Bulk Update Request: decomposing anthro tags part 2


create alias anthro_kissing_male (9) -> anthro_kissing (13)
create alias anthro_peeing_on_anthro (11) -> anthro_peeing (39)
create alias anthro_toying_feral (2) -> anthro_toying (0)
create alias anthro_top_anthro_bottom (6) -> anthro_top (152)
create alias anthro_top_male_bottom (5) -> anthro_top (152)
create alias anthro_top_humanoid_bottom (1) -> anthro_top (152)
create alias anthro_fellating_anthro (13) -> anthro_fellating (11)
create alias anthro_fellating_male (9) -> anthro_fellating (11)
create alias anthro_dominating_humanoid (27) -> dominant_anthro (10220) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias anthro_dominating_male (197) -> dominant_anthro (10220)
create alias anthro_dominating_female (7) -> dominant_anthro (10220)
create alias anthro_dominating_anthro (199) -> dominant_anthro (10220) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias anthro_dominating_human (1733) -> dominant_anthro (10220) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias anthro_dominating_feral (3) -> dominant_anthro (10220) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create alias anthro_dominating_gynomorph (2) -> dominant_anthro (10220)
create alias anthro_dominating_intersex (2) -> dominant_anthro (10220)
create alias anthro_dominating_andromorph (1) -> dominant_anthro (10220)
