Topic: Oh my dearest LePepper...

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Sit down boys and girls! I've got a story to tell you all! :D

Now, some of you might be familiar with a comic series on e621 called Guilmon practices karate.
It's a fairly dark rape comic in which the titular Guilmon gets raped repeatedly. I kinda like it even though it's badly drawn... Not important!

What some of you might also know is that the author of this comic became the victim of sustained and repeated harassment from a user named LePepper. My my, look at that track record!
LePepper claimed to have started a small army with the sole purpose of stopping the comic because his beloved fictional character was getting fictionally injured. There were multiple ban-evades, off-side drama. The works.

Today a certain individual contacted me over skype (who we'll call CM to protect the deranged) and we had THIS conversation:

[16:25:53] CM: Are you familiar with hector21314?
[16:26:21] ME: mmmm yeah! that name rings a bell
[16:26:27] CM: Guilmon being raped?
[16:26:37] ME: yeaaah thats it
[16:26:38] CM: A private military interveening it?
[16:26:40] CM: Yeah.
[16:26:54] CM: I'm part of that military.

Okay. Straight away I can see where this was going - presumably to recruit me into his bullshit army. I was tempted to block him right off the bat but he sent me the next up-coming page and, well, I was morbidly curious to see how deep the rabbit hole goes...

[16:29:05] ME: why does he care? because at this point it looks like Pepper might be the one who's nuts
[16:29:24] CM: He has a very dear person to him.
[16:29:29] CM: That person is a guilmon.
[16:29:41] ME: I reiterate: nuts

[skip a few lines]

[16:30:47] ME: his dear friend is not guillimon.
[16:30:56] CM: You cannot prove that.
[16:30:58] ME: ...
[16:31:04] ME: are you fucking with me?
[16:31:09] CM: No.
[16:32:16] ME: oh god, you're pepper, arn't you?
[16:32:18] CM: No.

[a few lines further]

[16:36:01] ME: This is digimon. it's a TV show.
[16:36:18] CM: It's a TV show Akiyoshi Hongo made because he met a greymon.
[16:36:24] CM: He took his encounter creatively.
[16:36:29] CM: Pepper takes his politically.
[16:36:32] ME: wow, you ARE insane.
[16:36:37] CM: No. I'm educated.
[16:36:44] CM: And by the way
[16:36:48] CM: DCMO has guns
[16:36:50] CM: DCMO has armor
[16:36:54] CM: DCMO has bullets
[16:36:57] CM: DCMO has troops.
[16:37:02] CM: I'm one of the units.
[16:37:09] CM: Here's me and my squad.

Here he sent me a picture of 6 soldiers in pretty serious looking gear. Definitely soldiers and not internet geeks. Naturally, I believed this about as far as I can throw a dinosaur.
But then came the royal crown of bullshit...

[16:38:22] CM: This is a greymon we saw in Amsterdam.

And what he sent was a re-textured dinosaur with a skull attached to it's face, badly superimposed on a hilly green landscape.

[16:39:04] ME: ... you are fucking hilarious :V
[16:39:14] ME: that's one of the worst photoshops i've seen
[16:39:24] CM: Could be because it's real.
[16:39:31] CM: I took that picture, kiddo.
[16:39:35] ME: it looks fake because it's real?
[16:39:50] CM: It looks un-photoshopped because it's a raw phone picture.
[16:40:03] ME: and this is a recent picture?
[16:40:08] CM: No.
[16:40:15] CM: Taken in 2012, April 19
[16:40:46] ME: at 254x141 pixels.
[16:40:50] ME: in 2012.
[16:40:58] ME: with nothing for scale.
[16:41:01] CM: Pepper editted it for his computer background
[16:41:19] ME: you're the biggest idiot in the world if you believe that's real
[16:41:30] CM: Weird. I took that picture, mate.
[16:41:39] CM: That means I saw the beast with my own eyes.

It became apparent (if it wasn't apparent already) that I was dealing with either a compulsive liar, or someone severely delusional. Conversation continues:

[16:47:16] CM: I haven't done any trolling.
[16:47:20] CM: I hate trolls.
[16:47:33] ME: But you ARE telling people you're an armed militia
[16:47:43] CM: No.
[16:47:56] CM: We're a PMC that rescues and cares for animals from a different dimension.
[16:47:59] ME: yes you are. you just did
[16:48:09] CM: We're not animals.
[16:48:11] ME: police don't give a fuck what your motives are
[16:48:31] CM: Yeah. Even though DCMO helped them raid a gangster hideout
[16:49:00] CM: And soon help them save a young little guilmon.
[16:49:02] CM: on a comic.
[16:49:04] ME: sure. keep telling yourself that. I just hope you get bored BEFORE you do something really stupid.

