Topic: Images aren't loading on my phone.

Posted under General

Hi. Starting two days ago, images would not load when I viewed them, they would become a box with an outline and have the image loading failed icom in the middle, I could view them if I clicked 'download', so I did that. Half of the time I would get an error code (forgot which) saying 'request header or cookie too large'. But if I refreshed it worked.

Now, images flat out will not load anywhere after I deleted cache, cookies, etc. With no error message. Thumbnails still load however. What do I do?

Updated by 404dotexe

Pendraggon said:
Hi. Starting two days ago, images would not load when I viewed them, they would become a box with an outline and have the image loading failed icom in the middle, I could view them if I clicked 'download', so I did that. Half of the time I would get an error code (forgot which) saying 'request header or cookie too large'. But if I refreshed it worked.

Now, images flat out will not load anywhere after I deleted cache, cookies, etc. With no error message. Thumbnails still load however. What do I do?

To add to this, some pictures seem to work just fine, like my avatar, now I really don't know what's going on.

Updated by anonymous

Try clearing the cache, we had some trouble a couple days ago with the content server. If that fails remove that user from your blacklist and try again, the blacklist might break thanks to that guy's strange name.

If it is the blacklisted name try telling parasprite or Tony about it because that would need fixing on the back end.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Try clearing the cache, we had some trouble a couple days ago with the content server. If that fails remove that user from your blacklist and try again, the blacklist might break thanks to that guy's strange name.

If it is the blacklisted name try telling parasprite or Tony about it because that would need fixing on the back end.

Who's name?

Updated by anonymous

Pendraggon said:
Who's name?

You only have one "user:XXX" on your blacklist. I'm not saying the name because of privacy reasons.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
You only have one "user:XXX" on your blacklist. I'm not saying the name because of privacy reasons.

It was the blacklisted name. My problem is fixed. Honestly I had a similar problem when I tried blacklisting him, the system did not work because of that stupid as hell name. Please prevent use of any character that isn't letters, numbers and underscores to try and prevent this.

Updated by anonymous

Pendraggon said:
It was the blacklisted name. My problem is fixed. Honestly I had a similar problem when I tried blacklisting him, the system did not work because of that stupid as hell name. Please prevent use of any character that isn't letters, numbers and underscores to try and prevent this.

Already done. Letters, numbers, and -_~' are the only characters allowed now. However users are still allowed to keep their old names as long as they don't change them.

I'll look into this issue and see if there's a way to prevent things like this from causing issues.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Already done. Letters, numbers, and -_~' are the only characters allowed now. However users are still allowed to keep their old names as long as they don't change them.

I'll look into this issue and see if there's a way to prevent things like this from causing issues.

How about adding userid:XXX?
People get to keep their names but are still uniquely identified, and blacklisted, even after namechanges.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
How about adding userid:XXX?
People get to keep their names but are still uniquely identified, and blacklisted, even after namechanges.

I feel this would be one of the best ways. Even allows people to change their names and nothing breaks.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
How about adding userid:XXX?
People get to keep their names but are still uniquely identified, and blacklisted, even after namechanges.

I've been meaning to split user: (comments/forum posts) from user: (the uploader) so they can be blacklisted independently of each other, but your suggestion seems simple enough to add.

Updated by anonymous

I have no idea why the images aren't loading. It loads fine on my phone and I'm using dolphin with jetpack (since they fixed the error with dolphin jetpack now)

Updated by anonymous

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