Topic: The worst fucking day

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I think I was about 12. I got grounded for fighting so I went to my room to play my Game Boy, which then broke. In a rage I jumped off of my bed and accidentally landed on a glass, which of course smashed and almost sliced my toe off. That was a pretty shit day.

Updated by anonymous

I had a kidney stone when I was 17. Never have I felt such horrible pain before or since. No matter what I did, I couldn't make it hurt less.
I was on vacation at the time, on the way back from dropping my brother off in California (Thank God that was done and we were out of the desert)

Updated by anonymous

Well i was around 15? i was attending a class and i went to talk with a teacher about some stuff that other people were bothering me then the teacher gave me a hug so i'd feel better, that wasn't a smart play people start saying i was sucking his D and everyone started laughing when that happened i started raging which didn't help the situation after kicking everything possible in the classroom i ran away and a couple minutes later someone went to talk with me i calmed down but that was nothing since people wouldn't stop bothering me, although i learned to don't give a shit to anyone and that made me the most antisocial person on highschool.

I guess that was the worst day since it was the start of a giant bullshit.

Updated by anonymous

i went to riding class, i managed to fall from horse and then i spent about 5 minutes screaming and writhing in dirt because my back hurt so bad. riding instructor called ambulance and my mom. ambulance arrived and i was transported to hospital. there they took some x-ray pics of my back and turns out that i had smashed three vertebrae. it was p damn shitty day.

Updated by anonymous

I went on bupropion (an atypical antidepressant) about 3-4 months ago I think. I was on it for about a month, everything seemed okay. Some mild headache and tremors but I expected that. My GP bumped my dose up and I was fine for a couple days, but around the 4th day I just felt dizzy. I went to class and had to leave immediately because I was so nauseous. I spent the next 10 hours in a state of shaky, nauseous, dizzy, migraine-y, vertigo. I think that is possibly the worst I have ever felt physically.

Durandal said:
I had a kidney stone when I was 17. Never have I felt such horrible pain before or since. No matter what I did, I couldn't make it hurt less.
I was on vacation at the time, on the way back from dropping my brother off in California (Thank God that was done and we were out of the desert)

Kidney stones are awful. I've heard them second only to childbirth and chest tubes, which...true or not it definitely puts it in perspective.

DragonFox69 said:
I think I was about 12. I got grounded for fighting so I went to my room to play my Game Boy, which then broke. In a rage I jumped off of my bed and accidentally landed on a glass, which of course smashed and almost sliced my toe off. That was a pretty shit day.

I fell off a bed once and landed cheek first onto a square rock that my parents had used as a doorstop at the time.

Apparently that one bled quite a lot (but I don't remember it).

Mutisija said:
i went to riding class, i managed to fall from horse and then i spent about 5 minutes screaming and writhing in dirt because my back hurt so bad. riding instructor called ambulance and my mom. ambulance arrived and i was transported to hospital. there they took some x-ray pics of my back and turns out that i had smashed three vertebrae. it was p damn shitty day.

Ouch. Only thing that's kept me from riding horses is the thought of falling off one.

How'd it heal?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Ouch. Only thing that's kept me from riding horses is the thought of falling off one.

How'd it heal?

p well. i didnt need surgery or anything, i just had to wear a metal corset for 3 months. now im mostly okay.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Kidney stones are awful. I've heard them second only to childbirth and chest tubes, which...true or not it definitely puts it in perspective.

After I was done in the ER, my nurse said she'd experienced a kidney stone and childbirth. She said childbirth was preferable, but I'm not sure if she meant that it hurt less or if creating new life was a more worthwile experience than pissing a rock.

I honestly would have killed to make that pain stop. I can't even imagine it now. Since then, I've been pretty good about staying hydrated...

Updated by anonymous

Almost committed suicide when I was 13. That was when I was incredibly stupid

Updated by anonymous

Everyday is a worst day, and the future just gets bleaker.

Updated by anonymous

Had norovirus a couple of times - trouble is, it affects me in a weird way, in that I get really, really sick, to the point of vertigo and almost fever-dream like states, only awake.

It's also something to note that I have an extremely bad reaction to skate - as in, the thing that's related to sharks and manta rays. A few days before I got the virus this one time, I gorged myself on skate, at this time, unaware of my body's complete intolerance to it.

