Topic: No Man's Sky.

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yeah yall can belittle this game as much as you want right

but you won't be able to beat the time I accidentally got married to a Vy'keen

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
yeah yall can belittle this game as much as you want right

but you won't be able to beat the time I accidentally got married to a Vy'keen

"Hey can you find me a mate?"
"I have no idea what you're saying but I guess you want this biomass I gathered off a dead animal"
"Omg we're now married ♥"

Maybe you should have just stuck to interacting with the priests themselves when in the temple of Atlas. They at least know English.

Updated by anonymous

It's an indie game marketed as a triple A title, peoples expectations shouldn't have been very high from the start.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
It's an indie game marketed as a triple A title, peoples expectations shouldn't have been very high from the start.

When it falls short of the expectation "I can launch the PC version on my PC since I meet the requirements!" then there's something wrong.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
When it falls short of the expectation "I can launch the PC version on my PC since I meet the requirements!" then there's something wrong.

It's the game studios first game, so it's pretty unsurprising that it's bugged to hell and back.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
It's an indie game marketed as a triple A title, peoples expectations shouldn't have been very high from the start.

Well it's Starbound 3D, with more 3D and less everything else. Like, actual gameplay and such.
And it's not to say SB's got that much excess to trim in those departments.

Updated by anonymous

The fact that it runs so poorly on the PC is inexcusable, true. That being said, it really doesn't strike me as a bad game. There's a niche for this kind of thing, because clearly a high number of people are enjoying it. It was just overhyped to a ridiculous extreme when it should have been a fun little indie game.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
...I can't launch. It crashes instantly :(

They chose to go with latest and greatest when it comes to requirements, meaning even if you have only couple years old rig, it might not have required features. This includes support for OpenGL 4.5 and processor which supports SSE4.1.

To me this seems like they build the game specifically for PS4 and being a small team they basically used the same system on PC. This is why many games even now are using 32-bit executables and DX9, to make them compatible as many rigs as possible, even if it can cost in other fronts like performance.

On top of that they apparently forgot to include and install necessary redistributables:

Peekaboo said:
It's the game studios first game, so it's pretty unsurprising that it's bugged to hell and back.

They did create Joe Danger games?

Fenrick said:
The fact that it runs so poorly on the PC is inexcusable, true. That being said, it really doesn't strike me as a bad game. There's a niche for this kind of thing, because clearly a high number of people are enjoying it. It was just overhyped to a ridiculous extreme when it should have been a fun little indie game.

Gotta have 'em exclusives in console wars, yo!
Playstation users are already exchausted with indie stuff to point that they are unhappy with ps+, so market an indie as AAA, money and satisfaction quaranteed!

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Those 18 trillion planets though

18 trillion planets of retarded spore animals

Updated by anonymous

Cactus said:
18 trillion planets of retarded spore animals

At least spore actually could result in cool stuff.

Updated by anonymous

I'm enjoying it, but the niche the finished product appeals to is only a tiny, tiny subset of who it was marketed to. That niche being 'people who kind of wanted Proteus But In Space and haven't got bored of the dime-a-dozen craft-n-survive games out there'. I mean, lest we forget, this game was shown with Steven Colbert and hyped to high heaven.

So it's basically appealing most to the people it wasn't designed for. I do hope the dev learns to scale back ambition and refine a bit though, because they definitely did put quite a lot of heart into it, and I'd like to see them pursue other passion projects.

Updated by anonymous

I like it so far. The UI is rather difficult to use and confusing, but that will change with time. Who knows? Maybe it will be very efficient and useful once I get it down. It runs fine on my machine, a Dell Inspiron i7559. Haven't had any problems where that's concerned. I haven't fixed my ship yet, and I'm so excited to fly, which is perhaps the single biggest reason I bought the game.

I'm worried because the game was overhyped and I hope the developers don't get overwhelmed. It is "supposed" to be this grand game when it just needs to be a pleasant indie game. People are giving them so much crap. Additionally, they got death threats when they pushed back the release date. That's just absurd. I would kick the ass of anyone who gave someone a death threat over a video game. Besides, I would happily wait months or even years for someone to make a game that they are happy with and I can enjoy. Everyone needs to chill out.

