Topic: What are your Goals?

Posted under Off Topic

What are some things that have ether:
Been on your todo-list for a while,
something or somewhere you really want to do or go
Or a goal your shooting for?
(If you don't mind sharing.)
Doesn't matter if there big or small, a goal's a goals. =)

For me it'll be:

Small Time:
Enter a fighting game tournament. (preferably Skullgirls)
Go to a Furry Con.
Get promoted on this site.
Drink coffee at a Cafe.
Became well know at something in a community.

Big Time:
Finish School.
Becoming independent.
Crate a fantastic game for other's to play.
Become a well known Video game developer.
Buy the entirety or my online wishlist.

So what are your?

Updated by GameManiac

Hmmm, I guess mine would be:

-Learn how to draw more than just loli/shota/chibi, basically small proportions
-Learn how to shade properly
-Learn how to draw right in general
-Learn how to animate, and maybe well enough to be able to help out a friend or someone with a game/project of theirs, or something~
-Still be able to draw on the side once I get into my career
-Get a gaming pc

-Finish college
-Hopefully find a job in hydrology
-Be able to make enough to live alone, and not with a roommate
-Be able to live and die in a meaningful way
-Find a way to stop being a failure in my father's eyes

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Finish my degree, make more art, actually get commission work without needing to beg for it so I can make more loan payments. Maybe get a job related to my field in the fall.

I don't have big dreams.

NotMeNotYou said:
inb4 GameManiac with the exact same post for the hundredth time.

Oh, come now. GameManiac is a sweetheart, don't be too mean.

Updated by anonymous

Finish college, get drafted in the NBA, make any amount money, find my love, and work at Pixar as a 3D animator.

Updated by anonymous

To crush my enemies, to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

Updated by anonymous

Well as far as goals go for this website I would have to say not to cause too much trouble or be a nuisance. And also to be friendly to those who are new to the site to give them a good first impression.

Updated by anonymous

Transfer to a university
Get a part-time job
Get a new piano

Run a marathon
Earn a commission in the Navy (I'll probably be physically disqualified because of my ears)
Become a private pilot
Visit outer space (Not likely but I'd sell my kidneys for the opportunity)

Updated by anonymous

Small time:

Big time:
Make a list of goals

I never keep track of this stuff, I decide I want new goals every day. It's slightly annoying.

Updated by anonymous

Life goals?

Well, I've already graduated college and have a job at a VCA as a Veterinary Technician. In my free time, I spend my days on e621, playing video games, writing fanfiction, drawing with the intent of making a name for myself, collecting trading cards, working out, etc.

NotMeNotYou said:
inb4 GameManiac with the exact same post for the hundredth time.

Hello Flame. Meet Moth.

Hard to tell if you're insulting me or not. You probably are, but I don't care.

Notkastar said:
You lost me.

Do you mean this guy?


Ratte said:
Oh, come now. GameManiac is a sweetheart, don't be too mean.

I've met meaner, albeit briefly. That user is no longer here and I know better to say who it is. I also know better than to let negativity offend me. If anything, I want it, and I want it to be constructive. And if it isn't constructive, then oh well. I'm bound to make a few enemies alongside some friends.

...Thanks for the praise though. It tells me I'm at least doing something right.

Updated by anonymous

1. Become Mod
2. Horribly abuse all my power
3. Laugh manically

No, but seriously, I just have plans to make this year better than last year, which won't be too hard.

Updated by anonymous

Molestia said:
1. Become Mod

Did mlp uploads on e621 go straight to 2pc like rating:safe uploads go to e926? I'm wondering about how the site died.

Updated by anonymous

1. Empty my todo list(s)
2. Get a job now that I'm out of school
3. Save up for a new apartment
4. Go back to school for developer stuff this time

GameManiac said:

Hello Flame. Meet Moth.

That is super cute. (sauce)

Lance_Armstrong said:
Did mlp uploads on e621 go straight to 2pc like rating:safe uploads go to e926?

I'm wondering about how the site died.

Nope, they were all uploaded more/less manually (some uploads were probably scripted, but their tags run a bit different than ours).

Between Derpibooru and here, the site kind of fell into obscurity without a good niche to fill.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Did mlp uploads on e621 go straight to 2pc like rating:safe uploads go to e926? I'm wondering about how the site died.

I don't think they're reuploaded to e926, are they? I thought e926 was the same site, only it pretended that the non-safe images didn't exist.

Updated by anonymous

I've given up on many you could say I'm standing up with a stick, but eh, here they are anyway:

  • Finish university

Do games
Draw (at least decently)
Make this a real thing (that's a 3 year old project that lives as a screen saver)
Learn another language
Have a great good nice ok job
Have a girlfriend boyfriend relationship something
Build a vehicle that uses either no gasoline or a small amount of electricity
Have my own electronic devices firm dedicated mostly to hobbyists and people with no idea but with interest on the matter
Learn music or sound design
Play drums
...way many others I forgot

GameManiac said:
Hello Flame. Meet Moth.]

That's a beautiful comic. I saw the complete one on deviantArt but I can't find it right now (it'll be hard going through 300+ faves to find it D: ). - nevermind, Parasprite found it

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I thought e926 was the same site, only it pretended that the non-safe images didn't exist.

Yeah this is more/less what e926 does. 20pc runs on the same servers (I believe) but otherwise has independent databases.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Lance_Armstrong said:
Did mlp uploads on e621 go straight to 2pc like rating:safe uploads go to e926? I'm wondering about how the site died.

