Topic: Tagging Community

Posted under General

I'm not sure how often us taggers talk to each other or ask for feedback on our work, so I'd like to let you all know that there's a place where we can gather and discuss stuff.

A while back, I registered my own channel on Furnet. Its main purpose is to keep e621's casual chat free of heavy tag discussions. It hasn't seen much use, so I've decided to advertise it here. It's called "Illumiknotty." I'll let you guess why.

If you connect to the e621 Chat (default Mibbit client at the top of the page) and type this upon entering:

/join #illumiknotty

it will open a new tab with my channel. Drop in whenever you have a particular tagging question. If I don't respond soon, I'm probably away and will reply as soon as I'm able. Please, either be patient or send a Dmail instead.

Of course, if you don't have an IRC client yet, I encourage you to pick an appropriate client from this list. It will make connecting and talking much more convenient. If you need help setting up, feel free to ask.

Hope to see you all soon.

Updated by GameManiac


...I don't belong here. Not ever since...that...

No point in pestering the admins to reconsider their actions and re-promote me to fix that mistake either. And there's no real point in me trying to as a Member. It'll just feel...hollow. A waste of my time, for a broken tool that was tossed away before being mended.

...I'm just wasting our time now. I should be drawing.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:

...I don't belong here. Not ever since...that...

No point in pestering the admins to reconsider their actions and re-promote me to fix that mistake either. And there's no real point in me trying to as a Member. It'll just feel...hollow. A waste of my time, for a broken tool that was tossed away before being mended.

...I'm just wasting our time now. I should be drawing.

I do apologize for how this is going to sound, but I believe somebody needs to say all this.

quality > quantity

Tag editing has never been a race. Perhaps rewarding a large number of tag edits shouldn't be done in the future, because, as evidenced by how long it took for the script tagging errors to be pointed out, they're not always reviewed for accuracy or consistency.

We are hobbyists and volunteers, and we do get upset when something goes wrong, but we are first and foremost a community. We aren't ostracizing you, and we certainly don't think any less of you because your account's no longer privileged.

However, the amount of work created by not being critical of your own tagging is a problem. Is losing your privileged status a harsh lesson? Yes. Is it wrong? No.

Rather than sulk away from the site because you feel your efforts were in vain, try learning from this instead. I guarantee you, when you're tagging in the future, you won't ever forget to be mindful of what you're doing. Think of this as the beginning of being a better tagger than you were before.

Stop by the chat sometime.

Updated by anonymous

Personally I've tried to figure out some valid mass taggings that could be done, but haven't found one yet. It would probably be something complicated like 'if A and B and not C and D, it's been on the site for at least 2 months, and the rating is E, then tag with T'. With only a few types of tag as possible inputs (copyright tags .. artist tags?) since everything else (body parts, color, etc) is pretty vulnerable to being modified by 'artistic license'.

Personally I don't really have the time for non-mass tagging, though. Just one or two tags here and there when I spot an obvious deficiency.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:

I do apologize for how this is going to sound, but I believe somebody needs to say all this.

Tag editing has never been a race. Perhaps rewarding a large number of tag edits shouldn't be done in the future, because, as evidenced by how long it took for the script tagging errors to be pointed out, they're not always reviewed for accuracy or consistency.

We are hobbyists and volunteers, and we do get upset when something goes wrong, but we are first and foremost a community. We aren't ostracizing you, and we certainly don't think any less of you because your account's no longer privileged.

However, the amount of work created by not being critical of your own tagging is a problem. Is losing your privileged status a harsh lesson? Yes. Is it wrong? No.

Rather than sulk away from the site because you feel your efforts were in vain, try learning from this instead. I guarantee you, when you're tagging in the future, you won't ever forget to be mindful of what you're doing. Think of this as the beginning of being a better tagger than you were before.

Stop by the chat sometime.

Don't apologize. I needed to hear every word of that to appease my mind.

*Sigh* I still feel like crap. I haven't shed a tear or done anything I seriously regret because of it. I'm just feeling...I don't know. Laid off? Broken? Betrayed? Conflicted? Not surprising since I've been at this since March. It felt like a job that I was happy to go to every day. After all, you come to e621 for the porn, you stay for the comments. I hate Facebook and Twitter, and yet I love e621.

I suppose for now, the best course of action I choose to take is to correct my mistakes, one tag at a time.

...I actually spent half an hour trying to respond back to the best of my ability. I feel so broken.

Updated by anonymous

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