Long story short, I was dizzy out of my mind, under quite a panic attack due to both norovirus and skate intolerance, and all the while, rejecting the contents of my stomach and intestines.

TL;DR - Got sick with both norovirus and skate intolerance. Bad times, motherfuckers.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Almost committed suicide when I was 13. That was when I was incredibly stupid

damn... I know it's safe to say we're all glad you didn't, for what that's worth

Updated by anonymous

Had a lot of shitty days happen, mostly due to depression and crazy shite.
One especially shite day was when I took my bicycle out on the road some spring back ten years ago or so, tried to drift and stuff.
Unfortunately the winter road-gravel was still on the road.
Long story short I came around the corner too fast, feel under my bike and was then dragged close to three meters under it. Scrapped off most of the skin on one elbow and one knee, came close to showing bone on both. Even more fun was that I had to limp close to a hundred meters back home while crying and bleeding like a lil' bitch. lol

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
After I was done in the ER, my nurse said she'd experienced a kidney stone and childbirth. She said childbirth was preferable, but I'm not sure if she meant that it hurt less or if creating new life was a more worthwile experience than pissing a rock.

Hopefully both. Though she could be just that bitter about creating new life that she compares it to pissing a rock.

I honestly would have killed to make that pain stop. I can't even imagine it now. Since then, I've been pretty good about staying hydrated...

I suppose the thought of more narcs, zofran, IV fluids, and pissing blood for a few days is quite the motivator.

RustyDildos said:
Everyday is a worst day, and the future just gets bleaker.

If you're truly feeling this way, please get some help. Life can suck sometimes but it isn't normal to feel this way for long periods of time, especially without a reason.

TheHuskyK9 said:
Almost committed suicide when I was 13. That was when I was incredibly stupid

Everybody is incredibly stupid at that age. It's like a rule or something.

Ryuzaki Izawa said:


skate: an uncouth and disreputable man.

I'm just going to assume that's what you meant instead because it's funnier that way.

Updated by anonymous

I went to prison for a year, pick any one of those days except the last.
The first was probably the worst one though.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:

skate: an uncouth and disreputable man.

I'm just going to assume that's what you meant instead because it's funnier that way.


Man, I'm a lot of things, but a Ghoul isn't one of them :I

Halite said:
I went to prison for a year, pick any one of those days except the last.
The first was probably the worst one though.

Wow. Um, what were you in for?

Updated by anonymous

It's honestly a tie between the day my high school friend committed suicide and the day my first dog died. I think both of those days just gutted me.

Updated by anonymous

RustyDildos said:
Everyday is a worst day, and the future just gets bleaker.

Yeah, I'm going with what Parasprite said. There is no shame in getting help, especially if it feels like it's just getting worse. The problem won't fix itself.

parasprite said:

I suppose the thought of more narcs, zofran, IV fluids, and pissing blood for a few days is quite the motivator.

Definitely. Although the narcs (morphine for me) weren't the problem... heheh.

Oh man, walking out of the hospital was the best feeling in the world, though. I had suffered trying to tough it out like an idiot for almost a week.

While I'm on the subject, they offered to shove a laser-equipped camera up my dick to disintegrate the stone!
I declined.

JoeX said:
…my high school friend committed suicide…

Shit, man... wish I knew what to say.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Yeah, I'm going with what Parasprite said. There is no shame in getting help, especially if it feels like it's just getting worse. The problem won't fix itself.

Definitely. Although the narcs (morphine for me) weren't the problem... heheh.

Oh man, walking out of the hospital was the best feeling in the world, though. I had suffered trying to tough it out like an idiot for almost a week.

While I'm on the subject, they offered to shove a laser-equipped camera up my dick to disintegrate the stone!
I declined.

Shit, man... wish I knew what to say.

The most surreal thing is that she seemed like the happiest person in the world. When I got the call from the school in the morning, I was too in shock to cry. I just went back to bed. It was awful. :(

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:

Wow. Um, what were you in for?

I've discussed it in previous thread(s), I don't feel like discussing it more.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
The most surreal thing is that she seemed like the happiest person in the world. When I got the call from the school in the morning, I was too in shock to cry. I just went back to bed. It was awful. :(

Man, I'm just so sorry to hear that. I hope you're okay...

Updated by anonymous

Off of the top of my head, I've had three.