No, back when 20pc was first launched I was in charge of running a script to import the current MLP uploads of e621 to 20pc with Aurali.

The site died with a simple lack of interest and thus a lack of contribution.

Updated by anonymous

We're all disappointedI but it had been really slow for years; most people were still just uploading to e6 anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
That's a beautiful comic. I saw the complete one on deviantArt but I can't find it right now (it'll be hard going through 300+ faves to find it D: ). - nevermind, Parasprite found it

I just found it on Google Images with the thought of finding the most harmless moth to a flame image that I could find.

Molestia said:
No, but seriously, I just have plans to make this year better than last year, which won't be too hard.

...I have no idea why that made me think of The Joker telling Harvey Dent about people with plans in The Dark Knight.

Zenti said:
Very long term

God. Damn.

And I thought I was backlogged with video games.

Updated by anonymous

-try to be functional human being (eat at least once per day and shower at least every second day)
-clean room
-do unfinished school shit
-stop self harming
-finish school
-get a job from some game firm
-get permission to get top surgery and start hrt
-make game and/or comic
-get a cat and a blue tongue skink

thats about it

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
Oh, come now. GameManiac is a sweetheart, don't be too mean.

GameManiac said:
Hello Flame. Meet Moth.

Hard to tell if you're insulting me or not. You probably are, but I don't care.

I'm just yanking you around a bit, the last couple times a thread like this came up you pretty much created identical posts for all of them.

Updated by anonymous

I am but a simple peacock with simple peacock needs.

  • Craft a peacock sock puppet
  • Create a youtube channel documenting an ordinary peacock's everyday life
  • Suggest a peacock penetrable toy at Bad Dragon
  • Make a video of the peacock sock puppet reviewing the peacock penetrable
  • Graduate from peacock theatre arts
  • Get back into playing peacock guitar and recording peacock songs
  • Read more peacock books
  • Resume peacock cross-country training
  • Inspire others to be more like peacock
  • Insert peacock into the annals of furrydom

Updated by anonymous

Current goals:

-Finding new goals everyday

Short term:

- Find new girlfriend
- Finishing my (first) fanfiction
- eat healthier food

Long term:

- Finding a job fitting my abilities
- Earn money in a job that is challenging and not so boring
- Moving into a better appartment
- Learning a third language (maybe russian or japanese)

Updated by anonymous

My goals:

-Keep job
-Earn money
-Buy nifty stuff
-Enjoy games

-Get driver's license
-Get car

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
eat at least once per day

Ok i thought i was the only who had this probelm

Updated by anonymous

-Money would be nice
-Find a way to obtain at least something resembling self-esteem
-Find a way to cure autism
-Get a job, hippie????

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
-try to be functional human being (eat at least once per day and shower at least every second day)

This hit really close to home. A lot of people really underestimate how crippling this can be to a person.

I hope your treatment regimen goes well and you don't have to wait too long. :)

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I'm just yanking you around a bit, the last couple times a thread like this came up you pretty much created identical posts for all of them.

Then I've either become predictable or you all just know me too well.

It's definitely the latter of the two.

Knotty_Curls said:
I am but a simple peacock with simple peacock needs.

I've already jotted down thoughts for a few peacock images I can see myself drawing in the future.

Updated by anonymous

2016 will be a good year for me.

In 2015 I learned how to walk properly and not stare into people's souls. Oh and I also moved over 1600 miles away from home, started university and got a job, destroying billions of problems at the same time.

So now I finally have time to focus on what I want to do.

Updated by anonymous

I want to live a life where i got enough room and time to take care of a cat or two. Or a dog.
That may sound simple to many, but i grew up in a small flat with allergic parents and currently im just not allowed to ~.~

My biggest dream is to hug a tiger that hugs back instead of eating me.
And to once own and fly a biplane. A really old one of course.

Updated by anonymous

SirBrownBear said:
Oh, I guess doing a cute, casual webcomic would be nice.

That just sounds wonderful, I think you should
Just Do It or at least make a draft to see how the idea would look.

Updated by anonymous

To ride the Fury Road, as my fellow war boys witness my death, and arrive at the gates of Valhalla, shiny and chrome.

Updated by anonymous

Flygon said:
I live where they filmed the first film.

Commuting's a pain in the ass. People's driving skills haven't improved from 38 years ago.

My personal goal is getting these damn Yiynova Tablet Drivers working. We'll never live in a world where tablet drivers work correctly. :|

I have no idea what a Tablet Driver is, but I know that Google has made working AI drivers. I'm not sure how well they'd react to somebody trying to ram them off the road, but that's vandalism and assault if there's passengers.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I have no idea what a Tablet Driver is, but I know that Google has made working AI drivers. I'm not sure how well they'd react to somebody trying to ram them off the road, but that's vandalism and assault if there's passengers.

Drawing tablet, like a Wacom, but if I'm correct, I think the Yiynova is a screen with a pen.

Updated by anonymous

Bowen_Whitehooves said:
Drawing tablet, like a Wacom, but if I'm correct, I think the Yiynova is a screen with a pen.

Oh, I got completely mixed up on that given the previous paragraph was about commuting, lol.

Updated by anonymous

Bowen_Whitehooves said:
Drawing tablet, like a Wacom, but if I'm correct, I think the Yiynova is a screen with a pen.

I'm using a Huion H610 Pro drawing tablet.

It's great for beginners and I'll probably get a lot of use of it before eventually upgrading into something more professional.

Updated by anonymous

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