Topic: GOOD BYE xxxFurryFanxxx

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I'm sad to announce that xxxFurryFanxxx is leaving e621 for a while, maybe for a long while... I feel like I have nobody who likes me here, I'll be back but maybe not for a good while... if anyone DOES like me even a little... please tell me :'(

I do l♡ve this site and I forever will because this is the first site where I lasted longer than 2 weeks before getting banned, most of them I.P ban me which is even worse... my shortest membership was only 3 days... aparently you can't even TALK about an underage beastiality experence on that site... anyways, this is actually my goodbye, and me returning will depend on if there's ANYONE who likes or "doesn't hate" me, I know I may say things here and there but I actually am feeling hurt... so I feel it's time to move on...

Updated by Aurali

Congratulations: You've now said "goodbye" enough times to reach two digits. Shall we go for three?

Updated by anonymous

Your problems are many, most of them because you talk too much with too little content in it.

I mean, lets set aside the fact that you like to talk about topics nobody wants to know (your fetishes to be precise (and I mean all of them)) you are talking bullshit and try to present yourself as the best living person on this planet.
You constantly pull things out of your ass (figuratively speaking) and try to impress us like we are your alcoholic father but nobody cares about this, on the contrary, it is annoying as all hell.

My advice to you is, shut up, sit down and enjoy the art, the only time you should talk is if you have something of interest to say, which means it should affect more people than you.
Found a bug? Post away.
Found a bad tagger? Post away.
Found a event in RL or a new cool Internetservice for furries? Post away.
Found something only concerning you (new fetish/pic/account/want to leave us in peace)? Keep it to yourself.

And it would also help to stop create thread topics in all caps.


post #121241

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
I'm sad to announce that xxxFurryFanxxx is leaving e621 for a while, maybe for a long while... I feel like I have nobody who likes me here, I'll be back but maybe not for a good while... if anyone DOES like me even a little... please tell me :'(

I do l♡ve this site and I forever will because this is the first site where I lasted longer than 2 weeks before getting banned, most of them I.P ban me which is even worse... my shortest membership was only 3 days... aparently you can't even TALK about an underage beastiality experence on that site... anyways, this is actually my goodbye, and me returning will depend on if there's ANYONE who likes or "doesn't hate" me, I know I may say things here and there but I actually am feeling hurt... so I feel it's time to move on...

if you stop being an idiot you might garner a little likeability

Updated by anonymous

Keats said:
Cmon, guys.
Stop being harsh. D:

no, stop, read his posts and realize what you're defending.

Updated by anonymous

Feathering said:
no, stop, read his posts and realize what you're defending.

I have my reasons.~

Updated by anonymous

I don't want to ban you! What would I do without you??? Go back trolling ippiki ookami? No! No, no no no no. You COMPLETE me!!

Your endless tidalwave of crazy-flavoured BS is the only thing that's kept me going these past few days! No, seriously, I've linked your pigballs thread to like, 6 other people and we spent hours just picking out the random shit you type. You can't leave! You're the hero we need, not the hero we deserve!

Updated by anonymous

Oh hush. You'll be back. You'll be back. Mwaaah!! *cough hack wheeze*

Updated by anonymous

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Updated by anonymous

A rotting pig testicles-obsessed, drama-hungry, oversensitive, pathological liar is having trouble making friends? What is the world coming to?

Updated by anonymous

We've pretty much filled up the page and he hasn't responded.

He's doing better than I expected.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
We've pretty much filled up the page and he hasn't responded.

He's doing better than I expected.

Most get the itch around the 24 hour mark.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
Most get the itch around the 24 hour mark.

Operative word: "Most."

I don't think what we're dealing with here is anywhere near average.

Updated by anonymous

And that's why one shouldn't try to find self-validation on the internet.

But seriously, you've gone from tolerably funny to a plague upon our houses. Get out.

Updated by anonymous

swamprootwolf said:
why do I still see this when using E926??

