Topic: what are the tag guidelines for superhero characters?

Wondering what the guidelines are regarding tags for Marvel Comics superhero (or supervillain) characters.

Over at
( Tag Alias: hank_mccoy -> beast_(marvel) )
the conclusion (so far) was pink-skin Hank/Beast should be tagged as hank_mccoy
while furry Hank/Beast should be tagged as beast_(marvel).

Then in
( Tag Alias: scott_summers -> cyclops_(marvel) )

Furrin_Gok said:
-1. Cyclops_(Marvel) is the superhero, Scott is the human.

The Kurt Wagner alias doesn't have a date attached, which suggests it was done before e621 started keeping track of it. We had different standards back then, and this one has no thread, either. While Scott's a debatable case, Kurt looks nothing like Nightcrawler.

Which left me confused. (in terms of superhero-character consistency)

Does what Furrin wrote mean that a superhero character should always be tagged with their civilian name,
with their superhero name only for when they are in superhero uniform? (except for separate tags for Hank and Beast)

The only difference (of e621 uploads) i can see between Kurt and Nightcrawler is that Nightcrawler in when he is in uniform.

Scott/Cyclops is always in humanoid mutant shape (simplified below as "human"), as far as i known.

Don't think any alternate version of Scott uploaded to e621, but just in case...
Some alternate version of Cyclops include :
1) in Age of X timeline, where he codenamed Basilisk, but still human (as far as i known), but with no eyelids.
2) Corporal Scott Summers, "raised as a black American slave" (human)
3) Cyclops of Bishop's Future Timeline, from future with "dependent on cyborg attachments to stay alive" (human with cyborg parts)
4) zombie Scott/Cyclops in Marvel Zombies (human -> zombie)
5) New Exiles
5a) "Summer Scott, a female version of Cyclops who is codenamed Starbolt" (so neither Scott nor Cyclops)
5b) bald "version of Cyclops whose codename is "Devo."" (meh to that name), so human except bald.

Kurt/Nightcrawler is always in blue-fuzzy shape, as far as i known.
(except for
1) Amerimanga version "with talon-like claws instead of toes and a metal tail"
2) Ultimate Marvel version where visual differences are .. (you know what ... nevermind??) ..
Should all Marvel characters named Nightcrawler gets the same tag: Nightcrawler_(marvel) ?)

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EDIT: other superhero (or supervillain) threads:

Beast / Hank : link ABOVE

Cyclops / Scott Summers : link ABOVE

Squirrel Girl : (in offtopic category, hmm)

(including) Wolverine / Logan :

(got as far as ... ie. skimmed latest seven pages of forum thread titles + some threads. sleeptime)

Updated by SnowWolf