Topic: Won't let me change tag

Posted under General

easy enough to fix and the reason you were unable to change the tag type is squish is tagged on over 100 posts.

there you go, changed it to character:squish_(character)

edit: though, who is blade_wolfie? if that's the artist and you commissioned the pic (or the other way around) then put the artist as the artist tag. no need for a pointless copyright tag.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
edit: though, who is blade_wolfie? if that's the artist and you commissioned the pic (or the other way around) then put the artist as the artist tag. no need for a pointless copyright tag.

At a guess (since there's no source) it's probably the char owner?

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
At a guess (since there's no source) it's probably the char owner?

We don't tag char owners.

Updated by anonymous

ZacAttack said:
I am relatively new to this site

Well hello and welcome!
Kind of off-topic but if you want to find some good pictures check out my [NSFW] Favourites

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

We don't? I thought that's what the copyright category right is for (among other things).

Updated by anonymous

Yes I was doing an art trade with one of my friends so I assumed that the copyright would be his as its his sona

- and thanks for the help!

Updated by anonymous

leomole said:
We don't? I thought that's what the copyright category right is for (among other things).

It's discouraged but we will let character owners/commisioners have a copyright tag if they insist on having it tagged. It's just not something that we keep track of, partly because many char owners/commisioners are also artists, which tends to confound tagging.

Edit: If there's multiple characters with the same name, we will often make a tag for that character along the lines of john_(leomole), but that's more to keep the tags straight than to claim ownership (they are handled kind of informally).

Updated by anonymous

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