Topic: what is the weirdest thing you've ever seen on e621?

Posted under General

i think i might regret asking this later but putting aside the obvious sources of weirdness such as tags like where_is_your_god_now, what, nightmare_fuel, and similar. out of the "normal" stuff, what's the weirdest you guys have seen before?

one i recently came across was post #377866

it seems to be no less than 4 fetishes (unsure if the dragonite's top penis is going throught that one guys body entirely or if he was somehow transformed and it's his...head there)and 3, maybe 4 different genders (can't tell for sure with that vaporeon at the bottom).

Updated by user 22273

Circeus said:
As much as I like Petrock's art, some of his transformation stuff is pretty weird to me

post #578268
post #578714

This has probably the weirdest anatomy I've uploaded

post #741337

And of course there are some WEIRD crossovers out there...

post #773943

to the first 2, those remind me of post #371868

the3rd is the WHY?! aspect of that pic, and the last pic is not that strange. i mean, i've uploaded pics with kimba and bambi iirc.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
to the first 2, those remind me of post #371868

the3rd is the WHY?! aspect of that pic, and the last pic is not that strange. i mean, i've uploaded pics with kimba and bambi iirc.

I guess the really weird stuff doesn't make that much of an impression on me XD

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
OMG, it's rated -666 right now XD

Yeah, I noticed that.

If you haven't seen this pic, you haven't been on e621 for long enough.

Updated by anonymous

I hope you have this blacklisted because it's pretty weird...and frightening.

post #776095

and I'd post another here but I don't know if it's still here...just imagine a penis with a penis head, penis legs, penis arms, penis fingers, and well you can think of the rest...

Sometimes I really worry about the minds of people. :/

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
That reminds me about feanor's stuff...

post #756102

Oh dear gosh I can't look anymore >_< lol

When it comes to art like that, I see it as two ways.

One: The person is communicating of how they feel inside


Two: They love the sight of pain

I can't possibly understand how one could be turned on by the sight of gore or scat...

I need a break from whatever I have blacklisted, it's too much for me. I'm about to faint. x(

Updated by anonymous

yeah...gore has long since been added to my blacklist. doesn't phase me otherwise but i don't like that part of the porn world. it's always a big fat NOPE!

Updated by anonymous

I better leave blacklisted stuff has blacklisted, wont click on them never again, but curiosity...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
yeah...gore has long since been added to my blacklist. doesn't phase me otherwise but i don't like that part of the porn world. it's always a big fat NOPE!

It's like the dark (deep) web in the furry universe.

CG550 said:
I better leave blacklisted stuff has blacklisted, wont click on them never again, but curiosity...

Curiosity killed the cat. x(

I click on them sometimes too, 99% of the time I regret it. lol

Updated by anonymous

Aeon18King said:
It's like the dark (deep) web in the furry universe.

Curiosity killed the cat. x(

I click on them sometimes too, 99% of the time I regret it. lol

The one thing on this thread that isn't blacklisted for me (besides avs) is the Tails double-anus pic.

Updated by anonymous

It's an odd feel when you realize none of this shit phases you any more.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Does it eat through one asshole and shit through the other, or does it just die because it can't eat?

oh gods, that just reminded me of a horrible movie i thankfully never saw. i wouldn't direct anyone to that movie. :(

Updated by anonymous

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