Topic: Blacklisting images on the server's side?

Posted under General

What bothers me about this site is that when you blacklist some tag that you don't want to see, it doesn't just block the images with this tag from being sent to you altogether, you still have all possible images sent to your machine, and then while the page is loading, a local script on your browser hides them so that you can unhide them or rehide again any time you want. There are two problem with this approach:

1) If the page loads too slow, you will still see the blacklisted images before your browser finally hides them, which means that if you blacklisted something because you didn't want to look at it (i.e. a show you don't want to see spoilers for, or a fetish you are particularly alergic for) you'll still have to run into unwanted content sometime
2) If you want to blacklist things like cub porn or lolicon because they are illegal in your jurisdiction, it is completely useless since forbidden content is still transferred to your computer and it doesn't matter legally that you didn't look at them

Is there any way to fix this, besides simply adding negations of all unwanted tags to your every search of course?

Updated by savageorange

A system that loads results in realtime from XML or JSON could probably manage that no problem. That said, such a system is not trivial to implement.

Updated by anonymous

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