Topic: my little pony, a curse or a blessing?

Posted under General

People get angry when someone wants a new tag that's mlp specific, maybe for good cause maybe not, and though the discussions may be all too frequent and ragey, they do bring up questions that need to be asked, but have been on backburners aplenty. For instance any tag with a group, namely the cutie mark crusaders, were it not for that discussion, the wiki might have gone unchanged for a long while, leaving many pictures mistagged.
the question I bring to you in this thread is simple, do you think the coming of mlp:fim has improved, or hurt this site, or neither?

Updated by Xch3l

This thread will serve no real purpose, and probably cause drama.
I would (pre-emptively) say it has hurt the site.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
This is eventually going to lead to MLP content being removed from the site.

I doubt this will happen. It will just maybe be locked threads and closed discussions for bringing up the same tag over and over again in 5 threads.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
I doubt this will happen. It will just maybe be locked threads and closed discussions for bringing up the same tag over and over again in 5 threads.

Which will most probably lead to... I dunno, some pissed-off, drunk admin's decision.

It's all down to one mod's decision whether to keep it or block it.

Updated by anonymous

I just want to know how people feel about all the mlp content, and what it brings. Its really something people don't say directly often, and if they do they might not put in very much to say so, I intend this thread to be so that any personal opinions can be kept here.
personally I like mlp, but I think there are way too many stupid tags people sometimes want, even though it helps us keep on our toes for rulings and such.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said: The only negative thing with it is that it shows how dumb some people are when they refuse to learn how to blacklist.

Why does dealing with bad tags imply being dumb and not blacklisting? Ignoring bad tags is never good, be they from a popular fandom or not.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Why does dealing with bad tags imply being dumb and not blacklisting? Ignoring bad tags is never good, be they from a popular fandom or not.

I think he means people complaining there's too much mlp content instead of using the blacklist

Edit: that feel when as you type, someone else says what you were about to say.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
It's all down to one mod's decision whether to keep it or block it.

Not really, that's why there's more than one admin, also the content brings traffic to the site, which is good.

Updated by anonymous

Butterscotch said:
Not really, that's why there's more than one admin, also the content brings traffic to the site, which is good.

What content gets allowed is up to the mod that checks it, so in that sense it is up to one mod- whichever mod is reviewing the new content at the time.

Peekaboo said:
I never said anything about ignoring tags, I'm only saying people who refuse to blacklist are big dummies.

Ah, thought that was snark about the profligacy of MLP tag threads atm. Also conflated you with Halite a bit, sorry.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
What content gets allowed is up to the mod that checks it, so in that sense it is up to one mod- whichever mod is reviewing the new content at the time.

He talked about blocking it all in general (at least I understand that since he said "block"), not just allowing single pics.

Updated by anonymous

Butterscotch said:
He talked about blocking it all in general (at least I understand that since he said "block"), not just allowing single pics.

Well in that case, it's technically up to the head admin in the end whether it's kept or tossed as a whole, so it still is up to one person, since he can ignore any opinions other than his own (and we'd be pissed either way, as we were when EDF made his first decision without concensus a few months back).

Updated by anonymous

No seriously, the second EDF gets tired of it is the same second it goes out the window.

The day WILL come.

Updated by anonymous

I think people need to get over the MLP thing. If they don't like it, the blacklist is their friend. This has always been the policy for everything of that nature, and I don't see any reason for it to be different for this.

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
I think people need to get over the MLP thing. If they don't like it, the blacklist is their friend. This has always been the policy for everything of that nature, and I don't see any reason for it to be different for this.

Its made a lot of bad tags, thats the problem

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
No seriously, the second EDF gets tired of it is the same second it goes out the window.

The day WILL come.


Updated by anonymous

bella said:
I think people need to get over the MLP thing. If they don't like it, the blacklist is their friend. This has always been the policy for everything of that nature, and I don't see any reason for it to be different for this.

MLP tag debates are because of consistancy, though; also Pokemon. Not hate of MLP. As Conker said:

Its made a lot of bad tags, thats the problem

If you didn't mean those & just meant whiners in comments (like the gay/anti-gay idiots who complain on straight/gay stuff because they didn't blacklist), then yeah.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
No seriously, the second EDF gets tired of it is the same second it goes out the window.

The day WILL come.

It's here to stay, trust me on that one.