Updated by anonymous

Aster_Viridian said:
they got death threats when they pushed back the release date. That's just absurd.

The world is full of incomprehensibly stupid people who believe they can influence something by the threat of death. Something they have no power, inherently, because they are themselves powerless.

Besides, I would happily wait months or even years for someone to make a game that they are happy with and I can enjoy. Everyone needs to chill out.

However, that breeds complacency. Look at Duke Nukem Forever, or perhaps Half-Life 3 - which is stuck in its own wonderful sort of 'Development Purgatory' unique to it.

Updated by anonymous

So does this mean we should ALL belittle the game and all who play it and thought it was going to be good, or..?

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
It's an indie game marketed as a triple A title, peoples expectations shouldn't have been very high from the start.

For a AAA price with early-access style problems and content.

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
Lol the game is less optimized than an Ubisoft PC port.

I am so sorry for being that guy but it's proper to say "a Ubisoft PC port." A/an usage is based on the sound rather than the spelling. Not trying to be a jerk...

Aster_Viridian said:
I would kick the ass of anyone who gave someone a death threat over a video game.

You won't, because these kinds of people are troglodytes who have almost never been observed voluntarily leaving their basements. Like many subterranean species, little is known about how to locate them.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I am so sorry for being that guy but it's proper to say "a Ubisoft PC port." A/an usage is based on the sound rather than the spelling. Not trying to be a jerk...

Depends on how you pronounce Ubisoft. Some people say "You Be Soft," others say "oobie soft."

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Depends on how you pronounce Ubisoft. Some people say "You Be Soft," others say "oobie soft."

That is a good point. I always thought it was the same as "you be soft (bae)."

Fun fact: in Korean, 'y'-sounds are considered vowel in all situations, as are 'w.' Which makes sense, when you think about it.


Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
yeah i still think it's fun and a good game tho

Really, that's all that matters. Other peoples' opinions should not be allowed to invalidate this.

Updated by anonymous

I got bored about 2 hours in. I hope they add more content, because it's not the $60 game they promised. I haven't been this disappointed in a major title since Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Updated by anonymous

I requested a refund. First time ever. It should not be $60. Performance issues aside, it is very slow paced. Slower than Minecraft. I don't know how someone who works 60 hours a week could really devote enough time to get what they want out of this.

Updated by anonymous

LessThan3 said:
I requested a refund. First time ever. It should not be $60. Performance issues aside, it is very slow paced. Slower than Minecraft. I don't know how someone who works 60 hours a week could really devote enough time to get what they want out of this.

Man, you guys must have crappy rigs... I just have a stupid laptop, and it's fine.

Updated by anonymous

To be fair, it represents my life perfectly. Sad, lonely, and you don't like having it.

Updated by anonymous

I'm just gonna say this, and it's not really an original thought, but it still stands.

The game is shite. You've gotta learn a million different words for like 10 languages if you wanna understand things, that's fine though. Just difficult, thus for players who want a challenge that makes it better.
But the planets and shit. How the hell are you getting money from publishing details on a planet that IS/WAS ALREADY INHABITED. What, does the international space committee of fucking bullshit think that the people there aren't trustworthy, but somehow the guy who literally hasn't learned a word of the most widespread languages in the galaxy, who broke down his ship and took forever to rebuild it, is somehow better?

Like, wat be dat

Updated by anonymous

I'm just gonna say this, and it's not really an original thought, but it still stands.

The game is shite. You've gotta learn a million different words for like 10 languages if you wanna understand things, that's fine though. Just difficult, thus for players who want a challenge that makes it better.
But the planets and shit. How the hell are you getting money from publishing details on a planet that IS/WAS ALREADY INHABITED. What, does the international space committee of fucking bullshit think that the people there aren't trustworthy, but somehow the guy who literally hasn't learned a word of the most widespread languages in the galaxy, who broke down his ship and took forever to rebuild it, is somehow better?