First, I lost my Pokémon Pearl game for the DS, during my Freshman year of high school. I had a good amount of work done in that game (I was one of those completionist people). I recall being in a funk the remainder of that day, certain that someone stole it and wouldn't admit it. Thankfully, I got over it and purchased a used copy of Pokémon Diamond. And I've been carrying my Pokémon progress ever since then, as of the now Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Second (and third), I've been hospitalized TWICE for spontaneous pneumothorax, which in Layman's terms is a "collapsed lung".

The first of those instances was almost four years ago. I required a foot-long catheter, about as wide as a chopstick, inserted into the top lobe of my left lung, which the doctor got in on the THIRD attempt (I remember scolding his job for that. LOL), and I was hospitalized for five days.

The second instance was about three years ago. I had a catheter of equal length, albeit as wide as a $0.25 QUARTER, inserted into my right chest. However, because the air in my chest didn't drain quickly enough, surgery was opted. I had the top lobe of my right lung clipped off, and was later shown the size of it about a day later. I was in the hospital for 10 days that time, and I was lucky that I didn't lose a new job I started as a result of this. Of course, with a copy of the endoscopic images taken of my operation, it was impossible of my boss to NOT believe me.

Both of those times, it was the boredom that was most unbearable to me, with the pain of breathing being a close second. Luckily for me, I had my Nintendo 3DS with me, so the wait wasn't as torturous.

I was playing Dementium: The Ward, Solatorobo: Red the Hunter, and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass during those two hospital stays.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:

While I'm on the subject, they offered to shove a laser-equipped camera up my dick to disintegrate the stone!
I declined.

I think I probably would have said yes just because then I could tell people later "I had a laser stuck up my peehole once" and then chose whether to elaborate or not.

I've only put in a regular urinary catheter before, that probably takes a little more skill. I'm not sure I'd like anything shoved into my own urethra but at least I know how to do it safely.

JoeX said:
It's honestly a tie between the day my high school friend committed suicide and the day my first dog died. I think both of those days just gutted me.

I remember asking my dad in an email a couple years ago what happened to the fluffy white cat that I had several years (around the time I was in elementary school) and how I took it. His response was "She got hit by a car. You barely noticed." :|

Halite said:
I went to prison for a year, pick any one of those days except the last.
The first was probably the worst one though.

I'm compelled to ask everyone who's been to prison this, so I apologize ahead of time (and you don't have to respond if you don't want to) but...

In your opinion, how did the food there compare to what you remember school food tasting like?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
In your opinion, how did the food there compare to what you remember school food tasting like?

I had a friend who went to prison and he said that the food there was actually better than the food at his school.

Updated by anonymous

LittleBaconBits said:
I had a friend who went to prison and he said that the food there was actually better than the food at his school.

I don't think the food matters that much since most guys in prison has to eat their sausages with the other hole.

im sorry. im very tired

Updated by anonymous

LittleBaconBits said:

parasprite said:
In your opinion, how did the food there compare to what you remember school food tasting like?

I had a friend who went to prison and he said that the food there was actually better than the food at his school.

Hah, that's great.

I've only had a bite of a meat and cheese sandwich from a guy who was on day leave or something (I don't remember the circumstances). Long story short the bread, meat, and cheese on that sandwich all had the same flavor, texture, and mild odor.

Updated by anonymous

Fuck, this one's easy to think of.

I was engaged once, now I'm not. The day he broke up with me BECAUSE I caught him cheating. Yup, he was the one doing the breaking up. Fun times.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I think I probably would have said yes just because then I could tell people later "I had a laser stuck up my peehole once" and then chose whether to elaborate or not.

I've only put in a regular urinary catheter before, that probably takes a little more skill. I'm not sure I'd like anything shoved into my own urethra but at least I know how to do it safely.

I remember asking my dad in an email a couple years ago what happened to the fluffy white cat that I had several years (around the time I was in elementary school) and how I took it. His response was "She got hit by a car. You barely noticed." :|

I'm compelled to ask everyone who's been to prison this, so I apologize ahead of time (and you don't have to respond if you don't want to) but...

In your opinion, how did the food there compare to what you remember school food tasting like?

It is not entirely fair of a comparison.
I was in a Navy Brig, so our food was pretty standard Navy food, which is about the same as cafeteria food, maybe a bit better.
I can't speak to normal prison's food though.

Updated by anonymous

Well, I remember feeling absurdly bad and tiny around november and again on year's end... Though, my aunt says that it happened four times between mid-october and new year's but I only remember those two...

