Topic: How dark is your personality?

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As I was briefly lamenting my recent demotion (thankfully away from e621), I came across this interesting survey through Yahoo.

I took it for funsies, to see how dark my personality is.

And according to its results, I am "Infrequently Vile". I mostly put others before myself, though you may find occasions in which your dark side shines.

My Machiavellianism level was around 70%, narcissism at 40%, and psycopathy at 25%.

I'm betting those three numbers are neutral at 50%. If that's the case, then I'm somewhat manipulative. Definitely not here (at least I hope not), but somewhat at home because I don't like inserting others into my "busy" schedule, I tend to be introverted, or something like that.

Updated by Kristal Candeo

For me:

Infrequently vile
You are infrequently vile – you mostly put others before yourself, though you may find occasions in which your dark side shines.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
For me:

Infrequently vile
You are infrequently vile – you mostly put others before yourself, though you may find occasions in which your dark side shines.

same here. this quiz didn't seem all that interesting imo.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
this is silly]

Fits your species...

I got about "Infrequently vile," with about:
30% Machiavellianism
45% Narcissism
10% Psychopathy

Seems reasonable I guess.

Updated by anonymous

I ended up "shockingly saintly".

In particular, I scored, I think, zero on psychopathy. Which makes sense, considering I think empathy is perhaps the most important quality that a person can have.

Updated by anonymous

Infrequently vile. 50% on Machiavellianism, 30-35% on Narcissism, and 55% on Psychopathy. Yeah, makes sense.

Updated by anonymous

I got

Decidedly dastardly
You are decidedly dastardly. But do you use your dark personality for good, like James Bond, or evil, like Dr No?

100% Psychopathy and machiavellianism, 55% in Narcissim.

Updated by anonymous

Moderately nefarious

80% machavellian
Low narcissism
60% psychopathy

Uh, I mean...I guess

Updated by anonymous

Forgot to put in stats of my results, so I retook it (same exact answers) and here's what I got:

Moderately nefarious
Machiavellianism: 75-80% (doesn't tell me exact precentage)
Narcissism: 55%
Psychopathy: 50%

I feel that the percentage results described me when I was in 4th-6th grades.

Updated by anonymous

Shockingly saintly...huh (And I really answered truthfully)

~20% machiavellianism
no narcissism what so ever
~5% psychopathy

Updated by anonymous

Pretty weak quiz, let's be fair.

Grouping mindsets into rigid categories in such a restrictive manner is amusing but beyond the fun factor, it really serves no purpose.

Updated by anonymous

Actinium-89 said:
Pretty weak quiz, let's be fair.

Grouping mindsets into rigid categories in such a restrictive manner is amusing but beyond the fun factor, it really serves no purpose.

You got shockingly saintly didn't you

Updated by anonymous

Actinium-89 said:
Pretty weak quiz, let's be fair.

Grouping mindsets into rigid categories in such a restrictive manner is amusing but beyond the fun factor, it really serves no purpose.

Well, it IS an online personality quiz. Every single one of them is as pointless and ridiculous as those 'which Pokémon are you' or 'what is your spirit animal' quizzes on Facebook.

Updated by anonymous

nah I'm not taking it

personality can't be assigned labels, imo. You can't just try and neatly categorise something that's A) abstract and B) not quantative

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
As I was briefly lamenting my recent demotion (thankfully away from e621), I came across this interesting survey through Yahoo.

I took it for funsies, to see how dark my personality is.

And according to its results, I am "Infrequently Vile". I mostly put others before myself, though you may find occasions in which your dark side shines.

My Machiavellianism level was around 70%, narcissism at 40%, and psycopathy at 25%.

I'm betting those three numbers are neutral at 50%. If that's the case, then I'm somewhat manipulative. Definitely not here (at least I hope not), but somewhat at home because I don't like inserting others into my "busy" schedule, I tend to be introverted, or something like that.

People in places like here are more likely to be autistic and psychopathic, à la Asperger's.

Updated by anonymous

Glutamate said:
People in places like here are more likely to be autistic and psychopathic, à la Asperger's.

