Topic: slight problem

Posted under General

so um first time posting on here but thought id bring it up. when i click on a long animation or gif my web browser closes down. i use mircosoft edge (internet exploer) and it's been happening for a few months. so just thought id drop by and tell you guys. have a pleasent eveing,day,or morning depending on your timezone.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

treos said:
lol i wonder if that's even more true with W10.

Edge is good for devices with low memory (<3gb RAM), between 3 & 4gb Firefox is hands down the best, between 4-8gb it's a draw between Firefox and Chrome, and above 8gb Chrome pulls ahead if you plan on using a lot of tabs.

The reason for this is that Edge requires very low RAM but suffers when using multiple tabs, Firefox requires a rather huge amount of base RAM but grows only slowly with additional tabs and only starts to have slowdowns at 50 tabs or more (and even then only when trying to close them all), and Chrome is a hydra that eats RAM for breakfast but can handle 300+ tabs without any slowdows as long as you have RAM to spare.

Now, if you use the standard Internet Explorer on Windows 10 you need to set your computer on fire and rethink your life choices. The only reason it's still there is backwards compatibility to some companies who refuse to support real browsers.

Updated by anonymous

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