Topic: Tag Implication: clouded_leopard -> leopard

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

imagoober said:
Clouded leopards are, obviously, part of the leopard family.

Make sure to implicate lions and jaguars to leopards as well, going by this logic.

The real reason would be to show clouded leopards to people who search for "leopard", because presumably they aren't searching for Leopards proper (Panthera pardus) but instead for any animal with "leopard" in its common name.

Updated by anonymous

I wasn't using "family" in the taxonomy sense, in part because I can never remember the hierarchy. :P

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I chuckled at "leopard family".

Updated by anonymous

+1 for our new leopard family!

May zoologists forgive us.

Updated by anonymous

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