Conker said:
Its made a lot of bad tags, thats the problem

I still fail to see how a tag with a clear and defined purpose is a bad one, be it a consolidation of a couple different tags or a specific alteration of another tag, it'd be just one more option one could utilize or not.
(Which puts me on char's side on all current discussions).

With that said, that discussion would be off-topic so let's try stay away from there.

On-Topic: It brings traffic as hell, which is good, it brings porn, which is good, it rather often brings humor which is also good.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:

I still fail to see how a tag with a clear and defined purpose is a bad one-...

MLP inspired tags are not clear nor have a defined it purpose....example:makes all images of ponies on earth earth_pony, and any pony on mars is now tagged as mars_pony, dont forget moon_pony ect just breeds bad tags like that. Or how some users wanted to retag every image with a horn, and call it a alihorn or something. The tags I speak of are the ones like the examples above.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I still fail to see how a tag with a clear and defined purpose is a bad one, be it a consolidation of a couple different tags or a specific alteration of another tag, it'd be just one more option one could utilize or not.
(Which puts me on char's side on all current discussions).

What clear and defined purpose in the current discussions are you referring to? (You can see for yourself by just browsing it that Pinkamena is not tagged clearly or concisely, with a wide variety of factors that don't always apply; a fair number of images aren't even tagged straight_hair, which is displayed in all Pinkamena images, but otherwise she appears happy, sad, calm, angry, murderous, etc. as Pinkie Pie has been depicted without straightening her hair as well. No other character is tagged a new character based on their hair alone, so...)

Additionally, every tag that has been a conflation of two other tags without further functionality has been systematically wiped out otherwise; Why should MLP tags get special treatment on this respect?

[/quote]On-Topic: It brings traffic as hell, which is good, it brings porn, which is good, it rather often brings humor which is also good.

Agreed. Just wish it didn't bring the bad tags.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
MLP inspired tags are not clear nor have a defined it purpose....example:makes all images of ponies on earth earth_pony, and any pony on mars is now tagged as mars_pony, dont forget moon_pony ect just breeds bad tags like that. Or how some users wanted to retag every image with a horn, and call it a alihorn or something. The tags I speak of are the ones like the examples above.

Its clear if you're looking for the content. Obviously you're not.

Earth_pony is a specific type of pony in the MLP world, just like Legendary_pokemon is a specific type of pokemon. You don't see it as defined because you don't know what it is. The fact of the matter is, you don't really have the knowledge to say what is and is not relevant or defined because you have lacking knowledge on the subject of mlp. Not insulting you or anything, but you just don't have the understanding of the show to know why a tag exists, therefore why are you determining what is good and bad?

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
Its clear if you're looking for the content. Obviously you're not.

Earth_pony is a specific type of pony in the MLP world, just like Legendary_pokemon is a specific type of pokemon. You don't see it as defined because you don't know what it is. The fact of the matter is, you don't really have the knowledge to say what is and is not relevant or defined because you have lacking knowledge on the subject of mlp. Not insulting you or anything, but you just don't have the understanding of the show to know why a tag exists, therefore why are you determining what is good and bad?

The fact that you require indepth fandom knowledge to get use from the tag makes it bad. Further, while yes they are referred to as earth ponies... Anyone who looks at them without fandom knowledge (majority of people) are just going to call it a pony. Those who do know will know that pony without wings or an alicorn in the MLP-verse is an Earth Pony; No function lost for those in the fandom, and those outside the fandom aren't negatively impacted. Now, if this were 20PC, then perfectly acceptable, since that's a fandom 'booru after all. However, e6 isn't, or rather, it's a generalized Furry 'booru. Anything furry comes into the giant melting pot that is e6. Concessions given to one fandom thus ask equality for others.

Legendary_pokemon is a bad tag too, btw; there's no reason to have the legendaries grouped together when the status as legendary is the only thing they share in common with each other (and between generation the trio race, but that shouldn't be tagged either; golems are golems, they don't need to also be tagged "Legendary Golem Trio" or anything silly. Pool or set sure, but not tag).

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
Its clear if you're looking for the content. Obviously you're not.

Earth_pony is a specific type of pony in the MLP world, just like Legendary_pokemon is a specific type of pokemon. You don't see it as defined because you don't know what it is. The fact of the matter is, you don't really have the knowledge to say what is and is not relevant or defined because you have lacking knowledge on the subject of mlp.

