Topic: Tag Implication: tail_button_bottoms -> furgonomics

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

...I'm an idiot for not realizing there's a chain going on. Like, I saw the tail_clothing implication but didn't realize that that in turn had been implicated to what I'm now suggesting.

Man, I've been sloppy lately. D:

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I went ahead and implied furry-specific_piercing though since that definitely applies :3

Is this really wanted? I mean what's "ergonomic" about having a piercing through a body part that a human does not have? At best it deserves a mentioning in their respective wiki pages. Though I guess it doesn't really matter much since you can just negate it... I suppose the furgonomics tag is simply just wider than I want it to be, woo opinions.

Also this is the epitome of furgonomics to me:
post #497716
and it's not even considered in the wiki (not that it is set in stone or anything but is pretty much as old as a stone would be).

Updated by anonymous

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