Topic: Would anyone like a story?

Posted under Art Talk

I'm taking a break from my in-progress story because I realized it had been ten months since I posted anything (since I'm only going to post that story when it's complete). I thought it would be good to do some shorter things, and then get back to the large story.

Examples of my work can be found here.

I've seen a few artists give take requests here, and it's generally pretty popular... Stories are less popular than art though, so I guess we'll see.

I do have some restrictions on what I'll write though. No NC, no feces or urine, and a feral of some sort is a must (I'll write anthros or humans if paired with ferals though).

I'll do my best to write any gender pairing, though I have little practice with male/male. Likewise, I don't have much experience with most fetishes, but I'll see what I can do. It also doesn't need to be NSFW.

Hopefully I'm not violating any rules here. I just thought this might be a way to challenge myself a bit, write something I might not otherwise write.

Updated by Siral Exan

Wanna try writing a story for my character's pet ? I can tell you more, but this is the first time I've seen a person offer a story, so forgive my inexperience.

Updated by anonymous

Maxpizzle said:
I want a gritty Knotty Curls origin story.

R-U-S-T-Y said:
I want a dirty Knotty Curls smut story

I could theoretically do the two of these together. But really I don't know Knotty Curls all that well outside of "crazy peacock", so I'm not sure what I'd be writing an origin for.

Siral_Eurgh-xan said:
Wanna try writing a story for my character's pet ? I can tell you more, but this is the first time I've seen a person offer a story, so forgive my inexperience.

Seems reasonable. I'd need quite a bit more information though, yeah. The description on the picture gave me some idea of what the character's like, so that's somewhat covered, but there's quite a few other details. Mind if I send you a PM?

EightyNine said:
Write doom.

That's it.


Requests completed: 1

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:

Seems reasonable. I'd need quite a bit more information though, yeah. The description on the picture gave me some idea of what the character's like, so that's somewhat covered, but there's quite a few other details. Mind if I send you a PM?


Requests completed: 1

Yes, feel free to DMail me.

Updated by anonymous

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