Your argument is flawed as legendary_pokemon tag is also a bad tag. Also last time I checked tag what you see does not use outside info, so if I have to look it up just to tag it....then we are breaking tag what you see, not what you know.

Updated by anonymous

Conker said:
Your argument is flawed as legendary_pokemon tag is also a bad tag. Also last time I checked tag what you see does not use outside info, so if I have to look it up just to tag it....then we are breaking tag what you see, not what you know.

My argument is flawed because you say so? No. Point out why they are bad tags before you go on babbling about bad tagging.

The tagging system is perfectly fine, there is no reason to remove these tags, they are helpful, despite what you want to think. They exist for a reason (to find specific things).

any by your definition, we should also not have the tags "pikachu" or anything else specific. Thats dumb. You have no reason to take these tags away other than your self-proclaimed argument that they're bad tags. You provide no reason as to why they are bad. That is a flawed argument. An argument without reason. Come back when you have a real argument.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
The fact that you require indepth fandom knowledge to get use from the tag makes it bad. Further, while yes they are referred to as earth ponies... Anyone who looks at them without fandom knowledge (majority of people) are just going to call it a pony. Those who do know will know that pony without wings or an alicorn in the MLP-verse is an Earth Pony; No function lost for those in the fandom, and those outside the fandom aren't negatively impacted. Now, if this were 20PC, then perfectly acceptable, since that's a fandom 'booru after all. However, e6 isn't, or rather, it's a generalized Furry 'booru. Anything furry comes into the giant melting pot that is e6. Concessions given to one fandom thus ask equality for others.

Legendary_pokemon is a bad tag too, btw; there's no reason to have the legendaries grouped together when the status as legendary is the only thing they share in common with each other (and between generation the trio race, but that shouldn't be tagged either; golems are golems, they don't need to also be tagged "Legendary Golem Trio" or anything silly. Pool or set sure, but not tag).

By your definition, Pokemon should not be tagged by name (ex: pikachu, charmander, etc.) because that requires knowledge of the show. anyone that hasn't seen the show pokemon would see pikachu as some kind of mouse, charmander as a lizard or dragon.

The function of these tags is so that THOSE IN THE FANDOM who are looking for these things can find them, derp. just because we are a furry site doesn't mean we can't tag properly. Its stupid to think that we should tag less because this is a furry site, what sense does that even make? What does it achieve? It *lowers* peoples ability to navigate and find images here. That is backwords.

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
My argument is flawed because you say so? No. Point out why they are bad tags before you go on babbling about bad tagging.

The tagging system is perfectly fine, there is no reason to remove these tags, they are helpful, despite what you want to think. They exist for a reason (to find specific things).

any by your definition, we should also not have the tags "pikachu" or anything else specific. Thats dumb. You have no reason to take these tags away other than your self-proclaimed argument that they're bad tags. You provide no reason as to why they are bad. That is a flawed argument. An argument without reason. Come back when you have a real argument.

The tagging system and rule of "Tag what you see" is perfectly fine, however when people ignore that and use outside info to tag things thats when its not perfectly fine.

Also I never said we shouldnt tag any pokemon names, as tag what you see gives an exception to names and only names so we can tag them. If you read Tag what you see, you would know that. Now if you re-read my last post I told you why its a bad tag, because it has to use outside info just for someone to use it. Just like 123easy said as well.

Lastly 123easy covered the rest on what I was going to say, so nothing more to say here as we both pointed out why its a bad tag.

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
By your definition, Pokemon should not be tagged by name (ex: pikachu, charmander, etc.) because that requires knowledge of the show. anyone that hasn't seen the show pokemon would see pikachu as some kind of mouse, charmander as a lizard or dragon.

As Conker above me said, names are excluded from TWYS specifically because of how difficult it would be to name a character with just information garnered from the image and no outside source. This is standard across all images, not specific to one fandom, either. It applies to the generic and to the specific subgenres of the furry community as well. To further reinforce what he said, the tagging rules ARE fine, because they actually support what we're talking about, because of TWYS and its supporting rules.

The function of these tags is so that THOSE IN THE FANDOM who are looking for these things can find them, derp. just because we are a furry site doesn't mean we can't tag properly. Its stupid to think that we should tag less because this is a furry site, what sense does that even make? What does it achieve? It *lowers* peoples ability to navigate and find images here. That is backwords.

