In response to blip #67425
Hah! That's a clever way of putting it.
EDGE already gave that game a 10! They even said Ocarina of Time might have to settle for second place!
Hah! That's a clever way of putting it.
EDGE already gave that game a 10! They even said Ocarina of Time might have to settle for second place!
A medium sized forest fire occurred here the other night. I was surprised no fire trucks or cops were there to help. Just some random people putting it out.
*Hiding behind a car. 4 people go behind me and shoot me*
Airsoft is not soft.
I honestly like reading books.
The thought of hallucinating while stating at a dead tree for hours on end sounds amazing.
furballs dc said: do have 512 x 512 versions. =O.o=
And there's .tga versions too?!
Of course I had to forget that today is Saturday.
I didn't even wake up before 11am anyway, so whatever
this one is probably my favorite
id say the guy in the armor looks a bit like Kongar-Ol Ondar but hes Tuvan and this photo and angle isnt the best and dont wanna sound asian-steppe-ist
gw bush visited mongolia in 2005, first sitting president to visit the country. looks like he enjoyed himself there
They do have 512 x 512 versions. =O.o=
@Faux-Pa: blips prolly aren't the best place for politics, so i'd pm if you want to keep talking about the tangerine bear. or maybe this is a good place, i'm unfamiliar with blips
notawerewolf said:
Oh, same here. "Make America great again"? More like "Make America even more profitable for the 1% because fuck basic human rights".
man, I could go off on shit bout trump. he's an unqualified and unmotivated loser who won off a propaganda machine. "sad!"
I really wish I could afford wisdom tooth extractions.
I'm one of those kinds of people who likes to let people explain themselves, then when they start spewing BS, throw it back in their face with a long list of their actions that prove otherwise.
Like Donald Trump.
Seriously, get off of Twitter.
Doomguy666 said:
Aww damnit I hate when a tv series is cancelled on a cliff-hanger.
Five words:
"The Lady and the Tiger"
@Mothership: his knuckles spaghetti, knees weak, knuckles spaghetti. there's knuckles on his spaghetti already, knuckles' spaghetti. he's knuckles, but on the surface he looks knuckles spaghetti to drop knuckles, but he keeps on spaghetti
@Routganan: I believe you would call it a spin off though, cause Teen Titans Go is to Teen Titans as those shows based on movies are to the movies.
Chameloshi said:
@Doomguy666: The original Teen Titans, for example.
And it got a shitty reboot! ...weeeee.....
@Doomguy666: The original Teen Titans, for example.
Aww damnit I hate when a tv series is cancelled on a cliff-hanger.
And this is why you are privileged my friend.
Stupid postal service. Been waiting for a thing to arrive since Feb 7th. Thing left the US on the 10th and it's been on Nuevo León since 15th. It's 25th and yet it hasn't arrived.
Well, time to pay the Postal office a visit :|
Just...halfway...done! >3<
HypnoBitch said:
My cat died tonight... Was killed by a coyote... Bless his little soul. ;-;
Damn son. Sorry 'bout that *patpat*
Went out to see "Get Out" with my sister and her boyfriend. Movie was great and then I treated them to some Buffalo Wild Wings. It was a good night
2 tag projects and ~7k edits in 1 day! ^-^
Which was over half the tagging done on the whole site today.
Oh my god watching Ratte ban Honeywaffles is like watching wile e coyote and the roadrunner
Keep in mind, there are more bans that aren't included in that list... Holy shit.
I'd like to thank everyone who sent blips of comfort to me concerning my recently deceased cat. You're very kind.
2 tag projects and ~7k edits in 1 day! ^-^
Star Wars The Force Awakens as told by Emoji | Disney
So the Troopers still have a band. :V
HAT_SDK - [Resembles Development]
HAC_SDK - [Resembles Retail]
NX_SDK - For Nintendo Switch [resembles universal plugins across unity and unreal engine]
@GameManiac: The job isn't a problem. It's the rest of the time. Any attempt to be independent is shot down with guilt trips and accusations of being too proud, which is bull because I physically cannot feel pride, but I'm not going to say that to them.