Like, wat be dat

Korvax are busy studying things, and don't actually publish it. Gek want profits, but get them through trades and mining. Then there's the warriors who I haven't actually met, but I guess they're more of hunters. The Travellers are the only instance where some of them actually want to upload their information.

Updated by anonymous

I had to update my driver (which I forgot to do) in order to get the game to run. I play it off and on, but if you want a crafting space exploration game, stick with Starbound, imo.

Updated by anonymous

Kayla-Na said:
I had to update my driver (which I forgot to do) in order to get the game to run. I play it off and on, but if you want a crafting space exploration game, stick with Starbound, imo.

Yeah, NMS is more of "Explore, gather, catalogue, and sell." Barely anything to craft. I heard somebody mention once that bases would be able to be built up by players, which would give a person something to craft once they have their 30-slot multitool, 50-slot exosuit, and 90-slot starship with all of the upgrades installed, but I have no idea if that's a real thing they're planning on. Shelters are tiny and outposts tend to be unusually designed, but if they give us, say, just an outpost builder with all of the doors open, and then we can attatch hallways and other outpost units to it, I suppose it would be possible.

I think my biggest gripe about the game would be the fact that you see all these shelters, and outposts that look like they were clearly designed for groups of people, hell, even space stations; they're all void of people. I understand that there's the meet-standing-aliens achievements, but you can easily just up that or make only the first one in a building count. Realistically, there will be areas you aren't allowed to go into, so I could understand not having access to the entire space station and outposts, but I feel like there should be a larger area to explore. Would be neat to be able to board those cargo ships and talk with the crew, too.

Updated by anonymous

The question is: would I be likely to enjoy this game if I loved aimlessly exploring ruins and forests in Shadow of the Colossus

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
The question is: would I be likely to enjoy this game if I loved aimlessly exploring ruins and forests in Shadow of the Colossus

Yes. I spent hours swimming around an ocean planet trying to find an outpost to summon my ship to, because, hey, I wanted to see more stuff, not make the trek back to my ship.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
The question is: would I be liIkely to enjoy this game if I loved aimlessly exploring ruins and forests in Shadow of the Colossus

I definitely think so. The 'aimless' in that statement sells it. On my first file, I spawned on a deserty planet and an early objective was a 30 minute walk away. I kept going away from it to look at things that caught my interest. I found some abandoned outposts with resources, some sources of learning language, some save points, and even a little CYOA-like thing that you'd find in roguelikes where you pick a thing and have a chance to get something out of it - the game features a lot of those.

Once my ship was prepared, I just, despite no benefit to it, cruised above ground looking for any outposts and to watch the ground fly by beneath me. When I finally went out into space, I felt a little emotional because - though I have a very small sample size - no game that I've played captures such a feeling of going out into space, looking behind you, and realising how tiny you are in the scheme of one planet, let alone sixteen quintillion.

Last night I restarted because I wanted to redo a choice you make nary a minute into the game and it dropped me onto a very different starting planet. I'm not even sure how I would describe it. Lots of foliage, some wind. But the sky is a perpetual crimson, broken by its looming blue moon. Plenty of little caves and caverns in the sides of hills. I really like it. The thing I have to get that was 30 mins away on the first planet (you need to repair your ship first) is a 3 minute walk away this time. So I go in the opposite direction because I just want to explore.

"Oooh, those trees, I wonder what they're like. Ooooh, there's a cave here. Ah, what's up that hill? Oh my, I hear something, there are birds here! What's that icon, am I coming to a settlement? Alright, time for bed. I'll wander some more tomorrow then get the resource I need".

If - like I was doing - you were to just explore, all you need to do is zap plants here and there to refuel your life support and mining gun with carbon. It's a bit more involved on toxic planets, but even with no upgrades I've never found life support refuelling to be even remotely stressful espeically if I'm just wandering.

If that sounds your cup of tea, give it a try.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
...I can't launch. It crashes instantly :(

You probably got SSE 4.1-incapable CPU

Aster_Viridian said:
Man, you guys must have crappy rigs... I just have a stupid laptop, and it's fine.

