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In response to blip #67103

Fun fact: You live longer if you starve yourself a bit before eating.

Though I don't think "fasting" for five days is healthy. Then again, there was a documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"...

I prefer the design of the Super Mutants in Fallout 4 over their design in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I can take them more seriously without that "forced smile" look, despite the fact that their oddly funnier in 4.

In response to blip #67002

Nintendo Switch stores game save data on the Switch itself, but there is read/write capability for the carts. So, what would get saved to retail carts? Game update data most likely gets saved to the system like Wii-U/3DS.

In response to blip #67068

I have heard about that surface insane amount of times for months now, even though I just started blipping and do not follow you anywhere. Are you trying to justify your purchares by telling about them constantly to public?

Kijiji is getting so much worse; for every (1) real person, there must be at least (10) scammers.

Yeesh... I'm feeling a bit slow and sluggish in uploading pics to e621. Guess I haven't yet committed my new Surface Book's keyboard layout to muscle memory yet.

That moment when you try to type a word on your phone, you spell it wrong and autocorrect doesn't fix it, but when you go to fix it yourself, autocorrect "corrects" it back to the original mistake.

last night i had a dream where i was browsing e6 and i noticed that someone had implied rowlet to male. i was so pissed about such a horrible implication that i woke up

In response to blip #67049

@Doomguy666: Ha! Knowing me, I was born in the tropics. So I'm used to hot weather. But when you live in Germany for 8 years with freezing temperatures every winter, you can't help but walk out in your shorts, sandals, and a muscle shirt. Heh!

In response to blip #67042

@Mothership: Now that I think about it, there was this one screw wouldn't budge because it was stripped all to hell, and I had to use pliers and a hammer to remove it...

I feel so dumb right now. I found out that I still have warranty on it.

I have been on Tumblr for so long and one of the problem facing me here now is every time i write a tag i press {Enter} because that how tags work on Tumblr

Well, I destroyed the Institute without destroying the Brotherhood or the Railroad, I believe that this is the best possible ending to get in Fallout 4 when against the Institute.

Also, my combat rifle deals about 147 damage per shot now.