Topic: Downvoting Comments are for Bullies and A-Holes

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[WARNING] This is a vent in which most of you butthurts will most likely comment something retarded if this post doesn't get taken down by another butthurt person

The fact that downvoting is even alowed on comments is rediculous. How many times do i have to see downvoted comments and other comments put into a threshold just because they said something normal

Seriously, are half you people so fucking autistic that you downvote whatever comment you deem disatisfying!? Why is that even a thing!?
This site's comment section on ANY picture is filled with downvotes for the most simplest of comments.

Why do you have to be SO judgmental. Don't you know how people feel when they look back at a comment they made and they see downvotes and question "why. Why am i getting downvotes, all i did was say something normal" or "im just expressing how i feel" i don't know about you but getting downvotes actually hurts a person's self-esteem but you people just don't get that do you!

You people are even more judgemental than a YouTube comment section!
Just look at the art and if you see a comment you like go ahead and Upvote it. There is NO NEED for this stupid Downvoting comments

You're just being a bully and a troll, that's putting it nicely, you're actually being a fucking dickheaded, salty, little bitch who has so much autism you decide to downvote everything that you find boring, normal, opinion related.

STOP. Okay just STOP these stupid downvoting comments. Who the fuck thaught it was a good idea to downvote comments!?

(You know sometimes i upvote downvoted comments just so i can take away that additional downvote, like if a comment has -1 i would +1 just to revert it back to 0......i feel like alot of you are cyber sadistic people thats what i think your beef is. You like to hurt those who cant see your point of view when it comes to art, non the less yiff art of all things)

Hell im probably gonna get a flag, strike, or whatever for sharing my opinion but you know what, this e621 system is broken so F*%# YOU!

Updated by user 59725

Wait, aren't you judging people for being judgemental just now ?

If you really hate to see those comments being hidden, click My Account, then Settings. You will see an option for Comment Threshold you can set as low as you want. Mine is at -10 so only really bad/hated comments get hidden, which rarely happened since 3 years now beside 3 times that I can remember

Updated by anonymous

If you do get a strike, it's going to be for the extremely hostile attitude you are taking, and not for the opinion you are expressing.

You said you were venting though, so I'll ignore the anger and focus on your point. I decided to check through your posts and see if you had a specific grievance, but it doesn't seem like you do.

Honestly, I find, personally, that comments expressing completely normal points of view are not the ones that get downvoted the most. I tend to find comments get downvoted in a few circumstances:

1) The comment is complaining that a picture would have been better a different way.

This attitude bothers people. Not everyone has the same interests. It is very rude to say that a picture would be better if it catered to your interests specifically. When there is already plenty of a certain type of art, and yet someone is saying on, say, a male/male image, "this would be better if that character was female!", that is rather rude.

2) The comment is extremely hostile, angry, or belligerent.

As an example, I would expect that if this post of yours were a comment which could be voted on, it would be voted rather negatively quite quickly.

3) The comment is low-effort.

"ths pic look gud m8" is going to get downvoted. "First!" is going to get downvoted. Likewise, a comment which complains about a tag being missing / incorrect on an image, but not fixing it, is quite lazy.

4) The comment breaks the site rules.

The two most common ways this happens is when someone is refusing to blacklist, or when they are roleplaying in the comments.

5) The comment expresses an unpopular opinion (at least among users who are viewing that particular image).

This one seems pretty obvious. If you say something which is bigoted, or most people disagree with, for better or worse, you're going to get downvoted.

I generally don't see "perfectly normal" comments being downvoted to any significant degree. You would have to provide examples of what you mean and I could try to explain why they are being downvoted, if you like, if you can't figure it out from these various trends (though admittedly I might be missing some reasons).

Conversely, a comment is likely to be upvoted if it is funny, well thought-out, well written, or just generally helpful (I often get upvoted when explaining why I've changed tags in a particular way, for instance).

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:

and theres the occasional negative necro comments that may arise from time to time. time stamps are there for a reason and reviving a month old (or older) argument is a good way to get down votes as well. as well as a strike too in some cases.

Updated by anonymous

Meli-Melo said:
[WARNING] This is a vent in which most of you butthurts will most likely comment something retarded if this post doesn't get taken down by another butthurt person

The fact that downvoting is even alowed on comments is rediculous. How many times do i have to see downvoted comments and other comments put into a threshold just because they said something normal

Seriously, are half you people so fucking autistic that you downvote whatever comment you deem disatisfying!? Why is that even a thing!?
This site's comment section on ANY picture is filled with downvotes for the most simplest of comments.

Why do you have to be SO judgmental. Don't you know how people feel when they look back at a comment they made and they see downvotes and question "why. Why am i getting downvotes, all i did was say something normal" or "im just expressing how i feel" i don't know about you but getting downvotes actually hurts a person's self-esteem but you people just don't get that do you!

