Topic: is blocked in Russia

Posted under General

Peekaboo said:
Overthrow your government, that's probably easier than managing a website.

Of course. But the revolution is always the easy part…

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Of course. But the revolution is always the easy part…

Killing people is easy. Being politically correct is a pain in the ass!

Updated by anonymous


We are not going to discuss politics on this site. Not the place for it.

Updated by anonymous

but politics didn't ask us if we want to discuss it or not. they closed e621 and we have to think what to do.

i suggest to make a mirror.

Updated by anonymous

stranger_furry said:
they closed e621

They didn't... There are many ways to access e621 in Russia...
Those things politics do just make people angry, annoyed (and laugh)... Also #ohnothinkofthechildren crap...

Updated by anonymous

Is Russia the only nation that blocks e621 though?
Can China, for example, reach this site?

Updated by anonymous

stranger_furry said:
what if we make mirror in onion? i spoke with admin and he said he is not interested.

but russian furries have right to jack off on drawn porn too!

There's no need for .onion on e621, there's a better way.

Lizardite said:
Why don't you guys just use Tor?

That's a great idea. Since Tor uses multiple computers worldwide to keep your IP anonymous, you CAN go to e621 using the Tor Browser.

You can see which country's computer you are using by searching
In Russia, you normally get "Google Russia" on the homepage, with Tor, you may see "Google Poland" or something else.

Take that! Government!!

Updated by anonymous

The_Great_Wolfgang said:
There's no need for .onion on e621, there's a better way.

That's a great idea. Since Tor uses multiple computers worldwide to keep your IP anonymous, you CAN go to e621 using the Tor Browser.

This site actually has issues with TOR users and will ask you to prove you are human every 5 minutes or 5 pages on average.

Updated by anonymous

Eleganta said:
This site actually has issues with TOR users and will ask you to prove you are human every 5 minutes or 5 pages on average.

Yeah, because Tor switches IP addresses from time to time, so the e621 security check will trigger as you just teleported from the US to China.

Updated by anonymous

Hilariously it took me five minutes to find censored news stories.

The_Great_Wolfgang said:
Yeah, because Tor switches IP addresses from time to time, so the e621 security check will trigger as you just teleported from the US to China.

Oh, I think you are right about that. Although the protection system still functions on a known TOR IP blacklist. My testing show a massive amount of sites use it too, although I can have something set up wrong.

Updated by anonymous

5 months ago Char said:
I'm pretty sure the reason why we ended up being blocked is because we stopped deleting posts that they wanted deleted. We deleted a few over several months just to see if that would satisfy them; deleting a few posts so an entire country can continue accessing wasn't seen as too terrible. But yeah, obviously we wouldn't just keep doing it forever, so Russia blacklisted us.

Have you guys undeleted these posts since then?
blip #6360 states that post #398418 and post #397488 (and maybe some others I don't know about) were deleted for this reason.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
Have you guys undeleted these posts since then?
blip #6360 states that post #398418 and post #397488 (and maybe some others I don't know about) were deleted for this reason.

They add more and more individual images to the blacklist every week... They've added a lot of images from palcomix to the blacklist recently (which means, palcomix IP as a whole is blocked now)... There are 192 URLs from e621 there already... Please, don't delete those... We can get access from Russia easily... Blacklist is ineffective anyway... Government officials don't care... They have a plan: they have to add at least N URLs to each blacklist every month... Since they can't find real child pornography on the Internet, they have to add drawings... The very same true about the whole law enforcement system in Russia (at least X number of crimes of each kind should be accounted for every month, otherwise you'll be fired or not get a premium pay in the end of the year)...

Even one URL from e621 in the blacklist means that the whole website is blocked... Why do you think they keep adding more URLs anyway?.. I tell you – the plan...

