Topic: Tag Implication: raven -> corvid

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating raven → corvid
Link to implication


Think this might serve as a catch-all when people are unsure whether to tag raven, crow or the lesser known jackdaw.

Magpies and blue_jays are also part of the corvid family, but because they're distinguishable from the other corvids, it isn't really necessary. Though it would be cool to keep the family together.

tl;dr implicate raven, crow, jackdaw -> corvid

and perhaps magpie, blue_jay -> corvid

Updated by user 59725


Former Staff

Magpie needs disambiguation. It's a mix of Eurasian Magpies and Australian Magpies. The latter aren't even corvids. I think the settlers simply named those 'magpie' because they were homesick and the colors reminded them of the old world magpies.

Updated by anonymous

I've made the following changes:

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:

  • magpie I'll leave alone for now (unless someone wants to split them up, I honestly can't tell the difference)

See here. Eurasian Magpie (Corvidae) on left, Australian Magpie (Artamidae) on right.

I split the magpies into eurasian_magpie (54 posts) and australian_magpie (6 posts). Ferals were easy, but the anthros a bit tougher to identify. I might've made some mistakes while tagging those.

...I also moved a few to hooded_crow. Reference here.

One problem with the Eurasian Magpie tag: Black-billed Magpie (American) and Eurasian Magpie are practically indistinguishable. Even taxonomists aren't sure that Pica pica and Pica hudsonia are separate species.

Implication suggestions:
australian_magpiebird (since Artamidae is a small family and most species are uncommon here).[/sup]Not sure what to do with the main magpie tag. Magpie_(disambiguation)? Or just sort out the Australian Magpies (since there's so few of them), alias eurasian_magpie to magpie, and then imply it to corvid?

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
See here. Eurasian Magpie (Corvidae) on left, Australian Magpie (Artamidae) on right.

I split the magpies into eurasian_magpie (54 posts) and australian_magpie (6 posts). Ferals were easy, but the anthros a bit tougher to identify. I might've made some mistakes while tagging those.

...I also moved a few to hooded_crow. Reference here.

One problem with the Eurasian Magpie tag: Black-billed Magpie (American) and Eurasian Magpie are practically indistinguishable. Even taxonomists aren't sure that Pica pica and Pica hudsonia are separate species.

Implication suggestions:
australian_magpiebird (since Artamidae is a small family and most species are uncommon here).[/sup]Not sure what to do with the main magpie tag. Magpie_(disambiguation)? Or just sort out the Australian Magpies (since there's so few of them), alias eurasian_magpie to magpie, and then imply it to corvid?

I'd almost say to alias magpie to eurasian_magpie since the other one is so uncommon, but I doubt we need to be that specific. What do you think?

Updated by anonymous

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