvoting it simply due to content is kinda like, well... hating somebody because it's a furry....
We should know better.

Anyway, I post here because I don't feel self-important enough to open a new thread for the following question (The discussion is being permanently regurgitated at this point anyway):

How exactly is that downvote thing supposed to work?
I would've thought it's supposed to indicate general quality....

(Counter question à la "specify/objectify 'quality' " frowned upon.)

You vote up what you like, and vote down what you don't like, that's all.

Updated by anonymous

Perhaps the voting system on artwork is overrated? I mean as merely a suggestion, maybe if people are indeed rating art negatively on the basis of material portrayed and not based off quality of the art itself then it seems like its not benefiting anyone really. If its viewed as a flawed system maybe we should vote to have the system removed in the thread of site updates aurali has set up... Just a thought.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Perhaps the voting system on artwork is overrated? I mean as merely a suggestion, maybe if people are indeed rating art negatively on the basis of material portrayed and not based off quality of the art itself then it seems like its not benefiting anyone really. If its viewed as a flawed system maybe we should vote to have the system removed in the thread of site updates aurali has set up... Just a thought.

I wish this idea would go away. The voting system is greatly useful to me. Order:score is my favorite method of sorting content within a search. It generally brings the best art to the front, and within any given content (ie, under the aegis of a several-tag search) it can even become insightful. Even the 'flaws' in the system (for instance, that people vote by content) can be thought-provoking.

Updated by anonymous

31h253 said:
I wish this idea would go away. The voting system is greatly useful to me. Order:score is my favorite method of sorting content within a search. It generally brings the best art to the front, and within any given content (ie, under the aegis of a several-tag search) it can even become insightful. Even the 'flaws' in the system (for instance, that people vote by content) can be thought-provoking.

Touche, it was just a thought for those unhappy with the voting system on artwork because were both aware that even though the idea itself might be good and it may be useful in some ways, there are many who dont grasp the proper use of such a concept and it taints the system and makes some otherwise great pieces of work have poor scores not from lack of quality but from people and the naivity of why the system is really in place.

Updated by anonymous

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