Updated by anonymous

eliotcougar said:
They add more and more individual images to the blacklist every week... They've added a lot of images from palcomix to the blacklist recently (which means, palcomix IP as a whole is blocked now)... There are 192 URLs from e621 there already... Please, don't delete those... We can get access from Russia easily... Blacklist is ineffective anyway... Government officials don't care... They have a plan: they have to add at least N URLs to each blacklist every month... Since they can't find real child pornography on the Internet, they have to add drawings... The very same true about the whole law enforcement system in Russia (at least X number of crimes of each kind should be accounted for every month, otherwise you'll be fired or not get a premium pay in the end of the year)...

Even one URL from e621 in the blacklist means that the whole website is blocked... Why do you think they keep adding more URLs anyway?.. I tell you – the plan...

Unfortunately, I cannot comment on the politics or policies of a foreign nation. All I can say is that I sympathize with you, and I hope that you can access e621 at your leisure to view the high quality art within.

From e621's standpoint, we do not, nor have we ever, condone child pornography. All of the content that was brought into question was perfectly legal within the United States.

If you have any further questions with this, please email me directly at [email protected].

Updated by anonymous

IHateRule34 said:
Found some more info. Looks like it happened because of post #22971, post #166302, post #462958, post #459910 and post #32345. So the whole fuss is because of their loose definitions of CP.

Bastards also blocked's CDN, effectively breaking the site. >_<

Ok the best answer of the "why" is with the posts that ihaterule34 gives because the 2nd was in fact bestiality (in some contries thats illegal) and the rest of the posts was a lot close to child porn so i guess they couldn't just report them to the admins... If someone found the original reason please tell us... -An e6 lover.

Updated by anonymous

IHateRule34 said:
Sadly, by now it's impossible without repeating the Ukrainian scenario.
But I fully support your decision. Don't let some third world country dictate you what to do.

"Third world country".

You don't know Russia very much, do you?

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
"Third world country".

You don't know Russia very much, do you?

Second world. There, all good now.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Second world. There, all good now.

If it has an infrastructure, a working society, a working healthcare system and economy and national currency, education and government integrity, it's considered first world. Though in that regard, wouldn't the US be second world then? :P

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
Though in that regard, wouldn't the US be second world then? :P


Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:

Not even with being 37th in healthcare rating? Or 101st in peace ranking? Or being only top 25th in education? Seems very 'second' to me :P

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
Smug political argument

I'm just going to be leaving before I get a negative record.

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
Not even with being 37th in healthcare rating? Or 101st in peace ranking? Or being only top 25th in education? Seems very 'second' to me :P

Freedom of speech before the government is a big factor, there are still high ranked Russian officials of the opposition getting thrown into jail for no reason, or gay people getting prosecuted.
But, good luck arguing that a "democracy" that gets effectively run as a dictatorship is better.

With that said, no political discussions in here.

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
If it has an infrastructure, a working society, a working healthcare system and economy and national currency, education and government integrity, it's considered first world. Though in that regard, wouldn't the US be second world then? :P

Nope. The US is by definition a first world nation. Russia, as the successor state of the USSR, could be argued to be a second world nation by definition. First/Second/Third world is about sides in the Cold War, not economic status.

First World: US, Western Europe, and allied nations.
Second World: USSR, China, Cuba, and allied nations.
Third World: every other nation. Yes, including Switzerland (and Austria and Ireland).
Fourth World (not part of the original definition): sub-populations that don't really interact with global society (hunter-gatherer/nomadic/etc peoples)
Fifth World and beyond : i dont even

Updated by anonymous

yay politics
everyones least favorite subject

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
yay politics
everyones least favorite subject

e621th world problems.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, enough with the political talk. I don't mind discussion, but talking about Russia being a second world country isn't cool.

By the way, the definition of a second world country is a developing country, or one just beginning industrialization. Not a fair assessment of someone who kept the US on their toes for the better part of a century.

Updated by anonymous

Russia is 2nd world country because game devs have to charge less money for their games there because Russians can't afford to pay as much for counter strike or w/e because there's no money in Russia.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
By the way, the definition of a second world country is a developing country, or one just beginning industrialization.

This. I'm not even talking in a political sense but in a linguistic one. The definition related to the relationships/alliances of the cold war hasn't been a primary use for these terms since the 80s, and is rarely relevant today.

