Topic: Don't show uploader name by default

Posted under General

I think it would slightly reduce drama around here if the name of the uploader of an image isn't even shown. As far as I can tell, it serves no useful purpose to a non-moderator, except for people who get their panties in a bunch over something they drew being uploaded by somebody else.

If nobody can tell who uploaded it, and it was uploaded at the correct resolution, then the artist will have nothing to bitch about.

Updated by Rainbow Dash

Since when do we have drama over who uploads what around here?

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
As far as I can tell, it serves no useful purpose to a non-moderator, except for people who get their panties in a bunch over something they drew being uploaded by somebody else.

Or people, who simply want to blacklist posts from certain uploader. I don't see either any drama about who uploads something, but I can see drama that will become, if blacklist possibilities become reduced.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, this is not going to happen. At we pride ourselves on our transparency and the amount of data we make available to our users.

Updated by anonymous

It's not like you screenname is your real name.

Is it?

Updated by anonymous

It wasn't about anonymity, but about artists getting pissy about people uploading their art to this site instead of the artist theirself uploading it.

Granted, I haven't seen it a lot, but I have seen it, and just yesterday I saw it again. Not a huge deal though, so just thought I'd mention it in case anybody thought it was a useful thing.

Updated by anonymous

Artists have tools at their disposal for removal of their art from the site, such as a takedown request.

Updated by anonymous

Accountability. Plus, artists have a right to know who's posting their art. And people would be less inclined to upload if they weren't even credited for contributing.

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
It's not like you screenname is your real name.

Is it?

says you, lol *points at hers*

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
It's not like you screenname is your real name.

Is it?

Not for me.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
why not make it so you have to be registered to see it?

You can see the name but you can't view anyone's profile unless logged in.

I think maybe we could have something similar to this for the moderation queue, just so we remain unbiased as to what a user uploads, and have a simple setting or something that will reveal them all in the queue, but small idea

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
You can see the name but you can't view anyone's profile unless logged in.

I think maybe we could have something similar to this for the moderation queue, just so we remain unbiased as to what a user uploads, and have a simple setting or something that will reveal them all in the queue, but small idea

we do

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
we do

We don't have a bias but it still shows "uploaded by"

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
We don't have a bias but it still shows "uploaded by"

mod button

Updated by anonymous

No I'm asking for like the opposite of that: a button that hides ALL the "uploaded by" fields

Updated by anonymous

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