And fandom-specific tags are bad. Tags that are do not require specific fandom knowledge that provide the same function are superior. Tagging less is not the goal as it is tagging with accessability for outside fandom members to be able to accurately use the tagging system to find images they search for without having to research arcane fandom-specific words that don't have function as used in the fandom, outside the fandom. I mean, tell someone a pony was clopping, and they'll think you're talking about the sound a horse's hooves make against hardened ground, not the fandom meaning of masturbating. Now, tell them that a pony was masturbating, and they get it instantly, because the meaning isn't obfuscated behind fandom lingo. Thus, clopping = bad tag, masturbating = good tag in this exercise. If we were a pony-specific site, like 20PC is, then it makes sense to tag according to the fandom, because the targe audience is specifically the fandom, and only the fandom.

e621, however, deals with all furry art. This is why I will fight against people saying to throw all the ponies off e6, because it is furry art, whether anyone likes it or not. but the catagorization methods that we have to use to actually maintain a semi semblance of order? That needs to remain as broadly applicable in its phrasing so it can apply across all fandoms as equally as possible, to provide the most effective, overall efficient system. It may be slightly less effective for someone in a fandom who wants to search all their fandom terms, having to search by the non-fandom terms that they might not be as intimately familiar with, but for the rest of us who aren't in the fandom, those images then become accessible to us as well because of the standardized tagging format instead of allowing every fandom free reign of the tags.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
As Conker above me said, names are excluded from TWYS specifically because of how difficult it would be to name a character with just information garnered from the image and no outside source. This is standard across all images, not specific to one fandom, either. It applies to the generic and to the specific subgenres of the furry community as well. To further reinforce what he said, the tagging rules ARE fine, because they actually support what we're talking about, because of TWYS and its supporting rules.

And fandom-specific tags are bad. Tags that are do not require specific fandom knowledge that provide the same function are superior. Tagging less is not the goal as it is tagging with accessability for outside fandom members to be able to accurately use the tagging system to find images they search for without having to research arcane fandom-specific words that don't have function as used in the fandom, outside the fandom. I mean, tell someone a pony was clopping, and they'll think you're talking about the sound a horse's hooves make against hardened ground, not the fandom meaning of masturbating. Now, tell them that a pony was masturbating, and they get it instantly, because the meaning isn't obfuscated behind fandom lingo. Thus, clopping = bad tag, masturbating = good tag in this exercise. If we were a pony-specific site, like 20PC is, then it makes sense to tag according to the fandom, because the targe audience is specifically the fandom, and only the fandom.

e621, however, deals with all furry art. This is why I will fight against people saying to throw all the ponies off e6, because it is furry art, whether anyone likes it or not. but the catagorization methods that we have to use to actually maintain a semi semblance of order? That needs to remain as broadly applicable in its phrasing so it can apply across all fandoms as equally as possible, to provide the most effective, overall efficient system. It may be slightly less effective for someone in a fandom who wants to search all their fandom terms, having to search by the non-fandom terms that they might not be as intimately familiar with, but for the rest of us who aren't in the fandom, those images then become accessible to us as well because of the standardized tagging format instead of allowing every fandom free reign of the tags.

If TWYS gives exceptions to names, then what is the problem? An earth pony is a type of pony as a pikachu is a type of pokemon. It is the same type of classification being used, so what is the issue? The point of both tags: To define a specific type of creature from a specific game/show/whatever.

WHY are fandom tags bad? If we can have both, why not do it? Specific fandom tagging helps to more easily find a specific thing. Example: Pikachu is a mouse/rodent. pikachu is not the name, it is the creature type. So, why not just call it a rodent? Because people specifically want to see a yellow mouse creature that meet the definition of "pikachu".
The same is true of earth_pony: People searching "earth pony" are looking for a specific type of pony, from MLP. An earth pony is different from just pony in the styling and such. It is distinct.

Again, why does it need to be generalized? general and specific tags can co-exist. Its not a bad thing, I assure you. It does not put non-fandom persons at a disadvantage; if anything they might know just enough about it to know a specific tag to search.

It boils down to this: Having general tags helps everyone, having specific tags further helps those who know what to look for without negating the effects of the general tags. Seriously, pretty simple.

Updated by anonymous

bella said:

If TWYS gives exceptions to names, then what is the problem? An earth pony is a type of pony as a pikachu is a type of pokemon.

No, just no.