Dicks are magic.

Updated by anonymous

May I join in on the topic that seemed like a way of someone trying to make even more of an attention whore of their self? But srsly,just join what you know will accept rotted pig balls. I just joined this for the DICKS.

Updated by anonymous

Eh, cant say im sorry to see you go, but, Goodbye.
People come people go, if your like me its usally every other day i loose a friend so forgive me if im not sad to see people leaving. Plus... eh, the post could be considered attention whoring. not saying it is..just saying it can be seen as such...not that i mind, ive done that more than a few times myself *is a attention needy person*

Also some advice on how to extend the amount of time you have before you end up in hot water on other sites (and e621 as well) if your still around to read it,

1. Never assume you can talk about anything you want on any site, if in doubt, dont....or ask first. Made that mistake in the early years of my interwebs, your not the only one whos had a underage animal experience, though mine would have been classified as suprise
2. Try not to dramabomb a site, it will get you in serious doogy doodoo on most sites. Whining, complaining, stirring up trouble for the sake of trouble, stuff like that will 99% of the time get you a nice imprint of a hammer on your butt :P
3. Hold off on posting anything your first day on a new site, explore, watch, studdie the natives, learn to emulate them. and 99% of the time youll be better off.

This PSA brought to you by, Troublesome Tribbles Incorporated.

Updated by anonymous

I'd say if I was a scholar, I'd try to make sense of this, what might be appropriately called the 'pig balls saga'. However, I am not, and will not.
I think I read something about a wiki article? Don't know how serious that wiki is, but if it's anywhere near the level of Encyclopedia Dramatica or somesuch, whoever knows their way around there should go and write a bit about this... Most unusual event.
And who knows? Maybe 'e'll get the itch and come back. I honestly hope not, but we can all say we learned something from 'em.

Updated by anonymous

ArdesCadaver said:
I'd say if I was a scholar, I'd try to make sense of this, what might be appropriately called the 'pig balls saga'. However, I am not, and will not.
I think I read something about a wiki article? Don't know how serious that wiki is, but if it's anywhere near the level of Encyclopedia Dramatica or somesuch, whoever knows their way around there should go and write a bit about this... Most unusual event.
And who knows? Maybe 'e'll get the itch and come back. I honestly hope not, but we can all say we learned something from 'em.

He melted my frontal lobes with that shit.
That level of stupid behavior should be banned under the Geneva Convention.

Updated by anonymous

Dominion said:
I smell a thread lock. . .

Seven more pages to go...

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Well shit, who will step up to fill his shoes now?


I Call DIBS on all his stuff.

Updated by anonymous

Hey, what's up dudes. I've been gone for a bit so....what did I miss?

Updated by anonymous

More dick indeed,son. More dick. Morton Dick. Dick Morton. Where can I find a man named Dick? Nobody ever names their kid after one of the best organs on earth. Why? I bet all Dicks would have a pretty nice Dick,hence their name being DICK. But yes,I think we can all understand our love for dick. Both the sexual organ and humans named Dick.

Updated by anonymous

NotMrJaneDoe said:
More dick indeed,son. More dick. Morton Dick. Dick Morton. Where can I find a man named Dick? Nobody ever names their kid after one of the best organs on earth. Why? I bet all Dicks would have a pretty nice Dick,hence their name being DICK. But yes,I think we can all understand our love for dick. Both the sexual organ and humans named Dick.


Updated by anonymous

Goodbye furryfan, I had a very enjoyable time reading the useless conflicts you stirred up. You will be sortof missed in a very miniscule ironic way.

Updated by anonymous

Wolfboy1206 said:
Goodbye furryfan, I had a very enjoyable time reading the useless conflicts you stirred up. You will be sortof missed in a very miniscule ironic way.

I like your avatar. :3

Updated by anonymous

Okay guys, you had your fun, now remember the "Don't be a dick to other users" rule.

Updated by anonymous

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