Topic: Bravo

Posted under General

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2 uploads per day wow fine lesser times to upload lesser times to feed other uploaders I hate this site to much into itself with rules this and that I well just post to my private photobucket or a upload hoster simple to stay way from feeding this pathetic site

Updated by TonyCoon

Did you try reading what it tells you to do if your upload limit gets too low?

Updated by anonymous

It the hell admins that take it away not me I am done with feeding upload stealers finding better bigger images then I find which is getting me in trouble so I sent a little email to the owner saying to delete my account or force them to by right life proper authorities by going to get a official document to force them to

Updated by anonymous

If e621 wants to play hard ball I will play hard ball by makeing them delete my account by proper authorities it's not hard to do really to get it to happen it over rides any of my uploads and artists agreement that I posted I can get this site in trouble really for there terms of useage to account

Updated by anonymous

Accounts can't be deleted. If you want, just change your password to random keystrokes and forget about it

As for your uploads being deleted, it's not because people "steal" your uploads. As an image archive -of sorts-, the higher image resolutions, the better. If you still want to give it a last shot with your upload limit, you can check forum #169987 for hints on how to get those hi-res versions

Updated by anonymous

Aces said:
It the hell admins that take it away not me I am done with feeding upload stealers finding better bigger images then I find which is getting me in trouble so I sent a little email to the owner saying to delete my account or force them to by right life proper authorities by going to get a official document to force them to

I have no idea what you're saying here. It helps to calm down and use proper pronunciation, y'know.

The steps are:
1. Look through all of the artist's galleries to make sure you find the biggest version.
2. Make sure you check "View Image" just in case the active page reduces the size, as View Image won't always do so.
3. If your post still gets deleted for a superior version, contact the administrators to politely ask that the deleted post gets removed from your record, thus preventing it from counting against your upload count.

There's not much you can do about the DNP posts, but if you accidentally posted one, you can immediately request its takedown yourself, which prevents it from generating a Deleted Post count. The option to do so is open for 48 hours; if somebody else flags it before you got the chance, you can still ask an admin to take it down.

However, you must be polite in doing so. Being offensive and confrontational causes those you are talking with to do the same, and nothing gets done as a result.

Updated by anonymous

There is no need to get in a worry about this. If you just contact the right admin they can set your upload limit back to 10 like it was before you ever started uploading. I know it can be really frustrating, but the goal of this site is to provide art at the best quality it can be found. Sometimes this means someone will find an example that is better than yours, but that's okay, it's just incentive to try even better next time.

Updated by anonymous

You're going to get this site in trouble for... what, exactly? It says very clearly in the ToS, "The site is presented to you AS IS, without any warranty, express or implied." Which you should have considered before you created an account, and before you uploaded sub-par art that others happened to find the better version for. No authoritative body is going to help you "delete" your account from what's basically a specialized art gallery, as there's... no law that says a site HAS to delete your account at request. Please stop threatening an entity with legal ramifications when you clearly have no knowledge of actual law.

Updated by anonymous

1) First and foremost, you agreed to a terms of service. You cannot get e621 in legal trouble for not deleting your account. (Although e621 is usually nice like that and won't complain if you request your account to be deleted.)
2) Getting your uploads deleted for being lower resolution does not get you in trouble, at least unless they are deliberately small.
3) You don't own the art so how is anyone stealing anything?
4) You can avoid getting your uploads deleted by finding the highest resolution first. E.G. going to the artists or commissioners profile and grabbing the copy there instead of let's say tumblr or some image board such as 4chan or 8chan.

You can however alternatively not upload and become a lewd leach like me :^)

Message written on mobile, please ignore spilling errors.

Updated by anonymous

Taken care of I talk to owner of site really bye e621 it will happen soon by business hours its real and don't you dare threaten me I mean it an I can by proper authorities which higher then any terms or a site obay law and stuff reality can help me if I have to use it which I am not due to talking to owner this thread is over an done with end of story I have nothing more to say if I get harassment from more user base I will also use it to so let's not go there.

Updated by anonymous

Stop making all these empty threats, you fucking child. You have no power to follow through on any of them, and everyone knows that. Nobody would waste the time of pursuing legal action against some furry-porn site just 'cause you can't figure out how the fuck it works even there's guides and tips and the like right in fuckin' front of you. Get the fuck out if you don't like the site. Nobody cares about your complete and utter technical ineptitude or the wacky hijinks it seems to have gotten you into in the first place.

Now that I've said my piece on the matter, if you actually do turn out to be some sort of rich Saudi sheikh and do have access to necessary funds to purchase some nice-as-fuck lawyer or what-have-you, have 'em contact me so I can tell them to fuck off too if this post rubs ya the wrong way, chickenshit.

Updated by anonymous

All that you're doing right now is digging your own grave and waiting for the admins or moderators to fill in the hole with you in it.

I've seen this happen plenty of times now. It's not productive to anyone.

Updated by anonymous

Aces said:
2 uploads per day wow fine lesser times to upload lesser times to feed other uploaders I hate this site to much into itself with rules this and that I well just post to my private photobucket or a upload hoster simple to stay way from feeding this pathetic site

Aces said:
It the hell admins that take it away not me I am done with feeding upload stealers finding better bigger images then I find which is getting me in trouble so I sent a little email to the owner saying to delete my account or force them to by right life proper authorities by going to get a official document to force them to

Aces said:
If e621 wants to play hard ball I will play hard ball by makeing them delete my account by proper authorities it's not hard to do really to get it to happen it over rides any of my uploads and artists agreement that I posted I can get this site in trouble really for there terms of useage to account

Aces said:
Taken care of I talk to owner of site really bye e621 it will happen soon by business hours its real and don't you dare threaten me I mean it an I can by proper authorities which higher then any terms or a site obay law and stuff reality can help me if I have to use it which I am not due to talking to owner this thread is over an done with end of story I have nothing more to say if I get harassment from more user base I will also use it to so let's not go there.

Alright, just come out and tell us which ban evader you are.

Updated by anonymous

1. Post DNP and inferior resolution images.
2. Threaten legal action due to resulting low upload limit.
3. ???
4. Banned.

Updated by anonymous

Ya know, for a second I was kinda sorta sympathizing with you, then you just had to go full salt...

Updated by anonymous

Your upload-to-deletion ratio is almost at 50%

You will get no sympathy here, not until you learn how e_six works.

Updated by anonymous

punctuation, can't read you're posts properly without it.

Updated by anonymous

Aces said:
don't you dare threaten me I mean it an I can by proper authorities which higher then any terms or a site obay law and stuff reality can help me if I have to use it

Actually, you have no case. By using this site, you are agreeing to their terms of service. If you don't abide by their terms, they have the right to terminate you due to breach of legal contract. If you don't know how law works, stop trying to post empty threats with no weight.

Updated by anonymous

Actinium-89 said:
I'm so confused.

hes pissed because people upload better versions of his uploads and hes also pissed because his upload limit is down at 2 because of all the deletions.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
hes pissed because people upload better versions of his uploads and hes also pissed because his upload limit is down at 2 because of all the deletions.

He could, of course, go through the bvats list and upload a few bigger versions to improve his upload limit.
But none of them are ever smart enough to do that.

Updated by anonymous

post #804493

You seem to be under the impression that FA can be the only valid source to a furry picture. See, that's where you're wrong. As long as it links to an artist's own gallery, it will always count, and FA isn't the only page on the web to host personal galleries for furry artists (and thank God).

Many have accounts on other sites too, and because a few of those don't have an upload size limit (or at least not one that's easily exceeded), you can sometimes find bigger versions of the same pictures there.

Updated by anonymous

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