Topic: Catsuit should be unaliased to Cat_Costume

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Wow that is not a good alias, whatever happens that definitely needs to go

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
thats bodysuit

this makes sense, but i still think catsuit should be aliased to bodysuit, then. i've never heard anyone use "catsuit" to refer to a cat costume unless the cat costume is, also, a bodysuit/catsuit (think catwoman), and even if i had, it would be outnumbered vastly by people using it to describe a bodysuit (the general public perception of what a "catsuit" is, as can be evidenced by a google image search or wikipedia article). even searching the tag now, i can see at least 10 images that have been automatically mistagged as "cat_costume" (which, i'll mention, should probably be a larger number, but i have "female" blacklisted, among other things)

this means that, 9 times out of 10, when someone tags something with "catsuit," they will inadvertently tag it as "cat_costume" instead of the intended "bodysuit" (something i've done before), and i don't think people tend to notice issues that pop up when tags get aliased too often.

Updated by anonymous

while i'm on the subject:

why are bodysuit and skinsuit implicated instead of aliases? i can't think of any difference from the words themselves, and even the e621 definitions are the same thing.

if bodysuit is intended to be different than a skinsuit and cover a wider ground of clothing, the definition should change to fit that. from how they're defined now, though, i don't see how they're meant to be different.

this would mean that catsuit = skinsuit = bodysuit, or, alternatively, both catsuit = bodysuit are "skinsuits," which has it's own definition that needs to be modified.

once again a cat_costume should be something else entirely

(also, skinsuit should be implied to clothing, unless it ends up combining with bodysuit, in which case it would already be implied to clothing, since bodysuit it)

Updated by anonymous

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