Apparently, the worse rig you have the faster it is.. My DT is 32Gb RAM 3960X with 2.5Gb GT760. It carwls there.. I got 3Gb SB i5 notebook with some ATI 67 card.. it works..faster o.o
Conclusion: game was overoptimized, i.e. micro-optimized for some specific platform without regard to performance on other platforms.

Updated by anonymous

I saw the Jim Sterling episode regarding No Man's Sky and the death-threat zealots that defend this game.


Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
I saw the Jim Sterling episode regarding No Man's Sky and the death-threat zealots that defend this game.


Not as if they're the only ones who've sent death threats. The developers themselves received them.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Not as if they're the only ones who've sent death threats. The developers themselves received them.

It's the Internet. Everyone receives death threats. It's dumb, but there's not much you can do about it.

It's also dumb to act like the death threats are representative of anything though.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
It's an indie game marketed as a triple A title, peoples expectations shouldn't have been very high from the start.

They also lied out their ass about damn near everything about the game.

Updated by anonymous

thatthingoverthere said:
They also lied out their ass about damn near everything about the game.

"Lied out their ass" more like they made claims for what they thought they could achieve before getting struck with the NDA, then couldn't admit they failed because of the NDA. Indie developers often make claims that they can't achieve simply because they don't know what's unachievable.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"Lied out their ass" more like they made claims for what they thought they could achieve before getting struck with the NDA, then couldn't admit they failed because of the NDA. Indie developers often make claims that they can't achieve simply because they don't know what's unachievable.

Oh? This is the first I've heard of an NDA - do you have a source on this?

But at the same time - assuming there was no NDA, mind - both Murray should have been more upfront about having to reign in his ambition, but I'm also sympathetic to the idea that, knowing that there are not-insignificant numbers of players out there with so little knowledge of development that they believe one person could implement multiplayer in a week, he would ask himself 'why should I even bother?'

In the wake of this, we're seeing an absurd hatedom for the game appear in a long string of catastrophising hand-wringing. Deus Ex Mankind Divided sells less than Human Revolution? Eurogamer asks 'what went wrong' (the answer is 'nothing, that's brick-and-mortar retail when digital is more common now, you idiot'). Mighty Number 9 being a bit shit prompts people to swear they'll never kickstart again. A man with a big beard releases a game that didn't live up to expectations but you pre-ordered it despite not informing yourself? It's the apocalypse and Steam are making special exceptions in their refund policy (they aren't, you have ALWAYS been able to REQUEST a refund after more than 2 hours of play, they just subject it to greater scrutiny).

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"Lied out their ass" more like they made claims for what they thought they could achieve before getting struck with the NDA, then couldn't admit they failed because of the NDA. Indie developers often make claims that they can't achieve simply because they don't know what's unachievable.

I remember seeing the PR guy talk about how they reconstructed the perodic table to get a green sky, and that every atom was being contructed and modeled.

A: That would be retarded beyond reason, as it would be a complete waste of computing power for something that could be trivially done in easier ways.

B: Thats some shit that I dont even think NASA computers can do on a scale as big NMS. That was a bold faced lie, one that apparently was bought. Especially when you start talking about actually modeling light defraction...for an entire virtual planet. And the very idea of trying to reconstuct a perodic table is cancerous for reasons that I cant even articulate.

Honestly though I cant find it now to link it, so I might be full of shit. But I remembered hearing their claims and busting a gut laughing at how insane they were. But of course the general public isnt as much as a dork as I am, so they dont think about how crazy trying to model an ion cloud in space would really be. They just hear that stuff and think "thats cool and sounds fun."

Updated by anonymous

thatthingoverthere said:
I remember seeing the PR guy talk about how they reconstructed the perodic table to get a green sky, and that every atom was being contructed and modeled.

A: That would be retarded beyond reason, as it would be a complete waste of computing power for something that could be trivially done in easier ways.

B: Thats some shit that I dont even think NASA computers can do on a scale as big NMS. That was a bold faced lie, one that apparently was bought. Especially when you start talking about actually modeling light defraction...for an entire virtual planet. And the very idea of trying to reconstuct a perodic table is cancerous for reasons that I cant even articulate.