So I simply had to buy this and it was cheap!
@HypnoBitch: I'm so sorry for your loss
@HypnoBitch: That's really awful. I'm sorry you had to lose a friend that way
@HypnoBitch: Jesus! Sorry that happened.
HypnoBitch said:
My cat died tonight... Was killed by a coyote... Bless his little soul. ;-;
@HypnoBitch: damn...sorry to hear man. Unexpectedly unfortunate. :(
HypnoBitch said:
My cat died tonight... Was killed by a coyote... Bless his little soul. ;-;
Sorry for your loss. Really tragic when it happens. ;-;
My cat died tonight... Was killed by a coyote... Bless his little soul. ;-;
post #1144612
@Emserdalf: e6 doesn't have a clear "revoke all sessions" button, at least that I can find.
@Emserdalf: is probably also worth changing since that's potentially tied to payment methods and steam and whatnot
I mean it's probably fine. As long as you logout/revoke any older sessions/logged-in devices and then sign in with a fresh password.
I changed my Discord, github and reddit PWs too. And Google.
So I changed my password for e6, but are then any extra precautions I should take since I have roaming enabled?
Hot Pants x Vanilla Ice is my otp
Dunno if it's the reason I had to log in anew, but
Just go change passwords everywhere. Now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm at 7/11 and I got shot and went to heaven
I don't care if Spam is mixed scrap meats in a can, I think it's pretty damn good when prepared correctly.
@GameManiac: I remember reading about them being able to break their own spines somewhere and the coprophagic thing (or something similar) from mgs3 but screaming was completely new to me.
@DeservantHurricane:ah, chat maybe?
That doesn't sound sound bad. Some people HATE their jobs, and it's worse when you're stuck with it because you can't find better or afford to try out of financial situations.
@Doomguy666: That's what I wanted to notify the admins about, I think they have, I'm looking at the Takedown note, but 2 artworks by the artist have been posted here after the Takedowns, and she was never added to DNP
They can also kick erratically to the point of breaking their own spines (handle with care), and are coprophagic.
That means they eat their own feces, but out of nutritional necessity.
@DeservantHurricane: I'm fairly certain the artist will need to do that themselves.
How do you contact one of the admins, specifically which, to notify about artists that don't want their content here, but aren't on the DNP list?
Forum, blip, direct message, or ticket? Just so I can notify the admins about this artist
@Doomguy666: my friends pet bunny screams all the time. Yeah, rabbits make strange sounds.
So I bought a magazine about bunnys during my lunch break because I was bored as hell and apparently they can snore, purr, and scream I didn't know bunnys can scream.
"You don't have to worry if your Switch battery runs out. It will automatically shut down & SAVE all progress so you can continue later."
@TheHuskyK9: Sounds like I'm doing a spy mission while listening to this. Heh!
@TheHuskyK9: Makes good background music.
@GameManiac: I have a job, though it's in between semesters. My coworkers are great, but I've been accused of nepotism before due to being the son of my boss, even though it's more like the opposite, and he's why I'm so self-deprecatory all the time.
Wait to you get to work...assuming you don't yet have a job.
It's kinda nice when you see that in the tickets section. Everybody should do that at least once.
I thought classmates eating/destroying my only food/money for the day would stop once I started college. Seven years in and it turns out, no, it does not.
@Spess_Muhreen: @zenitix: Good idea. I'll have to do that tomorrow.
kamimatsu said:
Bonus if some of the legitimate recipients also use it, since nobody would care why it was turned into that.
@Kristal_Candeo: The account could be under a fake name. It could even be several accounts, also included would be accounts of perfectly legitimate groups to give money to, to prevent investigation. If all else fails, there's bitcoin.
@Spess_Muhreen: @Ryuzaki_Tritium: Yeah, what he said, but I think when you're making the Japanese PSN account, you need to input a Japanese residency, and I believe people usually use the Japan US embassy address (or whatever country you live in.)