Earth pony is a species tag.
As is Pikachu.
NEITHER[/i] is an exception to TWYS.The exception is for character names, so as an example:
Big_Mac = exception
Ash Ketchum = exception
Pegasus = not exception
Snorlax = not exception

Updated by anonymous

I can't say I didn't expect a little argument over tags, but I'm glad it was a small one. Survey says the traffic and content are good, but a few people ( I do feel like its the loud minority) made some REALLY stupid tags that are not used, and a few debatable ones.
all in all slightly positive but there are drawbacks.
as far as arguments go, and this goes for both sides, there is a mantra that helps me, " I might not be as smart/correct as I think I am" just saying it a few times can help open your mind to the other peoples perspective without simply rejecting it. I know there are times where you might be right but if you can see where the other person is coming from you can better persuade them to see it your way.

Sollux out.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
No, just no.

Earth pony is a species tag.
As is Pikachu.
NEITHER[/i] is an exception to TWYS.The exception is for character names, so as an example:
Big_Mac = exception
Ash Ketchum = exception
Pegasus = not exception
Snorlax = not exception

So what you're saying is we should not name pokemon after what they are?

What would snorlax even be? For that matter what would porygon or cast form be? These tags are helpful, many people know what it is, it makes no sense not to have them. Its not hurting.

Updated by anonymous

Sollux said:
I can't say I didn't expect a little argument over tags, but I'm glad it was a small one. Survey says the traffic and content are good, but a few people ( I do feel like its the loud minority) made some REALLY stupid tags that are not used, and a few debatable ones.
all in all slightly positive but there are drawbacks.
as far as arguments go, and this goes for both sides, there is a mantra that helps me, " I might not be as smart/correct as I think I am" just saying it a few times can help open your mind to the other peoples perspective without simply rejecting it. I know there are times where you might be right but if you can see where the other person is coming from you can better persuade them to see it your way.

Sollux out.

I certainly agree there are some dumb tags, but earth pony is not one. Those that have very few (I'm aware earth_pony has few at the moment, but there are plenty that could be tagged) probably don't need to exist or at least need to be tagged on more things if it is a needed tag.

I'm not disagreeing on the entire tags issue, but I feel earth pony is a valid tag. I further disagree with the "anti-fandom" tagging you're talking about. But again, dumb tags are dumb. Can't think of any off the top of my head, but I know I've come across a few.

Updated by anonymous

The same is true of earth_pony: People searching "earth pony" are looking for a specific type of pony, from MLP. An earth pony is different from just pony in the styling and such. It is distinct.

That's not accurate. Earth_pony is supposed to be much more specific type of pony. It's pony from mlp that has neither wings, nor horn, nor remains of them. If earth pony was just what you say, then it would be fully replaceable by mlp pony.

Earth_pony is not the worst fandom tag, though it still has some issues, and probably nobody would cry if it was aliased to pony. Much worse are tags that doesn't even have coherent and consistent definition, like Pinkamena. What is bad about earth_pony is how it was revived - suddenly without asking anyone.

And about main topic. I don't think that the mlp, or pokemon fanart is the main problem. Fandom has right to demand whatever it wants. However site shouldn't succumb to their every wish. We're furry fandom specific site and we should stay like that. Trying to fully absorb every fandom terminology is going to end up in mess. Sooner or later.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
That's not accurate. Earth_pony is supposed to be much more specific type of pony. It's pony from mlp that has neither wings, nor horn, nor remains of them. If earth pony was just what you say, then it would be fully replaceable by mlp pony.

Earth_pony is not the worst fandom tag, though it still has some issues, and probably nobody would cry if it was aliased to pony. Much worse are tags that doesn't even have coherent and consistent definition, like Pinkamena. What is bad about earth_pony is how it was revived - suddenly without asking anyone.

And about main topic. I don't think that the mlp, or pokemon fanart is the main problem. Fandom has right to demand whatever it wants. However site shouldn't succumb to their every wish. We're furry fandom specific site and we should stay like that. Trying to fully absorb every fandom terminology is going to end up in mess. Sooner or later.

You misunderstood what I was saying. I wasn't specifically detailing what an earth pony looks like, I was saying that it is a specific type of horse, as oppose to say a regular real life horse or a rapidash or something.

And I fail to see how that (the bottom part of your comment) makes sense. How is adding more tags going to end in a mess? Its going to end with people who use the tags using them and people not knowing about the tags not using them.

Updated by anonymous

Also, an important point: blacklisting.

