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A medium sized forest fire occurred here the other night. I was surprised no fire trucks or cops were there to help. Just some random people putting it out.


Of course I had to forget that today is Saturday.

I didn't even wake up before 11am anyway, so whatever

I'm one of those kinds of people who likes to let people explain themselves, then when they start spewing BS, throw it back in their face with a long list of their actions that prove otherwise.

Like Donald Trump.
Seriously, get off of Twitter.

In response to blip #67404

@Mothership: his knuckles spaghetti, knees weak, knuckles spaghetti. there's knuckles on his spaghetti already, knuckles' spaghetti. he's knuckles, but on the surface he looks knuckles spaghetti to drop knuckles, but he keeps on spaghetti

Stupid postal service. Been waiting for a thing to arrive since Feb 7th. Thing left the US on the 10th and it's been on Nuevo León since 15th. It's 25th and yet it hasn't arrived.

Well, time to pay the Postal office a visit :|

I'd like to thank everyone who sent blips of comfort to me concerning my recently deceased cat. You're very kind.

In response to blip #67367

@GameManiac: The job isn't a problem. It's the rest of the time. Any attempt to be independent is shot down with guilt trips and accusations of being too proud, which is bull because I physically cannot feel pride, but I'm not going to say that to them.

I don't care if Spam is mixed scrap meats in a can, I think it's pretty damn good when prepared correctly.

In response to blip #67366

@GameManiac: I remember reading about them being able to break their own spines somewhere and the coprophagic thing (or something similar) from mgs3 but screaming was completely new to me.

@DeservantHurricane:ah, chat maybe?

How do you contact one of the admins, specifically which, to notify about artists that don't want their content here, but aren't on the DNP list?
Forum, blip, direct message, or ticket? Just so I can notify the admins about this artist

So I bought a magazine about bunnys during my lunch break because I was bored as hell and apparently they can snore, purr, and scream I didn't know bunnys can scream.

I thought classmates eating/destroying my only food/money for the day would stop once I started college. Seven years in and it turns out, no, it does not.

In response to blip #67347

@Spess_Muhreen: @Ryuzaki_Tritium: Yeah, what he said, but I think when you're making the Japanese PSN account, you need to input a Japanese residency, and I believe people usually use the Japan US embassy address (or whatever country you live in.)