Topic: Random exposures--Other people hinting at being furry?

Posted under General

Ever go about your daily business and happen to overheard somebody talking about stuff that makes them sound like they're a furry?

Earlier today, as I was waiting at my workplace's breakroom before my shift started, I overheard a supervisor talking about giant squirrels, and he said, "Well, yeah, who wouldn't want to fuck a giant squirrel?" I wasn't actively eavesdropping, so I don't know what all else he said, but I'm pretty sure he also said things like "That's a scalie, there's another scalie." Unfortunately I was too engrossed in the game I was playing to follow up with a question for verification, so that's all I can say on it.

Updated by 404dotexe

Huh, well that's unusual. Are you sure he wasn't talking sarcastically or joking? If not, then maybe he's a furry but I'm not sure.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Ever go about your daily business and happen to overheard somebody talking about stuff that makes them sound like they're a furry?

Earlier today, as I was waiting at my workplace's breakroom before my shift started, I overheard a supervisor talking about giant squirrels, and he said, "Well, yeah, who wouldn't want to fuck a giant squirrel?" I wasn't actively eavesdropping, so I don't know what all else he said, but I'm pretty sure he also said things like "That's a scalie, there's another scalie." Unfortunately I was too engrossed in the game I was playing to follow up with a question for verification, so that's all I can say on it.

well my furdar isn't good enough to pick up on other furs unless they're wearing a furry shirt or something.

Updated by anonymous

at this point i'm convinced everyone's a deviant of some sort

Updated by anonymous

I usually say or type e621 and this code works well. :D

Updated by anonymous

xXMAGIKzMushroomXx said:
Huh, well that's unusual. Are you sure he wasn't talking sarcastically or joking? If not, then maybe he's a furry but I'm not sure.

Like I said, I didn't follow up on it. I was playing a video game and was too focused on that to ask him what he was talking about.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
at this point i'm convinced everyone's a deviant of some sort

^ This...

Xesnogard said:
I usually say or type e621 and this code works well. :D

I shall test that out. lol

Furrin_Gok said:
Like I said, I didn't follow up on it. I was playing a video game and was too focused on that to ask him what he was talking about.

Well you can be assured he knows about furries, though whether he is a fan of it or not, is indeed questionable.

I'd say maybe he is...since it seems he dug around the fandom enough to know about scalies. Still...I wouldn't approach him about it unless I knew him well and was 100% sure.

Updated by anonymous

I've seen people wearing Anthrocon shirts at my school. XD

Updated by anonymous

When I was in middle school (I'm old), there was this guy who was totally obsessed with wolves.
I was unfamiliar with the term wolfaboo back then.
Chances are it didn't even exist back then.

Updated by anonymous

I remember seeing someone in school a few years ago who would sit in the corner and draw anthro cats and wolves, if that counts. I never asked him though.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
When I was in middle school (I'm old), there was this guy who was totally obsessed with wolves.
I was unfamiliar with the term wolfaboo back then.
Chances are it didn't even exist back then.

W. O. W.

The more you know.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
When I was in middle school (I'm old), there was this guy who was totally obsessed with wolves.
I was unfamiliar with the term wolfaboo back then.
Chances are it didn't even exist back then.

Lmao, that urbandictionary definition

Updated by anonymous

Lunafera said:
I remember seeing someone in school a few years ago who would sit in the corner and draw anthro cats and wolves, if that counts. I never asked him though.

That reminded me that I have seen that once. only furry power level I have ever seen.

Updated by anonymous

I'm going to be honest. I think nearly everyone has the potential to find furry porn arousing (even if it is just one image). Ultimately, social stigmas stop the majority of the public from looking, as well as the fact that some may not even be aware (of furry porn/this site)

Updated by anonymous

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