Topic: Raptors, dromaesaurids, therapods, etc...

Posted under General

Edit: This was handled in forum #170274

Disclaimer: I'm not a dinosaur expert nor do I even claim to be an amateur. I used wikipedia for all of my sourcing for convenience. Yes, the dinosaur tags are confusing and the taxonomy (here and in the real world) is a mess.

That being said...right now we use raptor for velociraptor, which is one of the more well-known dinosaurs and the most used dinosaur therapods on this site. Surprisingly, therapod itself is also highly tagged, despite there being absolutely no implications to it. There are a few more specific tags which, taxonomy-wise, the tags run like this:

(Classy visual aid)

However the current implications actually run like this:

...Which is probably more specific than most of us even care about. However, there are obviously more than a few dinosaur enthusiasts here so we might as well talk about implications/aliases and what options we have.

I'm not 100% on what should be implicated to what, but the following two options seem to make the most sense to me (keeping in mind both practicality and simplicity).

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3 (nuke everything mode)

Option 1 has the advantage of being more technically correct, while option 2 has the advantage of being more visually convenient (probably).

Option 3 is really silly, has questionable practicality, and is probably the slightly less lazy version of the current "raptor -> dinosaur" implication we have now. However, after trying to find and categorize all these tags I realized that this is pretty much how I feel about this classification at this point, so I decided to include it anyways.


What should therapod cover?

By the time I got to this, I started to get a bit of a headache and couldn't really figure out what other species are included here.

Updated by Furrin Gok

I don't think that being that accurate is the right aproach, but indeed I think the current aliasing is to vague.
Raptor-> Velociraptor is viable
Therapod is too generic, unless people know what does that mean, it wouldn't be useful.

Updated by anonymous

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