Topic: Upload larger image without deleted image penalty?

Posted under General

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. If I should ask this somewhere else, please let me know.

A while ago, I uploaded a bunch of images from an artist's Furaffinity page. I have recently found larger versions of those images on Deviantart. Is there any way for me to replace the original images with larger versions without receiving the upload limit penalty for deleted images? If I were to upload them all right now, my upload limit would end up negative after the smaller versions are deleted.

TL;DR I uploaded small images, now I want to replace them with big images. Can I do this without lowering my upload limit?

Updated by GameManiac

Sex up an admin and they can reset your hurt limit for something like this. Or at least, it has been done before.

Updated by anonymous

I was wondering this too, as I was considering uploading full sized versions of some images I uploaded a while ago.

Updated by anonymous

If you lose a significant portion of your upload limit due to uploading better versions of your own uploads then we generally have absolutely no problem manually increasing your limit back to be usable again.

So, go ahead and upload, once you're done and find that the limit is too low for you then just write one of us admins (best would likely be me, furrypickle, husky or ippiki) and we'll increase it.

Tokaido said:
I was wondering this too, as I was considering uploading full sized versions of some images I uploaded a while ago.

You're a contributor, as long as you don't reach 0 you'll always be able to upload as much as you want, since it gets automatically approved, thus the limit has no meaning to you.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
...You're a contributor, as long as you don't reach 0 you'll always be able to upload as much as you want, since it gets automatically approved, thus the limit has no meaning to you.

Derp, I hadn't thought about it that way. Good point :B

Updated by anonymous

This seems like a reasonable feature request ("Don't inflict upload penalty when author of inferior FFDed post and superior post is the same"), you might consider posting it in the feature requests thread.
IMO it's good to encourage this because upgrading your own posts is a responsible thing to do. Providing the new post isn't an idiotically huge res ;)

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
Providing the new post isn't an idiotically huge res ;)

There is no such thing as idiotically huge res, only people with small monitors or without a proper GPU.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
Idiotically huge res is anything that causes your browser to start swapping to disk a lot, or crash. So yes, there is.

order:mpixels -animation has some good examples.

clicks first image
clicks full size
pans around
no slowdowns
is on my iPad

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
Idiotically huge res

aka Absurd_res pics

come to think of it, that reminds me of a few bvat pics (i kinda stopped replacing them after a while. may get back to doing that some more.) that had a large resolution so big i couldn't upload it at all so i suppose in that case some pics really are stupidly over sized. that may or may not happen more often with comic strips that are like a mile tall or something.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
Idiotically huge res is anything that causes your browser to start swapping to disk a lot, or crash. So yes, there is.

order:mpixels -animation has some good examples.

The image isn't the problem if your machine of choice is inadequate to display it.
Computers will only get better, look at images made back in 1990 and tell me they look good. You may have trouble viewing some absurd res images now, but the further into the future we go the more likely it is that these resolutions become normal, and subsequent standard.

There are also plugins that allow images to be resized easily, and we don't hat multilayer tiff images with 200k pixels in either direction.
Those images exist, mostly scanned maps and documents, and it's fucking amazing to zoom in enough to see single strands inside the parchment.

treos said:
aka Absurd_res pics

come to think of it, that reminds me of a few bvat pics (i kinda stopped replacing them after a while. may get back to doing that some more.) that had a large resolution so big i couldn't upload it at all so i suppose in that case some pics really are stupidly over sized. that may or may not happen more often with comic strips that are like a mile tall or something.

These are technically multiple images and can be split up easily without losing information, they are just idiotically because of user error during creation.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
aka Absurd_res pics

Actually superabsurd_res. absurd_res is rarely large enough to show any slowdown on any machine with >=1gb memory.

come to think of it, that reminds me of a few bvat pics (i kinda stopped replacing them after a while. may get back to doing that some more.) that had a large resolution so big i couldn't upload it at all

I've forgotten what the rule is for this. No larger than 16000x16000px? Personally I think it should be expressed as total number of pixels (16000x16000 = 256 million pixels), but I can understand why that might be difficult to explain.

NotMeNotYou said:
The image isn't the problem if your machine of choice is inadequate to display it.
Computers will only get better, look at images made back in 1990 and tell me they look good. You may have trouble viewing some absurd res images now, but the further into the future we go the more likely it is that these resolutions become normal, and subsequent standard.

In general I agree, more detail is better and I'm personally happy to make images with dimensions 16000+. But e621 -is- a website, not only an art archive, so I think it's also reasonable to say that we have to account for different browsing platforms somehow. Not necessarily by refusing extremely high resolution uploads, but make 'slowing your browser to a crawl' a thing that you can't do accidentally just by clicking on a thumbnail.

('show resized version' sort of does this and sort of fails, in that it shows too-small versions for all images, including the majority -- images that are perfectly average in dimensions. It's sort of like having to 'click-to-confirm' for every image.

Click to confirm for huge (whatever the idea of huge happens to be at the time) images only would be a pretty decent implementation.)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:
clicks first image
clicks full size
pans around
no slowdowns
is on my iPad

I tried clicking it, and my browser crashed. I'm not even kidding.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
I tried clicking it, and my browser crashed. I'm not even kidding.

I clicked on a random pic and it just says "This image couldn't be loaded because it has errors in it."

like wot

Updated by anonymous


IIRC you're using a tablet to browse, right? I think there was a discussion about this before and tablet users were the main group who were experiencing crashes rather than slowdowns.