Tokaido said:
Fuck, this one's easy to think of.

I was engaged once, now I'm not. The day he broke up with me BECAUSE I caught him cheating. Yup, he was the one doing the breaking up. Fun times.

Geez, some people... reminds me of a dude who sued his wife for giving birth to an ugly baby :P

Updated by anonymous

Probably when I got mugged, you might say it is a shit day to anyone that gets mugged, but here's the worse:
It was on the same block my house is, literally I just turned to the street and it happened.
It was the fucking 1 pm, not even night.
He hit me with some sort of metal cilinder in the head. I didn't got knocked, but was strong enough (he was a fucking wimp, he literally hurt himself hitting me) so I lost balance and fell to the ground, he only took my cellphone.

Worse part, I had to get up, and stumble to my home, the longest hardest walk of my life, Since I was still disoriented, I only could walk near walls, half of my face covered in my own blood. 4 people watched me walk to my home, nobody, absolutely nobody cared, they just stared.

When I arrived I checked my face and only my skin was broken but I swear that my skull was visible.

To this point I hate all of my neighborgs and they know it. (mainly because I throw death stares Luigi could be proud of)

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
Fuck, this one's easy to think of.

I was engaged once, now I'm not. The day he broke up with me BECAUSE I caught him cheating. Yup, he was the one doing the breaking up. Fun times.

You kept the ring and pawned it, yes?

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
You kept the ring and pawned it, yes?

Easy $1000 right there.

Updated by anonymous

My life has had its ups and downs like everyone elses, but I can't say I've had any days worthy of being called "the worst fucking day". I think thus far all of the shittyness in my life has been spread pretty thin. I'm pretty damn thankful for that to be honest. Hope it stays that way.

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
My life has had its ups and downs like everyone elses, but I can't say I've had any days worthy of being called "the worst fucking day". I think thus far all of the shittyness in my life has been spread pretty thin. I'm pretty damn thankful for that to be honest. Hope it stays that way.

Staying positive is the right way to go

Updated by anonymous

For me: the day after a suicide attempt when I started vomiting blood in the middle of a class.

I was also 13

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
If you're truly feeling this way, please get some help. Life can suck sometimes but it isn't normal to feel this way for long periods of time, especially without a reason.

Durandal said:
Yeah, I'm going with what Parasprite said. There is no shame in getting help, especially if it feels like it's just getting worse. The problem won't fix itself.

dont worry, im not suicidal at all. i just have a....weird view on life.

Updated by anonymous

I caught a disease that gave me a strong fever,an itchy rash, and it made me throw up everything I ate/drank; I was so weak one day that I couldn't get up of my bed. This lasted about a week and a half.

Updated by anonymous

Let's see... I don't remember a whole lot of my childhood, probably side-effects of living in a POISON environment (Damn you, sulfur plants!), but one thing I distinctly remember was one Easter, in the park across the street (It was a BIG park, too), everybody had the kids doing a park-wide easter egg hunt. I was doing pretty good, too, until this girl comes up to me, flips my basket upside down, and steals the eggs.

It was so horrible that I consider it worse than being stabbed in the leg with a pencil (Which... HOnestly doesn't stand out too much, aside from the dot in my leg that reminds me every day).

Updated by anonymous

my shittiest day? today after i saw my comment got again exact 5 downvotes xD 5 new and confirmed 6 year old kids xD

Updated by anonymous

Not sure if it was the worst day ever, but was certainly memorable.

Came home exhausted from a three day mock-bootcamp function while in the marine corps delayed entry program when I was 18 to find some strange dude sleeping in my bed. My roomates were both meth dealers so it wasn't unheard of for there to be unfamiliar people hanging around the place. When I'd left for the function I'd had a care package from my parents full of Easter candy sitting by my bed, which I now saw was almost entirely eaten with the candy wrappers scattered all over my room. He stabbed me while I was forcibly removing him from my room and I cut my knuckle on his teeth while punching him in the face. I spent 4 hours in the ER and later found out that he'd stolen all of my $2 bills from my sock drawer. And there were a lot. I have permanent nerve damage in my arm from the encounter.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Not sure if it was the worst day ever, but was certainly memorable.