Honestly though I cant find it now to link it, so I might be full of shit. But I remembered hearing their claims and busting a gut laughing at how insane they were. But of course the general public isnt as much as a dork as I am, so they dont think about how crazy trying to model an ion cloud in space would really be. They just hear that stuff and think "thats cool and sounds fun."

I saw images of their periodic table, it only had like twelve elements on it. I think what they intended was that a planet richer in a certain element would be colored, either in atmosphere or in terrain, based on it.
"Every atom is being constructed and modelled" simply means they make an object (ie crystals or rocks) to represent it, and add in the mechanics for what it's used for. Not at all a lie, as it's what they currently have.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
It's the Internet. Everyone receives death threats. It's dumb, but there's not much you can do about it.

It's also dumb to act like the death threats are representative of anything though.


oh and...

GameManiac said:
I saw the Jim Sterling episode regarding No Man's Sky and the death-threat zealots that defend this game.


saw those videos earlier today but didn't bother to look through the comments. i also saw a few other videos...anyone know how many galaxies it takes before the ol' procedurally generated...whatever it is, ups and stops putting out new content for you? think i saw a video of a guy going from galaxy 19-20 then the same guy going from 29-30, another i don't really remember.

pretty crappy "ending" imo but i DID like the galaxy-to-galaxy transition music. and hey, it still beat the ending for bloodborne, right?

yeah, throthgar of the Tyrannicon's channel, was right about that being horrible. what happened, From? that was possibly your worst ending EVER. a 30-something second clip with all of 2 lines spoken. lol granted, From has never been that big on endings for their games but that was still pretty pathetic.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I saw images of their periodic table, it only had like twelve elements on it. I think what they intended was that a planet richer in a certain element would be colored, either in atmosphere or in terrain, based on it.
"Every atom is being constructed and modelled" simply means they make an object (ie crystals or rocks) to represent it, and add in the mechanics for what it's used for. Not at all a lie, as it's what they currently have.

So maybe not a lie then (just glad I'm not making shit up), but in the context that I remember them talking about it its a half truth, intentionally worded to sound way more impressive then it actually is. Thats misleading and implying they had atomic level modelling, which they dont.

Updated by anonymous

thatthingoverthere said:
So maybe not a lie then (just glad I'm not making shit up), but in the context that I remember them talking about it its a half truth, intentionally worded to sound way more impressive then it actually is. Thats misleading and implying they had atomic level modelling, which they dont.

It's fancy PR talk, carefully chosen to cause interest. Literally every publication in every existing media does that. Also, I'm confident they didn't say atom but element, which is a small but important distinction.

Updated by anonymous

So I just found out that apparently 65daysofstatic did the soundtrack to this – I only ever saw them once when they toured with The Cure back in 08 but that was a killer enough set (even if it sounded like one continuous song marked only by time changes) that maybe this actually might be worth checking out if only to hear what they're up to these days

wonder if we've progressed to post-postrock by now

Updated by anonymous

My journey on No man's sky has taken me to the weirdest of places..
i think the ugliest creature ive found was a crossbreed between mothra, gazelle, toucan, with dinosaur arms and legs and claws.... it also stood up and walked like a human with a glitch in the movement every now and then.. It makes me want to draw it now but eh.

hello games most certainly should have taken 1 more year to develop this game, however im still keeping my copy. in hopes the company has read my multiple requests i sent out for new quests and ideas i have given them.
still love it for reason's i can not explain.

Updated by anonymous

Zafu said:
My journey on No man's sky has taken me to the weirdest of places..
i think the ugliest creature ive found was a crossbreed between mothra, gazelle, toucan, with dinosaur arms and legs and claws.... it also stood up and walked like a human with a glitch in the movement every now and then.. It makes me want to draw it now but eh.

hello games most certainly should have taken 1 more year to develop this game, however im still keeping my copy. in hopes the company has read my multiple requests i sent out for new quests and ideas i have given them.
still love it for reason's i can not explain.