Updated by anonymous

I wasn't being serious when I said they were second-world

Updated by anonymous

Changing the subject, is e621 blocked in any other country?

Updated by anonymous

blackest_vulture said:
Changing the subject, is e621 blocked in any other country?

I'd have to guess China.

Updated by anonymous

blackest_vulture said:
Changing the subject, is e621 blocked in any other country?


Updated by anonymous

blackest_vulture said:
Changing the subject, is e621 blocked in any other country?

Peekaboo said:
I'd have to guess China.

memeboy said:

Munkelzahn said:
Saudi Arabia

Nobody ever mentions the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Updated by anonymous

blackest_vulture said:
Changing the subject, is e621 blocked in any other country?

I'd say some places of the Middle East. Don't know why, but it gives me the impression

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Not blocked in China.

But I can say for certain that the site is blocked in Iran.

Updated by anonymous

how would countries in the Middle East even know about furry porn sites? Like are there even furcons over in the Levant?

Updated by anonymous

memeboy said:
how would countries in the Middle East even know about furry porn sites? Like are there even furcons over in the Levant?

I don't think it's the furry content in general. I think it's the homosexuality that's represented in the content. Most Middle East countries seem to outlaw homosexuality because the majority of the population do not agree with it, as it falls short of unlawful due to their old laws and traditions.

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
Most Middle East countries seem to outlaw homosexuality because the majority of the population do not agree with it

You can't "not agree" with homosexuality. Just like you can't disagree with being left handed. It's a newspeak - don't use it, please.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
You can't "not agree" with homosexuality. Just like you can't disagree with being left handed. It's a newspeak - don't use it, please.

"Agree" as in "agree with" also means "accepted" or "approved of"; it is based off of Latin gratus which means pleasing or praise. So no, it isn't new.

Random side note: There used to be some schools that disapproved of learning how to write left-handed and they tried to force kids to write with their right hand because it was supposedly the "correct" way to write.

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
Nobody ever mentions the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Well all sites that don't originate from the DPRK government are blocked there, so it would be obvious that e6 would too

Updated by anonymous

That reminds me...

Saudi Arabia has banned Pokémon (since 2001, I believe), because it promotes Zionism or something stupid like that.

Long story short, I'd sooner shoot myself in the head than live there. I hate the heat and I love my Pokémon.

Updated by anonymous

According to recent stats on, Roscomnadzor has already added 347 images on to their "child porn" blacklist...
They are still adding individual images, long after the whole website has been banned by IP... Why?.. Because every month they have to report how many websites with child porn they've successfully blocked... And yes, they call individual URLs – websites...

Some examples of what their experts classify as "child porn" are hilarious... They even ban some pencil sketches and some clearly comical cartoon-ish stuff... I guess, experts, who do that are just mentally ill...

In recent months they've also started adding URLs on en-masse, similar to e621... Crazy, considering that requires registration to see pictures...

At least, free VPN from (unregistered) Russian Pirate Party helps to get access to all websites banned by Roscomnadzor...

Updated by anonymous

First of all, i live in Russia. I have no problems with accessing porn because i've purchased VPS hosted in Europe and set up some stuff there, including VPN (yeah i knew we, Russians, will get everything blocked someday).
There are literally no reasons to delete that blacklisted content because:
1) They will find more, if they won't, they will upload something to blacklist.
2) This list is obviously going to grow. Yes, if this continues like this, they will blacklist all male/male content and everything they find "bad" for "children".
3) Really, do you know how they decide if it's child porn or not? Literally everything with school uniform and E stuff is a child porn. Don't even bother.

TL;DR: If anyone wants to access e621, he'll find a way. For now.

Updated by anonymous

Serken said:
Why? It's slow. I use a plugin for Chrome with automatically connect proxy.

Tor doesn't work at all, just get infinite line of reCapcha challenges (or message "error to connect to reCAPCHA)

I know what plugin you mean, but it's often required to switch away from UK or Russian-based proxies, as they wouldn't work

Updated by anonymous

Well, I always uses "" to avoid this damn block. Works perfectly to me.

Updated by anonymous

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