Topic: Translation Requests

Posted under General

There's a lot of images/pools awaiting translation, but a very limited number of people that can do so. In fact, given how much gets posted needing translation, it's amazing how much does get translated.

Posting all over the forums and in comments isn't really going to speed things up when they're already doing so much in addition to their own lives.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
You know, I actually want to learn Japanese.

If I do, I could definitely assist with the translation_request tag.

In case you do, or in case anyone else here is learning, here's some resources:

some resources

Grammar guides[/b] Japanese->English dictionaries[/b]
WWWJDIC <- Based on the same dictionary for WWWJDIC (appears to be slightly less updated though). Also, it lets you search for kanji by radicals and can show you the stroke order and other information about kanji. <-example sentences
Rikaichan and its modified version Rikaisama (Firefox add-ons)Text input[/b]
Google Translate <- Lets you draw kanji and also has a built in IME (an IME converts romanized Japanese into actual Japanese characters).
You could also download Microsoft's or Google's IME for Japanese.learning communities / Q&A sites[/b] slang[/b] <- you'll see this a lot on this site <- Japan's Urban Dictionary/Know Your Memepronunciation[/b] <- audio recordings from native speakers <- warning: very technicalbooks[/b] (I've never read these, but I always hear good things about them):
Genki I
Genki II
A Dictionary Of Basic Japanese Grammar
A Dictionary Of Intermediate Japanese Grammarmiscellaneous[/b] <- digital flashcard program. Download decks or create your own. <- collection of Japanese subtitles for some anime series

頑張って! (Good luck!)

Updated by anonymous

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