Topic: why the hate?

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post #789565 -4 rating, post #789570 -20 rating, post #789560 -3 rating, post #789572 -5 rating, and while post #789561 has a +1 rating for now it's likely to go negative soon enough.

they're not being down voted for being bad pics, they're just getting down voted due to being related to the mlp;fim fandom. that much is pretty obvious.

wtf? any pic related to mlp;fim just goes right into the negative rating.

i wonder how much of those neg ratings are from people who purposely leave mlp;fim related tags off they're blacklist just so they can down vote such pics (wouldn't surprise me if theres at least some people who do that).

Updated by Burgerpants

Some people simply find this particular combo very cringy and forced upon them and they have the right to dislike it even if the drawings look fine. You should definitively know by now that people have different taste and opinions and it's their full right to not like something you do. It's just a rating number, it's not going to ruin your life

Updated by anonymous

Some people really don't like seeing MLP mix into Undertale.

You think that's bad? Have you heard about the death threats given to someone who wanted to make an FNAF/Undertale crossover?

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
Some people really don't like seeing MLP mix into Undertale.

You think that's bad? Have you heard about the death threats given to someone who wanted to make an FNAF/Undertale crossover?

Steven's Universe fans are the worst yet. They've attacked an artist that was drawing fan art of the show and crossover art of SU and MLP...the artist nearly killed herself.

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
Steven's Universe fans are the worst yet. They've attacked an artist that was drawing fan art of the show and crossover art of SU and MLP...the artist nearly killed herself.

I would too if I made fanart

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
Steven's Universe fans are the worst yet. They've attacked an artist that was drawing fan art of the show and crossover art of SU and MLP...the artist nearly killed herself.

Knotty_Curls said:
I would too if I made fanart

When I start drawing seriously, I'll have to keep my guard up in regards to blatant negativity. It's easy to disregard it because it's online. But what if I ever attend a convention or something?

Updated by anonymous

Look, it's like MLP is radioactive waste, if you just stuff it all in barrels and toss them into a lake far away, we can just ignore it. Cross overs are, I dunno, dumping the barrels in a park next to the swings. People aren't going to like it.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
When I start drawing seriously, I'll have to keep my guard up in regards to blatant negativity. It's easy to disregard it because it's online. But what if I ever attend a convention or something?

I'd like to believe that people who attend conventions are generally positive people

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
I'd like to believe that people who attend conventions are generally positive people

True. Whether they are or are not, they have to be.

My brother actually got a physical print of this image from the artist that drew it.

post #180932

Updated by anonymous

Beeseverywhere said:
Look, it's like MLP is radioactive waste, if you just stuff it all in barrels and toss them into a lake far away, we can just ignore it. Cross overs are, I dunno, dumping the barrels in a park next to the swings. People aren't going to like it.

It's interesting that people are willing to say things like this. Don't they realize wildly exaggerated criticism like this reflects far more negatively on them than on what they're criticizing?

Updated by anonymous

many of the downvoted ones are.. not very well done. and that combined with unpopular crossover. thats why.

Updated by anonymous

To be completely honest I don't see how anything that has a very definitive tag or at least decent quality is downvoted because the blacklist exists. I get that people don't like it but that is literally what the blacklist is for isn't it? I personally don't have any issue with ANY crossover because in the end it doesn't do anything to the original ideas while still providing interesting "what ifs". And there is never a reason to get so bothered by art you can choose not to see to go so far as to insult/threaten the artist. I honestly question if i should feel as much pity for the people whining as the people drawing because sometimes I wonder if those complainers have mental issues with the things they would say and their reasoning behind it.

Updated by anonymous

You may think they're quality works, but this is entirely subjective.

Updated by anonymous

MLP and Undertale mix about as well as oil and water. The subject matter and seriousness of Undertale just doesn't mix well with the other.

Updated by anonymous

Yeh, actually looking at those posts, most of them are mediocre.

I upvoted post #789561 because I think it is well designed, but it has a number of faults that could easily provoke downvotes:

  • Oversaturated colors (magenta areas, particularly, aren't drawn with respect to the real behaviour of light and atmosphere)
  • Lack of contrast on metal parts and somewhat on face, conflicting with the heavy contrast on hair and pauldrons.
  • Aliasing (TBH I can appreciate a good aliased rendering. But AFAICS I'm in the minority on that.)

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
>>>giving a shit
>>about anything


Seriously though, people dislike it because MLP crossovers are by default, forced. They rarely, if ever actually fit whatever they're being crossed into, and exist seemingly "for teh luls". If you like MLP, you might be able to "appreciate" the joke, reference, etc. But for everyone else it's just MLP forcing it's way into yet another fandom.

Updated by anonymous

SirBrownBear said:

Seriously though, people dislike it because MLP crossovers are by default, forced. They rarely, if ever actually fit whatever they're being crossed into, and exist seemingly "for teh luls". If you like MLP, you might be able to "appreciate" the joke, reference, etc. But for everyone else it's just MLP forcing it's way into yet another fandom.

