Topic: Random Appreciation thread

Ok. I appreciate e621's reliable tagging, reasonably normal community, and good moderation. I wouldn't have stayed otherwise. The tagging makes searches efficient, the community makes participation inviting, and the moderation and overall site direction make the site approachable or safe.

Before e621, I was basically introduced to furry through Bad Dragon's forums via their ads (went on a pseudo-naughty ad-clicking spree). I mostly read the stories in their forums as a lurker and found e621 through a linked flash file. Eventually, I returned to e621 hoping for non-text porn. Found that. After "consuming the media," as I like to put it, I questioned what made me tick. One of the first things I did figure out was that I identify with this community and what it's about. That would not have been possible if this site was a so-called hugbox or allowed rampant roleplaying because I'm not a full-fledged furry. The very concept of a fursona normally irks me, which is hypocritical at this point, but I have chosen to let that particular sleeping dog lie.

So, website, community, and staff, thanks for being what you are.

Updated by anonymous