Topic: How do you see deleted posts?

Posted under General

Well,I'm new to the forums,but I have to ask something.


Anyway.How do you actually see deleted art posts?I know you can find them by using status:deleted search,but how do I actually see the art itself?

Updated by GameManiac

Serkan said:
Well,I'm new to the forums,but I have to ask something.


Anyway.How do you actually see deleted art posts?I know you can find them by using status:deleted search,but how do I actually see the art itself?

When things are deleted it usually means someone didn't want others to see the art.

Unfortunately you can't see art once it's deleted.

If there is a source you could try there, otherwise you are out of luck.

Updated by anonymous

Sneaky said:
When things are deleted it usually means someone didn't want others to see the art.

Unfortunately you can't see art once it's deleted.

If there is a source you could try there, otherwise you are out of luck.


Quick answer,though.

Updated by anonymous

you cant. you can try to check the possible source link though.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija's suggestion is usually the best, but there's not always going to be a source.

There's other boorus that rip images from here (,, others that I forgot) which often haven't deleted the post. Using the tags that you can see here, you can often search for them over there. I believe will only have the explicit posts though.

Updated by anonymous

You have to be Janitor+ to see them, as they're the ones that have control over what stays and what doesn't on e621.

Updated by anonymous

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