People who don't wish to see a specific thing (MLP would make a great example lol) would probably enjoy being able to blacklist mlp and all its tags without having to blacklist "horse", "dragon"(spike), "rabbit" (angel), etc.

Its helpful too all users really.

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
Also, an important point: blacklisting.

People who don't wish to see a specific thing (MLP would make a great example lol) would probably enjoy being able to blacklist mlp and all its tags without having to blacklist "horse", "dragon"(spike), "rabbit" (angel), etc.

Its helpful too all users really.

Blacklists can be made from more then one tag. dragon mlp can be in blacklist. And, more importantly, nobody is suggesting to ban canon names of characters from franchise, and franchise tag itself.

And I fail to see how that (the bottom part of your comment) makes sense. How is adding more tags going to end in a mess? Its going to end with people who use the tags using them and people not knowing about the tags not using them.

It's rather obvious that there more tags there are, the more difficult is to maintain them all. The main advantage of this site comparing to others is that the tag system is working. What I see from this fandom tags is that people who want it very rarely are willing to tag and maintain them - see Pinkamena which is mess. In most cases is one of two people with tag script who quickly make some instances to prove their point, and forgot about the tag.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
That's not accurate. Earth_pony is supposed to be much more specific type of pony. It's pony from mlp that has neither wings, nor horn, nor remains of them. If earth pony was just what you say, then it would be fully replaceable by mlp pony.

Earth_pony is not the worst fandom tag, though it still has some issues, and probably nobody would cry if it was aliased to pony. Much worse are tags that doesn't even have coherent and consistent definition, like Pinkamena. What is bad about earth_pony is how it was revived - suddenly without asking anyone.

And about main topic. I don't think that the mlp, or pokemon fanart is the main problem. Fandom has right to demand whatever it wants. However site shouldn't succumb to their every wish. We're furry fandom specific site and we should stay like that. Trying to fully absorb every fandom terminology is going to end up in mess. Sooner or later.

Quite agreed. As I posted in the wing_boner thread, the term on its own is fine, but how it's being posted on every image of wings that are open, fully stretched out and stiff or not, is the problem. If it gets cleaned up and applied to images that actually mean what the term is referencing, then it provides value to the tagging process, and can be applied outside the MLP fandom too; While it originated there, it has broader application while still having a specific meaning.

bella said:
So what you're saying is we should not name pokemon after what they are?

What would snorlax even be? For that matter what would porygon or cast form be? These tags are helpful, many people know what it is, it makes no sense not to have them. Its not hurting.

Pokemon ar a bit of a niche exception simply because their species name is the same as their character names, and we've chosen to apply the tag as a species tag rather than as a character tag. Why? No idea; that's a fair point to bring up though, and one that could probably bear with being dealt with in a thread of its own, as personally I can agree with them being in the character slots and the species being pokemon and the RL animals that they bring to mind.

If Earth Ponies had, for example, specifically thicker/stouter bodies, or something more exotic like a series of rocky lumps pebbling their skin, or even something as small as actually having visually defined hooves instead of their legs ending in flat, same-coloured stumps- It'd be visually separable from "Pony" because it has those visual differences. It doesn't matter that you know it's an Earth Pony, because it's not visibly an Earth Pony compared to any other pony that might be drawn in that style. If Rainbow Dash had her wings removed (and there are plenty of images where she is just naturally wingless) that doesn't make her an Earth Pony, but the two are visually inseparable. Same for an alicornless, (post-season-3-finale-wingless) Twilight Sparkle, or alicornless Rarity.

Updated by anonymous

After leaving the site for awhile MLP is basically the reason I come to e621. It gets updated frequently enough, and its tagging system isn't shit like most pony sites.

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
I certainly agree there are some dumb tags, but earth pony is not one. Those that have very few (I'm aware earth_pony has few at the moment, but there are plenty that could be tagged) probably don't need to exist or at least need to be tagged on more things if it is a needed tag.

I'm not disagreeing on the entire tags issue, but I feel earth pony is a valid tag. I further disagree with the "anti-fandom" tagging you're talking about. But again, dumb tags are dumb. Can't think of any off the top of my head, but I know I've come across a few.

when I say stupid tags I mean like moon_pony scootabuse any names of the various shippings like twixie or appledash, clipping, or ones covered by existing tags.

