Topic: Told others you're a furry?

Oh god, no. Well, not to most. Only to very select friends who are generally open minded and receptive to the idea who for the most part, don't really care. To them, it's about as taboo as being gay (in that it barely is). But they were already pretty good friends to begin with so I figured there was no harm. It helps to have a group of friends (online anyways, met up through an RP forum before for some reason going "let's make furries" for our oregano demigod universe) who were already into it/got into it alongside you and have *some* presence to back you up. Nothing really changed except there were jokes about my trash preferences, but all ultimately harmless and in good fun.

It also depends on well, how much it dictates your lifestyle. That's the truth of it.

Everyone else, absolutely not. Even though I'm not as "furry" as others (in that I don't really see the appeal of fursuiting, or have a want to visit a con, and so on) I'm not afraid to leave subtle hints. Background picture is from a Jennadelle commission from a while back, I generally play anthropromorphic characters in tabletops (if it can be helped/is sensible in said RPG), and I have some level of bias towards anthro characters in various media.

But it's also absolutely not something I'd indulge in besides discussing it with another friend for fun. While it's an important part of how I approach storytelling and characters, it's also not something I want to make the forefront of what I am. It's sort of like being gay, but never really having a "coming out" to everyone? Which is okay, so long as that's how you want things to go. It just is. I think people would be most accepting of that, but I do understand the appeal of letting it out and about. Still, it's probably not the best for a sudden "here's everything furry!"

Updated by anonymous