But MLP isn't special in that sense. All sufficiently popular fandoms end up doing that. That's why I find these 'don't get your fandom in my fandom' comments fairly laughable.

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
I couldn't give a shit whether or not people like certain pics/crossover, but comment like that are exactly what caused the incident mentioned by

Get over it.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
But MLP isn't special in that sense. All sufficiently popular fandoms end up doing that. That's why I find these 'don't get your fandom in my fandom' comments fairly laughable.

Other fandoms don't really have a reputation for "forced" crossovers though, at least not on the same level as MLP. With others it's something that happens at random, and with no real guarantee, but with MLP it's something people KNOW will happen.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
Some people really don't like seeing MLP mix into Undertale.

You think that's bad? Have you heard about the death threats given to someone who wanted to make an FNAF/Undertale crossover?

Did he/she/it get rape threats, too?

Updated by anonymous

SirBrownBear said:
Other fandoms don't really have a reputation for "forced" crossovers though, at least not on the same level as MLP. With others it's something that happens at random, and with no real guarantee, but with MLP it's something people KNOW will happen.

The thing about this is if you KNOW it will happen, why is the hate so prominent? I mean it's like the sun rising and setting. At some point you stop giving a shit because it ALWAYS happens but it doesn't have to affect you at all.

Updated by anonymous

Ok I guess I'll put it like this. Mlp fans, you shouldn't care if they down vote your stuff if you and a broad audience loves it anyway, there's still a strong core of support in your fandom. Just look at all the vore and gore fans, they couldn't care less if their stuff was down voted.

Undertale fans or haters of mlp, there's something called a blacklist. Use it, it's very helpful. Thank you.

Updated by anonymous

post #789565

Is it a bed of flowers, or a bed of corn? Even a pixelated game put more effort into design than this. And don't get me started with the hugpile.

post #789570

Cringeworthy in every way, from the MS Paint shapes to the shopped backgrounds to the split down the middle. Honestly don't know how this one was approved.

post #789560

This one's alright.

post #789572

I know the scene this is referencing. Why is Papyrus likened to Lyra? Why does the random bobble-head humor at the end not appeal to me? Why are most CGI works tough to look at?

Hard questions. What's important is it could have done better.

post #789561


There's a reason the ones I'm okay with have very few to zero negative votes, but the ones I dislike have a very strong negative score. It's not just because of bronies - these pieces are terrible and aren't worth defending. Think for a second before concluding the hate stems from its content alone.

Updated by anonymous



Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
post #789565

Is it a bed of flowers, or a bed of corn? Even a pixelated game put more effort into design than this. And don't get me started with the hugpile.

I feel bad for this one. Though the composition and plate of corn isn't the best, the characters are done well.

Updated by anonymous

This almost looks to be a very obvious ruse on burger's part to stir up a hornets nest on E6.

He seems to be the one posting most of it.

Updated by anonymous

There are just some things you can't crossover. Undertale and MLP being one of them. I feel a lot of people can't really explain it, myself included. It just feels wrong, seeing this character taken by another fandom and bastardized into it's own image. I also agree the subject matter explanation.

It's the same reason you don't just take a thing and put your damn OC's into it. It's an established universe, with characters and endings and et cetera. I guarantee if someone made their own skeleton character who was shoehorned as a forgotten evil twin to sans, that post and concept wold be downvoted to all hell. Heck, 'So Sorry', someones OC which is in the damn game is hated by a lot of Undertale fans because it just doesn't fit. The MLP crossover thing kind of melds with that, it's just not something that fits.

Updated by anonymous

Stop putting Undertale characters in MLP! Undertale is a fad and MLP does not need it.


Updated by anonymous

Pendraggon said:
There are just some things you can't crossover.

.. Just like there are some things you can't make porn of? ;)

Not fitting doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it low quality. A person who thinks hard enough will make it fit.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I dunno, these seem to work pretty well:

post #785019 post #763834

Though there isn't much to choose from on here.

I think what sets that apart is both the quality, and the fact that they aren't "ponifying" undertale characters though~

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
.. Just like there are some things you can't make porn of? ;)

Not fitting doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it low quality. A person who thinks hard enough will make it fit.

That's the issue. "Making it fit". It shouldn't be forced.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
That's the issue. "Making it fit". It shouldn't be forced.

What do you think fandom is?

Heck, what do you think fiction is?

There's no 'not forced'.
There's just making your puppets dance in a convincing way, or an unconvincing one. If you're on a power trip inserting your OC, you're probably writing /arting /whatever badly, cause you care more about the power trip; this is AFAICS what's called 'forced'. If you have complex thoughts to share and are genuinely bothering to make stuff really fit, then it generally will.

I feel like maybe I'm belaboring a point here, but once you take away 'making things fit'.. there is no art to be made of anything, at all.

Updated by anonymous

Some people get sick to shit with the endless crossover fad involving mixing mlp with everything like it's a sport.

Updated by anonymous


Updated by anonymous

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