TheGreatWolfgang said:
I clicked on a random pic and it just says "This image couldn't be loaded because it has errors in it."

like wot

That's pretty normal. It occurs when your browser gives up on loading the image cause it's taking too long. The resultant incomplete file usually isn't valid.

(of course, this is naturally far more likely to happen the larger the file gets, so..)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

There's definitely a point at which an image is unnecessarily large. If it doesn't have enough detail to warrant being even 1000px tall, for example, then making it 15000px tall is just dumb.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
I clicked on a random pic and it just says "This image couldn't be loaded because it has errors in it."

like wot

i find that refreshing usually helps with that and if not, ctrl+F5 then repeat the process to try again.

Updated by anonymous

TonyLemur said:
There's definitely a point at which an image is unnecessarily large. If it doesn't have enough detail to warrant being even 1000px tall, for example, then making it 15000px tall is just dumb.

I'm with you here. What's the point of stuff like this?

post #466590

The most simplistic lineart the world has seen since cave paintings and it gets rendered at 13000x10000, her right eye doesn't fit on my screen at once.
Just ridiculous really.

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
I'm with you here. What's the point of stuff like this?

post #466590

The most simplistic lineart the world has seen since cave paintings and it gets rendered at 13000x10000, her right eye doesn't fit on my screen at once.
Just ridiculous really.

It's common to use high resolution vector* tracings from the show for editing because they are very easy to work with (scaling, recoloring, etc.). It's also somewhat of a trend on DA (or at least it was, I haven't been there in a while) to learn how to do vector art by tracing stills from the show.

*The original copies are almost always actually vectors, but people tend to use the term to mean "high resolution copy with transparency that you edit with", even when it's actually in a format like PNG.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
This seems like a reasonable feature request ("Don't inflict upload penalty when author of inferior FFDed post and superior post is the same"), you might consider posting it in the feature requests thread.
IMO it's good to encourage this because upgrading your own posts is a responsible thing to do. Providing the new post isn't an idiotically huge res ;)

I just posted a feature request.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
Derp, I hadn't thought about it that way. Good point :B

How and when did you become a Contributor? I wish to reach that rank one day.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
How and when did you become a Contributor? I wish to reach that rank one day.

Artists are usually given that rank when they request it (afaik)

Genjar said:
I tried clicking it, and my browser crashed. I'm not even kidding.

I opened the first image (it was entertaining to scroll as the image loaded) and the only lock (about 5-9 seconds) I had was when I switched to this thread and back to the post and clicking download just after it

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
How and when did you become a Contributor? I wish to reach that rank one day.

"We offer contributor accounts to well-known members of the community who have dedicated a lot of work to improving e621."

From here.

Updated by anonymous

Kida said:
"We offer contributor accounts to well-known members of the community who have dedicated a lot of work to improving e621."

From here.

Well, I'll simply keep at it. I don't see myself going away from this website anytime soon.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
How and when did you become a Contributor? I wish to reach that rank one day.

Sorry I missed this, I didn't think to check back on this topic :P

Well, to be totally honest, I simply started contributing. First I lurked for a year or two, then started commenting in forums, then posting my art, then helping make tag edits and weighing in on alias/implication threads, cleaned up tagme posts, etc etc. One day I asked Husky if he could verify my artist status so I could put commish info in my profile, then a little while after that got a surprise upgrade to contributor (again from Husky). So, I guess interacting with the community just made it happen. And i gotta say, being a constructive member of the site has opened a lot of doors, and I'm eternally greatful to a lot of the people here.

As a side note, I feel bad that I haven't had more time to focus on tagging projects, tagme cleanup, and that kinda stuff lately. I've been focusing so much on art that I just don't have time for it right now. ):

Edit: oh, and I began to post my artwork here almost immediately after I did on FA too. I'm sure that helped. I still do that, unless someone beats me to it Or if its another huge sequential piece from Nimmy, I let him handle those because they're a lot of work to tag and I'm a lazy bitch XD

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
Sorry I missed this, I didn't think to check back on this topic :P

Well, to be totally honest, I simply started contributing. First I lurked for a year or two, then started commenting in forums, then posting my art, then helping make tag edits and weighing in on alias/implication threads, cleaned up tagme posts, etc etc. One day I asked Husky if he could verify my artist status so I could put commish info in my profile, then a little while after that got a surprise upgrade to contributor (again from Husky). So, I guess interacting with the community just made it happen. And i gotta say, being a constructive member of the site has opened a lot of doors, and I'm eternally greatful to a lot of the people here.

As a side note, I feel bad that I haven't had more time to focus on tagging projects, tagme cleanup, and that kinda stuff lately. I've been focusing so much on art that I just don't have time for it right now. ):

Edit: oh, and I began to post my artwork here almost immediately after I did on FA too. I'm sure that helped. I still do that, unless someone beats me to it Or if its another huge sequential piece from Nimmy, I let him handle those because they're a lot of work to tag and I'm a lazy bitch XD

Well, I'm already a Privileged user here. I became that way a few months after I first made my user account here (requested it to NotMeNotYou via his email address). I do most of the stuff you're doing, and my tagging statistics reinforce that. The one thing I'm not yet doing is uploading my own art.

...Well, I am. But as you can see, it's not exactly art that I can upload here. But I'll get there. I'm just practicing my craft and learning how to use Photoshop CC 2015 and my Huion H610 Pro drawing tablet, as I continue to upload the practice sketches I made before that.

Updated by anonymous

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