Topic: Approval Process problem

Posted under General

Hello there, I'm a new when it comes to drawing furry art, so I really have a few questions when it comes to the 'approval' process of images.

So, In the past, I've uploaded images that were apart of the Pokedex Project conducted by Mingchee and Notorious84, and those were approved and put onto the website, but recently when I tried to upload images of my own art, not only did approval take at least a week, in the end they were not approved and I don't know why.

I would like to know the mindset behind the 'approval by moderator' since I feel that I followed all the directions that I could find in both the wiki and the help section.

Updated by FoxFourOhFour

Mutisija said:
here is list reasons why your posts have gotten deleted

and the approval process basically goes like this: someone with rights to approve or unapprove images opens an unapproved image, decides if it should stay and then they either delete it or approve it.

I feel that one of the problems is that I was never given any kind of message on the why, and if my user icon wasn't one of the images in question, I would have never known the why.

The next problem is that said "minimum quality standards" aren't readily accessible to new artists who want to post to e621 to recieve feedback and critiques. I understand wanting to have a collar on half-assed art, but "minimum quality standards" I feel are not laid out for potential new artists.

Updated by anonymous

affectos said:
I feel that one of the problems is that I was never given any kind of message on the why, and if my user icon wasn't one of the images in question, I would have never known the why.

The next problem is that said "minimum quality standards" aren't readily accessible to new artists who want to post to e621 to recieve feedback and critiques. I understand wanting to have a collar on half-assed art, but "minimum quality standards" I feel are not laid out for potential new artists.

I actually had a discussion with another user about standards. This thread should help:

Updated by anonymous

affectos said:
I feel that one of the problems is that I was never given any kind of message on the why, and if my user icon wasn't one of the images in question, I would have never known the why.

your profile has a number that shows how many of your posts have been deleted. you can see pretty easily from it if something has been deleted. also sending a separate message or notification about each deleted post would be horrible if you consider that sometimes artists mass delete hundreds of images. if one user has uploaded 500 images from one artist, imagine how fun it would be to get 500 messages about each deletion when artist decides to take all that down.

Updated by anonymous

affectos said:
I feel that one of the problems is that I was never given any kind of message on the why, and if my user icon wasn't one of the images in question, I would have never known the why.

The next problem is that said "minimum quality standards" aren't readily accessible to new artists who want to post to e621 to recieve feedback and critiques. I understand wanting to have a collar on half-assed art, but "minimum quality standards" I feel are not laid out for potential new artists.

E621 isn't a 'personal gallery' so much as an archive of (Mostly) established artists. I think something like Furaffinity, Inkbunny or the like would be more suitable for your purposes. And given practice and exposure, Who knows maybe someday you too will end up here.

Updated by anonymous

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