My mom used to believe that I has Asperger's, but I'm just an introvert.

Updated by anonymous

I figured out how to boil down this entire quiz into one question.

How far did you get in the Undertale Genocide run before bailing?

Updated by anonymous

Im the kind of guy who tries to make friends, but I ain't afraid to physically kick someone's ass if they piss me off right. And I've done that.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
nah I'm not taking it

personality can't be assigned labels, imo. You can't just try and neatly categorise something that's A) abstract and B) not quantative

Actinium-89 said:
Pretty weak quiz, let's be fair.

Grouping mindsets into rigid categories in such a restrictive manner is amusing but beyond the fun factor, it really serves no purpose.


Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
I figured out how to boil down this entire quiz into one question.

How far did you get in the Undertale Genocide run before bailing?

You can find out going True Pacifist, too.

How much did you fall in love with seriAl murDerer]

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
I figured out how to boil down this entire quiz into one question.

How far did you get in the Undertale Genocide run before bailing?

Actually, I used a Cheat Engine at the final boss.

I don't even care. I bad a backlog of other video games that I wanted to get to.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
nah I'm not taking it

personality can't be assigned labels, imo. You can't just try and neatly categorise something that's A) abstract and B) not quantative

agreed and i bet some would probably find it quite irritating when people try and categorize them like that. kinda like how i hate stereotyping things (whether you consider one to be good or bad, all stereotypes are bad).

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:

Okay so my moral personality is just a bit weird, but here it is:

Passive vs. Manipulative:

Usually I am very passive on all personal views and things. And as far as helping others, I will go WAY out of my way to do so, but only if its is not previously expected or required.

Like, if I was at a store and I saw someone needed help with something ridiculously hard or out of the way, (for example carrying alot of heavy stuff to the Lot when the person is old or Crippled and there are not enough employees available to do it, or just anything) Then I would stop my own shopping to do so. Just to help out. But say if I worked at the same store and it was "Required" or "Expected" that I do it and I am busy on another Important task, I tend to think bad things, like "I don't have time for that", or "They can do it themselves, I'm busy", or even just "Someone else will/should do it".

For some reason, I hate the 'expectation' to do nice things. I like to be nice, to be nice. Not because someone expects me to be that way.

Paragon vs. Evil:

Also, I generally like to be nice and helpful all the time. "Paragon" I guess. But there are times when I suddenly feel... well, "Evil" is the only way I can describe it. I suddenly snap and think of truly evil things. (I will not elaborate) The first of my triggered thoughts being along the lines of, "I am DONE being this world's Doormat!"

Now that I think about it, It's like the Pinkamina/Pinkie Pie thing. (usually fun/nice, but in that one moment, is the absolute worst to everyone involved.)

As such, I have to stay offline and away from people for everyone's safety (including mine). I even have a room stocked full of cheap/decorative things to Rampage upon so I won't go out.

But in a matter of about 1-2 days, I beg (insert my chosen deity) for forgiveness and I am Paragon again for an indefinite time period. (usually about 1 1/3 -2 1/2 months.) Then I snap again.

It's just an infinite loop, and I have no idea why this happens. I don't know if it's just pent up aggression or what but it just happens.

Is anyone else like this, or am I weird? Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
As I was briefly lamenting my recent demotion (thankfully away from e621), I came across this interesting survey through Yahoo.

I took it for funsies, to see how dark my personality is.

And according to its results, I am "Infrequently Vile". I mostly put others before myself, though you may find occasions in which your dark side shines.

My Machiavellianism level was around 70%, narcissism at 40%, and psycopathy at 25%.

I'm betting those three numbers are neutral at 50%. If that's the case, then I'm somewhat manipulative. Definitely not here (at least I hope not), but somewhat at home because I don't like inserting others into my "busy" schedule, I tend to be introverted, or something like that.

I took it and got the same overall result, but my Machiavellianism level was around 60%, Narcissism at 40%, and Psycopathy at 35%.

Updated by anonymous

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