Topic: Facebook Bill Gates Pic

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Has anyone else seen this pic of Bill Gates purporting to give the reposter 5000 dollars?

Did anyone see the giant Bad Dragon Dil-darion on the desk? Did anyone else then go on to see the Dragon Porn poster behind it?

Did anyone say anything in the comments? Cuz I did.


Updated by Kimmo

Found it!

That's a Xar the Karabos poster on the wall and a Griffon toy on the table. If it's not shopped my life is complete. I guess it's back to work then.

Updated by anonymous

MaShCr said:
Found it!

That's a Xar the Karabos poster on the wall and a Griffon toy on the table. If it's not shopped my life is complete.

Should have mentioned Win ME instaid.

Updated by anonymous

MaShCr said:
Found it!

That's a Xar the Karabos poster on the wall and a Griffon toy on the table. If it's not shopped my life is complete. I guess it's back to work then.

You win internets. I would have posted it but...I just couldn't be bothered to.

It's bad that my eye was immediately drawn to the dil-dang right?

But my frequently changing, furry-specific sexual identity aside, is this not the funniest shit ever? Oh my god I nearly died when I saw a dingle-dang on billy gates desk...and the dragon cock behind it was just fab gay icing on the

Updated by anonymous

fortunateson1969 said:
You win internets. I would have posted it but...I just couldn't be bothered to.

It's bad that my eye was immediately drawn to the dil-dang right?

But my frequently changing, furry-specific sexual identity aside, is this not the funniest shit ever? Oh my god I nearly died when I saw a dingle-dang on billy gates desk...and the dragon cock behind it was just fab gay icing on the

Good thing that this picture is completely legit.

Updated by anonymous

Hahaha, I saw that just earlier but I didn't even realize it

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I respect Bill just a little more

For holding an AMA?

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
For holding an AMA?

That and for shopping at Bad Dragon

Updated by anonymous

Ha! One of my friends just shared that! I totally didn't even see the bad dragon toy until just now! Awsm!

Updated by anonymous

I love how many people are just resolutely not reading the thread.

Updated by anonymous

That's the best thing about discussions on the internet. You've got the current conversation, but every other post (roughly, depends on forum) is someone who read only the first post (maybe the whole first page, in a sufficiently long thread).

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Bill Gates giving money?

post #263985

You do realize he gives like half his shit to Aids research right?

Every second OS from him may be complete shit but don't be an ass

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
You do realize he gives like half his shit to Aids research right?

Every second OS from him may be complete shit but don't be an ass

Bill Gates giving money away to facebook is indeed bullshit, him giving money to Aids research has nothing to do with this.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Bill Gates giving money away to facebook is indeed bullshit, him giving money to Aids research has nothing to do with this.

Exactly. Nobody gives money easily like that. Specially that sum, taking the number of people who shared the image, he'll be poor in 10 seconds flat.


Updated by anonymous

That bill gates thing with a bd toy in the background; I posted it on facebook and my friends are on sharing it around now :3

Not suspecting a thing, except one who found out, yet afterwards continued his life without commenting at all xD

Updated by anonymous

Kimpumomo said:
That bill gates thing with a bd toy in the background; I posted it on facebook and my friends are on sharing it around now :3

Not suspecting a thing, except one who found out, yet afterwards continued his life without commenting at all xD

We must be FB friends XD

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Exactly. Nobody gives money easily like that. Specially that sum, taking the number of people who shared the image, he'll be poor in 10 seconds flat.


oh god, i see it now.
You are jelly for all his money eh?
Just cause he has a bunch and its not coming to you, he's the bad guy?
You make me queasy.

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
oh god, i see it now.
You are jelly for all his money eh?
Just cause he has a bunch and its not coming to you, he's the bad guy?
You make me queasy.

How you managed to glean jealousy and hatred from a straightforward comment I will never understand. Projection much?

Updated by anonymous

fortunateson1969 said:

Yeah... They're called dildos. Just a heads-up.

Updated by anonymous

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