Topic: eSix Extend (V3.02) - A script that does good stuff to your user experience!

I wrote this script following some posts on the feature request thread (mainly forum #46188, forum #51506 and forum #64874) which does some stuff to your user experience.


Changes the top header from this to this. (look in the next section for an explanation about the UserBar)
Also, a character counter for blips!
Hotkeys! Fave, vote up/down and navigate pools with a single keypress! (forum #57688)
Keep track of updates to pools and forum threads
TinyAliases, a quick way to add several tags with just one (forum #89046)
Preview which posts are in dispute in takedown requests
Common Tags: List the tags that are common in a search and in how many posts it appears
Quick "add to blacklist" function. Just click the "X" near a tag and voilá, it's now on your blacklist! Works for posts and users too! (for posts click the "Blacklist post" link on the Options section; for users, head to an user profile, by clicking on its username, and then click on "Blacklist user" link at he top)
And many more!!

Tested on Opera, Firefox and Chrome.

It is also compatible with:


How to install
Opera (for versions after 15, please take a look at section "Chrome/Chromium-based browsers")
  • Create a folder in your documents (like "C:\Users\name\Documents\JS" or similar, if you don't have it already)

Download the script from here (right click on "Install" > Save Linked Content As…) to the folder you just created
Open Opera's preferences (Ctrl+F12)
Go to "Advanced" tab.
On "Content" section (over the left box), click "JavaScript options" button.
On the new dialog locate the User JavaScript box (is at the bottom) click "Choose..." and look for the folder you just created earlier

    • Alternatively type the location of the folder (mine is on "C:\X\Docs\JavaScript", to give you an idea)
  • Click OK on everything and enjoy.

tl;dr: Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Content > JavaScript Options > User JavaScript folder. Select the folder you created.

Note: Make sure you have Opera to run scripts on secure (https) pages by going to "opera:config#UserPrefs|UserJavaScriptonHTTPS" (without quotes) on a new tab and ticking the box if it isn't. You can copy the address, open a new tab and pasting with Ctrl+Shift+V.

This is info for Opera on Windows. I don't know if the order in other plaforms is the same *shrug*


You must have Greasemonkey in order to be able to install the script.

Go to this page and click "Install".

If you see a lot of words instead of the actual dialog, then that means you don't have Greasemonkey installed. you should read the text that is in bold more often :D

Google Chrome/Chromium-based browsers

Chrome works pretty much like Firefox, in the way of installing userscripts, except that you don't need Greasemonkey! But you need Tamperonkey. Which is a good trade if you want better control with your userscripts.

Install Tampermonkey from the Chrome store
Then go here and click "Install".

The UserBar

The UserBar is a small space that contains useful links (such as your user profile, faves, messages) and is divided in three parts.

Its appearance, with default settings, is like this:

? [UserName] M0 ?6213 S2 | R? C? U? D? E? | S? L?

  • Main links: This section holds 4 links to important parts of the site
    • ? : Leads to your account page. The page where you find several links to other parts of the site related to your activity

[UserName]: This link's label will change to your user name. It leads to your user profile
M0: Displays the count of new, unread, messages you've received and links to your Message Center (you can hide it)
?6213: The actual count of your favorites. You can choose whether it counts faves that are now deleted or not displaying it at all
S2: This link will appear when you have subscriptions (added pools or forums to a tracking list) and it will show the number of subscriptions that have updated (ex. the link displays two new updates)

  • Custom links: This section can hold an unlimited amount of links (up to 10 visible, more than that and they will be in a separate list). Configurable in the script's settings. These are in the list by default
    • R?: Replies to your comments

C?: Comments on your posts
U?: Upload
D?: DNP List
E?: This thread

  • Settings/Logout: Pretty much that. It holds the last two useful links for an user.
    • S?: Settings. Clicking it will take you to your account settings. Right-clicking it takes you to the script's settings (which happens on the same place but with the appropriate tab selected)

L?: Logout.


Anything I missed/would you like me to add (or fix/unbroke)? Or you want to hit me for no special reason? Fell free to slap them comments here for everyone to see!

Current version

[05/09/2016] Version 3.026 (Code 160904)

  • Updated DNP Database to version 431

New option to hide child/parent post relationships (aka green/yellow colored borders) [via PM]
Correct displaying of username for cases where it has characters outside of those permitted in URLs [forum #199607]
Fixed some messages on the Script Preferences pane
[ADMIN] Added hotkeys for Approving and Deleting posts [via PM]
Fixed "undefined" on the results popup after counting comments' score [forum #186378, forum #204085]
Added detection of available formatting options for input boxes

Code related

  • Changed how the current page is referred to (previous versions used an array, while current uses a more understandable naming)

Minor code cleanup (like, really minor)
Added request timeout error handlers

Change logs for previous versions are here


Get it from here and follow the instructions that are appropriate for your browser from the sections above.

I hope you find it useful! Any kind of support and/or feedback will be appreciated! Donations are good too and help keep this project going! :3

Updated by randomguy85