You people are even more judgemental than a YouTube comment section!
Just look at the art and if you see a comment you like go ahead and Upvote it. There is NO NEED for this stupid Downvoting comments

You're just being a bully and a troll, that's putting it nicely, you're actually being a fucking dickheaded, salty, little bitch who has so much autism you decide to downvote everything that you find boring, normal, opinion related.

STOP. Okay just STOP these stupid downvoting comments. Who the fuck thaught it was a good idea to downvote comments!?

(You know sometimes i upvote downvoted comments just so i can take away that additional downvote, like if a comment has -1 i would +1 just to revert it back to 0......i feel like alot of you are cyber sadistic people thats what i think your beef is. You like to hurt those who cant see your point of view when it comes to art, non the less yiff art of all things)

Hell im probably gonna get a flag, strike, or whatever for sharing my opinion but you know what, this e621 system is broken so F*%# YOU!

Get a life, butthurt. This wall of text ^ is the very definition of autism.

Updated by anonymous

Meli-Melo said:
[WARNING] This is a vent in which most of you butthurts will most likely comment something retarded if this post doesn't get taken down by another butthurt person

That sort of phrasing is the kind of thing a person who is already upset over things would say. Do not try to pass off logical and clear thought as being butthurt simply because you, yourself felt the need to vent over something.

The fact that downvoting is even alowed on comments is rediculous. How many times do i have to see downvoted comments and other comments put into a threshold just because they said something normal

If you want to see the comments still, then move the threshhold even lower. I find -10 to be fairly reasonable, anything that gets further down than that quite likely deserves to be so highly downvoted. Trolls and bullies often times keep it at the default -3.

Seriously, are half you people so fucking autistic that you downvote whatever comment you deem disatisfying!? Why is that even a thing!?
This site's comment section on ANY picture is filled with downvotes for the most simplest of comments.

It's true that there are already trolls who just go around downvoting as many comments as they can, but such trolls are going to have a heavy vote cap, and won't be getting said cap lifted if they keep it up. Plus, the fact that they can only actually vote once per comment means that their vote is quite easily countered.

Why do you have to be SO judgmental. Don't you know how people feel when they look back at a comment they made and they see downvotes and question "why. Why am i getting downvotes, all i did was say something normal" or "im just expressing how i feel" i don't know about you but getting downvotes actually hurts a person's self-esteem but you people just don't get that do you!

Sometimes I see a sudden downvote and do, indeed, wonder "Why was that downvoted?" Then I remember "Oh right trolls lulz" and just ignore it. If you can't deal with the idea of there being trolls on the internet, then stick to lurking silently.

You people are even more judgemental than a YouTube comment section!
Just look at the art and if you see a comment you like go ahead and Upvote it. There is NO NEED for this stupid Downvoting comments

The downvotes actually exist to give other users a way of hiding a rude comment for others, since unless it's incredibly malicious the admins won't hide it for you, and the poster usually won't, either. I've seen comments that were rude plenty of times, and without the ability to downvote them, we'd have much more people feeling much more bullied than you do.

You're just being a bully and a troll, that's putting it nicely, you're actually being a fucking dickheaded, salty, little bitch who has so much autism you decide to downvote everything that you find boring, normal, opinion related.

STOP. Okay just STOP these stupid downvoting comments. Who the fuck thaught it was a good idea to downvote comments!?

I'm sorry, but this is just full of hypocrisy.

You know sometimes i upvote downvoted comments just so i can take away that additional downvote, like if a comment has -1 i would +1 just to revert it back to 0...

Which is exactly the way to solve it. Just give the wrongfully downvoted comments an upvote, even things out.

Hell im probably gonna get a flag, strike, or whatever for sharing my opinion but you know what, this e621 system is broken so F*%# YOU!

See, the problem with this post isn't that you're complaining about the system, it's that you're insulting everybody. If you want to have a rational debate about something, it's vital you keep a calm head about yourself, lest you fall into spiteful phrasing yourself.

Clawdragons said:
4) The comment breaks the site rules.

The two most common ways this happens is when someone is refusing to blacklist, or when they are roleplaying in the comments.

Man, how I wish that were the case. People actually do downvote you for telling them to use the blacklist. It's the one downside to the downvote mechanic, but not one I find bad enough to warrant removing it.

I often get upvoted when explaining why I've changed tags in a particular way, for instance).

This one thankfully is true. When you take the effort to update the tags and then comment on the change, you're likely to either get a neutral or positive reception, never a negative one unless you had poor reasoning.

Glutamate said:
Get a life, butthurt. This wall of text ^ is the very definition of autism.

Please don't fuel the fires. One person being mean is no excuse to be mean to others.

Updated by anonymous

Comment voting helps filter out and generally discourage spam (spam as in shitty comments, text walls, off-topic ranting, roleplay typed with one hand, and so on).

If you are this worked up over seeing a red number, you can either turn off comments in the settings, or turn off your computer and go outside.

Thread locked.

Updated by anonymous

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