Topic: When does the new Coc become updated.

Posted under General

Yeah,I know ALOT of people are going to just on my ass,but even though i've been here for a few months,i still feel new. But when do we update to a new-er version of coc? Do we do it each week? If so ,please don't get mad at me and tell me to upload it. The only way for me to access to the internet is to use my Ps3,and I can't download games and such on here. I'm hardly on forum so I 'll try not to bother anyone by asking for someone to update Coc. I don't like to spam topics.

Updated by SnowWolf

slyroon said:
Déjà vu

But seriously, didn't you asked this already? Why post it again?

Updated by anonymous

Because he wan't an update every time he can possibly get one, and people aren't that stringent here about posting them as quickly as possible.

And it's perfectly reasonable to no post them that quickly.

I was nice the first time he asked and posted the newest version, but this is just obnoxious, this website/forum doesn't exist as an alternate site for you to obtain the most recent CoC version.

It's an art site, that just happens to also allow flash uploads.

Updated by anonymous

You can go to fenoxo's site and play it from there, it always has the most up to date version available.

Since it can sometimes be updated 2 or 3 times in a single week its too much to have it posted here every time it is updated.

Updated by anonymous

Vixxxine69 said:
You can go to fenoxo's site and play it from there, it always has the most up to date version available.

Since it can sometimes be updated 2 or 3 times in a single week its too much to have it posted here every time it is updated.

He can't, Fenoxo's site isn't PS3 compatible.

Updated by anonymous

Vixxxine69 said:
You can go to fenoxo's site and play it from there, it always has the most up to date version available.

Since it can sometimes be updated 2 or 3 times in a single week its too much to have it posted here every time it is updated.

this <3

Updated by anonymous

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