Moses said:
After leaving the site for awhile MLP is basically the reason I come to e621. It gets updated frequently enough, and its tagging system isn't shit like most pony sites.

hear that guys, our tags ARE better than fandom sites, keep it up.

Updated by anonymous

Maybe people like MLP?
Why should you get rid of something that brings a lot of people to the site?
Think about it this way, if youtube no longer hosted music videos since they are shown in lots of other places, would said bands and youtube get as much traffic.
I think that makes sense, my thoughts are a bit hazy right now...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Maybe people like MLP?
Why should you get rid of something that brings a lot of people to the site?
Think about it this way, if youtube no longer hosted music videos since they are shown in lots of other places, would said bands and youtube get as much traffic.
I think that makes sense, my thoughts are a bit hazy right now...

I don't think anyone has argued that it should be completely removed, have they? o.O

Also, considering the way that Google has been treating their content providers lately... it actually does look like YT might be getting abandoned if any video site can step up to the plate.

Updated by anonymous

Nothing is cursed or a blessing, it's the followers that make noise. Some may say "Hi! I like <thing>, have a good day" and some may want to shove it through every hole you have and treating you like crap if you don't agree. *shrug* At least this is how I see stuff (with some variations in-between, of course).

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Nothing is cursed or a blessing, it's the followers that make noise. Some may say "Hi! I like <thing>, have a good day" and some may want to shove it through every hole you have and treating you like crap if you don't agree. *shrug* At least this is how I see stuff (with some variations in-between, of course).

Well said.

Updated by anonymous

I admit in real life in the guy who basically says " watch one full episode and I'll be happy if you don't like it" and if you aren't willing to at least give it that, I consider you to be close minded. I won't be a pester or anything and if you watch it and don't like it I won't judge, but I do ask.

Updated by anonymous

Sollux said:
I admit in real life in the guy who basically says " watch one full episode and I'll be happy if you don't like it" and if you aren't willing to at least give it that, I consider you to be close minded. I won't be a pester or anything and if you watch it and don't like it I won't judge, but I do ask.

Boo. While it definitely should be, "try it before you knock it", the way you wrote it implies that if they simply say they don't want to try it you're calling them closed-minded. Not wanting to experience something themselves =/= intolerance of something. :x

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Boo. While it definitely should be, "try it before you knock it", the way you wrote it implies that if they simply say they don't want to try it you're calling them closed-minded. Not wanting to experience something themselves =/= intolerance of something. :x

"How can you know you won't enjoy sucking a dirty cock that's been inside a butt w/o a condom followed by swallowing every last drop of cum and subsequently getting peed on until you've tried it?"

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Boo. While it definitely should be, "try it before you knock it", the way you wrote it implies that if they simply say they don't want to try it you're calling them closed-minded. Not wanting to experience something themselves =/= intolerance of something. :x

I mean if they completely shut it out based solely on the preconceptions people would have on the show. I literally have a friend who is so bad he wont talk to someone if they're wearing an mlp shirt, frankly I think he's a homophobe with an irrational aversion to adorable animals (and alliteration?) I don't think everyone who doesn't watch it is close minded but in my experience its a decent enough ratio.

Updated by anonymous

Neither. It's just a goddamn show.

People who want to see it can search it. People who don't can blacklist it.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
People who don't can blacklist it.

Oh, the amount of issues THAT used to cause. Made the site downright unusable for some because of the way the site handles blacklisting. It's nuts.

Updated by anonymous

they're not quite furry but they tend to fall into the porn miasma of e621.

like someone said you're getting fresh content all the time, and making people want to be on the site. lots of communities would die for a large, largely self sustaining influx of activity.

blacklist if don't wanna see it, etc etc etc. would be nice to drop first time users right into settings and point big arrows at the blacklist saying "write what doesn't do anything for you, here."

Updated by anonymous

bot2 said:
they're not quite furry but they tend to fall into the porn miasma of e621.

like someone said you're getting fresh content all the time, and making people want to be on the site. lots of communities would die for a large, largely self sustaining influx of activity.

blacklist if don't wanna see it, etc etc etc. would be nice to drop first time users right into settings and point big arrows at the blacklist saying "write what doesn't do anything for you, here."

dude, this thread is 5 months old

Updated by anonymous

bot2 said:

Updated by anonymous

My Little Pony is a blessing, thank Ms. Lauren for making a new generation. Deal with it.

*covers* jk jk JK!

hit post accidentally

Updated by anonymous

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