People make mods for the game, y'know. Might wanna talk to the modders.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
People make mods for the game, y'know. Might wanna talk to the modders.

and that is were i made the mistake in buying it for ps4 only xD. My computer surprisingly can't handle NMS i wanted to save up for a gaming PC, but my brother at said where he works at Ubisoft they sometimes sell the old PC's they have and he can fetch me one for a low price.

when i do get a computer for gaming or rather one that can at least play some of the game's i like No Man's sky will be first on my list to search for only if i like the mod's that have been made by then. for now im happy with just my anime, my porn, and my job searching that is all i need atm.

Updated by anonymous

Shores of hazeron is a much better no mans sky, been worked on since 1997, runs on much lower software requirements, and actually has multiplayer, space battles, and sex(kinda)

Updated by anonymous

I'm not sure if that last one was a widely anticipated feature in No Man's Sky, memeboy.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
It's an indie game marketed as a triple A title, peoples expectations shouldn't have been very high from the start.


FOR TELLING ME THIS WHEN IT WAS ... Too... Late... ú.ù

Updated by anonymous

memeboy said:
Shores of hazeron is a much better no mans sky, been worked on since 1997, runs on much lower software requirements, and actually has multiplayer, space battles, and sex(kinda)

and is pay-to-play it seems. :/ you forgot to mention that.

FAQ...FAQ... o_O what madness be this? this game has no FAQ! nor does it say the system requirements anywhere. what madness am i digging through here?!

well, i found a page that lists the subscription prices. seems odd that that isn't explained more clearly via the "pay to play" link on the sites home page.

wth? no system requirements listed...ANYWHERE! how am i supposed to know if my laptop could run this at all if i can't check the games system requirements? ugh, i hate it when game devs fail to provide that 1 necessary piece of information about their game. >.<

if anyone wants to play hazeron, they'll have to either first read up and research it or just go in blind and hope they can figure it out (not my preferred approach)

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
and is pay-to-play it seems. :/ you forgot to mention that.

FAQ...FAQ... o_O what madness be this? this game has no FAQ! nor does it say the system requirements anywhere. what madness am i digging through here?!

well, i found a page that lists the subscription prices. seems odd that that isn't explained more clearly via the "pay to play" link on the sites home page.

wth? no system requirements listed...ANYWHERE! how am i supposed to know if my laptop could run this at all if i can't check the games system requirements? ugh, i hate it when game devs fail to provide that 1 necessary piece of information about their game. >.<

if anyone wants to play hazeron, they'll have to either first read up and research it or just go in blind and hope they can figure it out (not my preferred approach)

Updated by anonymous

the company that created no man's sky has been under investigation for false advertisement.

I have an odd feeling if they shut down people are just going to trash no man's sky like people have done with the E.T. (atari) game many years back.
if they get forced into a position like that they should at least leave the pc version of NMS as a free downloadable game so mods can go have all the fun and rebuild it into a much more fun game.

Updated by anonymous

Zafu said:
the company that created no man's sky has been under investigation for false advertisement.

I have an odd feeling if they shut down people are just going to trash no man's sky like people have done with the E.T. (atari) game many years back.
if they get forced into a position like that they should at least leave the pc version of NMS as a free downloadable game so mods can go have all the fun and rebuild it into a much more fun game.

They better damn well be proven innocent. Everything they advertised has technical truth, it's the fault of everybody else for not understanding how advertisements exaggerate or word things vaguely.

Updated by anonymous

I'm sorry I had to necro this but goddamn I just watched what happens if you reach the center of the galaxy on youtube. If I actually liked that game I might vomit with rage but instead it's just really funny.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
I'm sorry I had to necro this but goddamn I just watched what happens if you reach the center of the galaxy on youtube. If I actually liked that game I might vomit with rage but instead it's just really funny.

Oh wow. :V

Edit: Don't Fly Into The Sun - No Man's Sky

What could possibly go wrong? :P

No Man's Sky - FLYING INTO SH*T! (No Man's Sky Black Hole and Space Gameplay Moments)


No Man’s Sky | Reached the Secret at the Center of the Galaxy

No Man's Sky: The Center is a Lie! (Alternate Ending Theory)

Updated by anonymous

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