Topic: How to add something to the DNP-List ?

Posted under General


Former Staff

Lunatic91 said:
I had a talk with this guy and he
doesn´t want his art redistributed. So it would make sense to add him to the DNP list.

Does the artist even have any artwork on e621 to begin with? I was unable to find any tagged with their name.

The Avoid Posting list is really something that's intended to be a tool to keep certain artwork off of the site, IF the site is actually experiencing an issue with the artist's artwork being uploaded. You don't get on the list just because you want to be on it; otherwise it'd fill up with completely pointless entries for artists that were never going to end up with any of their artwork uploaded to e621 to begin with.

Typically you have to file at least a couple of takedown requests within a few months of each other in order to be justified in being added to the Avoid Posting list (since it's obvious at that point that people uploading that artist's artwork will continue to be a problem). But if it's like, 1 picture every 6 months or something.. there's just not much of a point in adding them to the list. Having to submit two takedown requests a YEAR isn't that bad, in my opinion.

This is how I was handling additions to the Avoid Posting list when I was handling takedowns at least. It should be how the guys who are handling takedowns now are also doing it, but I haven't followed the takedown requests enough recently to know for sure.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Does the artist even have any artwork on e621 to begin with? I was unable to find any tagged with their name.

The Avoid Posting list is really something that's intended to be a tool to keep certain artwork off of the site, IF the site is actually experiencing an issue with the artist's artwork being uploaded. You don't get on the list just because you want to be on it; otherwise it'd fill up with completely pointless entries for artists that were never going to end up with any of their artwork uploaded to e621 to begin with.

Typically you have to file at least a couple of takedown requests within a few months of each other in order to be justified in being added to the Avoid Posting list (since it's obvious at that point that people uploading that artist's artwork will continue to be a problem). But if it's like, 1 picture every 6 months or something.. there's just not much of a point in adding them to the list. Having to submit two takedown requests a YEAR isn't that bad, in my opinion.

This is how I was handling additions to the Avoid Posting list when I was handling takedowns at least. It should be how the guys who are handling takedowns now are also doing it, but I haven't followed the takedown requests enough recently to know for sure.

OK thanks.
No there isn´t posted anything from this artist, but I was going to upload some stuff from him.
I asked him first but like I said he doesn´t want it to be redistributed.

Updated by anonymous

Lunatic91 said:
OK thanks.
No there isn´t posted anything from this artist, but I was going to upload some stuff from him.
I asked him first but like I said he doesn´t want it to be redistributed.

And that is the right idea, respects the artist and saves headaches for the mods :o

Updated by anonymous

It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.

I think that's a good rule to go by in the absence of explicit instructions to the contrary. The vast majority of people have a knee-jerk reaction to say "no" because it gives them a feeling of exercising control over others. This doesn't just apply to art, you see it a lot in software development as well.

Updated by anonymous

It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.

I have to remember that saying just in case I ever have to justify rape/murder/theft.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I have to remember that saying just in case I ever have to justify rape/murder/theft.

Nice straw man. Thankfully most people understand what Admiral Hopper was saying.

Updated by anonymous

DrNick said:
Nice straw man. Thankfully most people understand what Admiral Hopper was saying.

Not a strawman, because the seriousness of the issue isn't, well, the issue- It's the mentality that is, which attributing it to serious offenses that most people wouldn't even think of actually committing addresses- Though I will admit in a rather blunt format that can lend itself to seeming like a strawman at first glance.

Admins have explicitly stated over and over on many posts throughout the years to ask first for permission because artists are generally far more receptive to their art being redistributed if they've been asked olitely first, and if they say no, then they don't go into a snit fit when they later discover you doing it on the sly and that gets E6 in trouble and creates negative emotions directed at the site instead of at whomever is directly responsible for uploading it, simply because they aren't the face that the artist has to deal with.

Updated by anonymous

I know this thread is 2 years old, but... I recently asked RainbowDashie to post his DA art on e621 and he gave permission to do so. Apparently, he changed his mind. His commercial Patreon art is still DNP of course (he uses name nightmaremoons there), or at least you will need his separate permission for that.

Updated by anonymous

Dude isn't on the DNP list, and never has been, feel free to upload to your heart's content.

Updated by anonymous

DrNick said:

It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.

I think that's a good rule to go by in the absence of explicit instructions to the contrary. The vast majority of people have a knee-jerk reaction to say "no" because it gives them a feeling of exercising control over others. This doesn't just apply to art, you see it a lot in software development as well.

(Responding to a two year old comment, I know)

Honestly, that hasn't been my experience so far. Of all the artists and commissioners I've approached with a permission request, at least 80% reacted positively and many have actually thanked me for going the extra mile by contacting them before reposting. They largely seem to recognize the polite gesture and respond accordingly, and those who declined usually had personal reasons beyond just "nope donut steel!".

Updated by anonymous

Like I said, I asked only about his DA art. If anyone wishes to upload hi-res stuff from his Patreon, you'd better ask him separately.

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
Honestly, that hasn't been my experience so far. Of all the artists and commissioners I've approached with a permission request, at least 80% reacted positively and many have actually thanked me for going the extra mile by contacting them before reposting. They largely seem to recognize the polite gesture and respond accordingly, and those who declined usually had personal reasons beyond just "nope donut steel!".

That, and there are those who will stick you onto a "Thief" list when they find it. Some of them might be willing to remove you from the list once the items have been removed, but there's no guarentee of that. Best to just ask permission first and not risk getting hated.

Updated by anonymous

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