Topic: Site color change dropdown menu

Posted under General

In the upper-right corner of the page. Is this new? Or has it been there for years and my addled brain is only now registering it?

Updated by Foobaria

This is a really old feature, we installed it back in the 60's as protection from nuclear fallout in case the communists come.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, just so long as my whiskey-infused mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
This is a really old feature, we installed it back in the 60's as protection from nuclear fallout in case the communists come.

I had no idea you were so old.

Updated by anonymous

I'm so used to flat-blue that all the other ones make me feel like I'm on the wrong site.

Updated by anonymous

Laevateinn said:
I'm so used to flat-blue that all the other ones make me feel like I'm on the wrong site.

I second this, though I like the Serpent one

Updated by anonymous

All but the hexagon style contain a little bug. Click on the right side of members name and the background of the name changes to the e6 background.
Even happens on 20pc and ouroboros.

Updated by anonymous

On the Bloodlust color scheme, hotlinks are appearing the same color as the rest of the text. I'm using Chrome 23.0 on Win7 64, if that matters.

Updated by anonymous

Hm, nice. I alos noticed that we have a few more mascots now.
Too bad I like hexagons and the colour blue very, very mcuh. It was actually one of the things that got me interested in the site in the first place. :P

Whne switching the themes on the fly, the page gets all wonky, as soon as you refresh, it's all fine, though, so this is hardly a priority problem. ^_^

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
All but the hexagon style contain a little bug. Click on the right side of members name and the background of the name changes to the e6 background.
Even happens on 20pc and ouroboros.

actually, that's a site neutral color that for some reason got dropped from the hexagon theme. It's purpose is to fix long names. It looks weird now but will be improved upon with time.

Updated by anonymous

I have to agree: I think the Bloodlust one looks amazing, but I just can't deal with anything but blue, psychologically. :P But nice feature!

Updated by anonymous

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