Came home exhausted from a three day mock-bootcamp function while in the marine corps delayed entry program when I was 18 to find some strange dude sleeping in my bed. My roomates were both meth dealers so it wasn't unheard of for there to be unfamiliar people hanging around the place. When I'd left for the function I'd had a care package from my parents full of Easter candy sitting by my bed, which I now saw was almost entirely eaten with the candy wrappers scattered all over my room. He stabbed me while I was forcibly removing him from my room and I cut my knuckle on his teeth while punching him in the face. I spent 4 hours in the ER and later found out that he'd stolen all of my $2 bills from my sock drawer. And there were a lot. I have permanent nerve damage in my arm from the encounter.

Wow, I probably would have dragged him out the room in a body bag

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I have permanent nerve damage in my arm from the encounter.

Did that permanently delay your entry into the corps?

Updated by anonymous

my mom said I can't go on the computer b/c I have to go to bed at normal time..... Wtf!!!!!!!! No school tomorrow I'm not going to bed at 11 pm smh

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
You kept the ring and pawned it, yes?

What Husky said :P though it was more like $400.

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memeboy said:
my mom said I can't go on the computer b/c I have to go to bed at normal time..... Wtf!!!!!!!! No school tomorrow I'm not going to bed at 11 pm smh

...Just how young are you, man?

Updated by anonymous

memeboy said:
my mom said I can't go on the computer b/c I have to go to bed at normal time..... Wtf!!!!!!!! No school tomorrow I'm not going to bed at 11 pm smh

Nice satire; I love it. You remind me of how much I don't miss 14-year oldth world problems.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Nice satire; I love it. You remind me of how much I don't miss 14-year oldth world problems.

14? Eh?

When I was 14, my parents said I couldn't go on my computer, nor was there even any real bedtime :I

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
14? Eh?

When I was 14, my parents said I couldn't go on my computer, nor was there even any real bedtime :I

My mom worked on the overnight when I was young and my dad was going through massive bipolar episodes and was unmedicated for it; he would regularly not sleep for 5-7 days and excessively clean, fix things, and draw extremely detailed maps of NES games.

Needless to say I was a bit confused when I found out other people went to bed at a certain time.

Updated by anonymous

The shittiest day of my life is when I discovered the internet

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LittleBaconBits said:
Describe the shittiest day you've ever had.

I can't. I've probably removed all of them from my brain :V

Updated by anonymous

Probably this one. Top five at least.
... guess it's time to go to sleep

Updated by anonymous

Girl I had been hanging out with for a while asks me if I would come to her apartment later and if I could make her breakfast tomorrow morning. I told her "sure I'll come around 10 tomorrow and cook you up some eggs and toast" and left.

I got home and I was like "shit, I fucked up. I get what she was saying now". I still went tomorrow morning and made her breakfast, but by then the mood had died.

That night before was the worst fucking night I've experienced.

Updated by anonymous

I don't know, these past four months or so have been, without a doubt, the worst of my life, and I don't think it's getting better anytime soon.

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Durandal said:
I don't know, these past four months or so have been, without a doubt, the worst of my life, and I don't think it's getting better anytime soon.

Wel... uh, what's happened? :I

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Wel... uh, what's happened? :I

Life, I suppose
I'm not the type who likes to share sob stories

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Life, I suppose
I'm not the type who likes to share sob stories

You can't say all this stuff and NOT share the story!

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Furrin_Gok said:
You can't say all this stuff and NOT share the story!

I don't see how it's any of our business.
I've also had the worst months of my life, and have no intention of sharing.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
I don't see how it's any of our business.
I've also had the worst months of my life, and have no intention of sharing.

Yeah, see, that's fine. You go straight to the point and say you aren't sharing. Durandal didn't do that :(

Updated by anonymous

I've certainly had the shittiest day of my life today. Stomach bug.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Almost committed suicide when I was 13. That was when I was incredibly stupid

Auto Erotic Asphyxiation: It be the death of many a Teen, sadly.

Updated by anonymous

Kristal_Candeo said:
Auto Erotic Asphyxiation: It be the death of many a Teen, sadly.

....That's nowhere close to what I tried to do...

Updated by anonymous

Rustyy said:
Everyday is a worst day, and the future just gets bleaker.

If you ever need to seek Clinical help but don't have the money to do so, PM Me. I am a therapist of sorts.

I am here to help. (or try to)

My degree in Clinical Psychology is going to waste anyway.

Updated by anonymous

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