At this point I realised I was wasting time and I wanted to write up this experience, so I blocked him. However I then realised I had to UN-block him so I could see the conversation history, and inadvertently the conversation started up again, this time about the comic itself.

[16:59:37] ME: yeah but you realise it's a fictional situation right?
[16:59:42] CM: I do.
[16:59:44] ME: it's not a thing that's happening
[16:59:52] CM: Pepper may or may not.
[16:59:56] CM: It's likely he does know.
[17:00:10] CM: But nonetheless, he wouldn't want to see such a thing like a guilmon being raped
[17:00:15] CM: Fiction or nonfiction.
[17:00:15] ME: So he may or may not be aware what's real and what isn't. Is that what you're saying?
[17:00:26] CM: Possibly.
[17:00:31] CM: His sanity tests show positive though.
[17:00:42] ME: okay, just checking
[17:01:00] CM: He might have type 2 mania.
[17:01:07] CM: But that brings on anger problems.
[17:01:19] CM: He does have a form of autism
[17:01:20] CM: Aspergers.

Sooo, we talked for a good long while about who his dumb group was and why it was inexplicably focused on a fictional comic. He explained the 'DCMO' were for the far-right, they were a non-profit organization for the protection of animals (and digimon), they're all really dangerous dudes who kill people for "injustice" and despite being non-profit, they are also paid mercenaries, who are paid by members of their own organization, who are also government affiliated. Wow.

We also talked about gun ethics which I'll leave out here because we know how that goes. :V The short version was that the DCMO should be allowed to kill who they want for whatever reason they want. And also that LePepper might not have a great grip on reality but that's fine because of reasons.

A while later I wanted to talk about the digimon picture again.

[17:55:13] ME: So, YOU took that picture?
[17:55:24] CM: Yes.
[17:55:58] ME: And by 'took' you mean there was a digimon in front of you, in a valley, and you raised your camera, pressed a button, and that's what came out?
[17:56:11] CM: That's what Pepper told me to do.
[17:56:17] CM: Yes.
[17:56:40] ME: so by that I take it to mean you were visiting Amsterdam?
[17:56:58] CM: Sent there.
[17:57:05] ME: Sent to Amsterdam.
[17:57:16] ME: Where in Amsterdam is that?
[17:57:37] CM: Along the north of Amsterdam.
[17:57:42] CM: I was not the pilot of the apache.
[17:57:57] ME: looks hilly. was it near the mountains?
[17:58:14] CM: There were mountains in the area, yeah.
[17:58:28] ME: the Netherlands are famous for being flat. :V
[17:58:45] CM: That doesn't mean there's flatness everywhere.
[17:58:53] CM: The creature had to keep itself hidden.
[17:59:35] ME: so it's in a remote hilly area that's just north of one of the busiest cities in Europe? in a small and developed country? completely undiscovered?
[17:59:50] CM: Undiscovered area? No.
[17:59:57] CM: I'm sure it's been visited before.
[18:00:12] CM: Possibly even occupied now.
[18:00:22] ME: :3
[18:02:04] CM: Mk.

So, while this was going on (and between some other idle chat) I decided to try and find the source for the two pictures. With the help of a friend, I found the exact source for each:

CM's 'squad'
Real life digimon

So naturally, I asked if he was one of the squad that killed Osama Bin Laden!

[18:53:09] ME: so, that picture you sent of your 'squad'
[18:53:27] ME: are you sure that isn't seal team six, the guys who shot bin laden?
<I sent the link to the SEAL team six>
[18:57:27] ME: I mean, it's fine. I've done stupid shit before too
[18:59:50] CM: Seal team six wear masks.
[19:01:06] ME: but yeah, there's the link to the same picture you sent me. of seal team 6.
[19:01:22] CM: Pepper may have hired himself some SEALs.
[19:02:20] ME: a non-profit far right military organization "hired" seals?
[19:02:48] CM: Seals are bad mothers.
[19:03:02] ME: also I'd like to ask again about the picture 'you' took. it's very clearly on someone's deviant art page.
[19:03:22] CM: Show.
<I sent the digimon photoedit link>
[19:04:36] CM: I see someone took a screenshot of the news.
[19:04:56] ME: it's very clearly labled as a photomanipulation
[19:05:07] CM: Says screenshot.
[19:05:13] ME: Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2009-2014 Asgard7
[19:05:24] CM: Doesn't say that for me.
[19:05:46] ME: right so... what news network is that? "global news"?
[19:05:51] CM: Photography / Screenshots / Media©2009-2014 Asgard7
[19:06:06] CM: I reported the photo to Amsterdam
[19:06:16] CM: Amsterdam media.
[19:06:28] ME: oh my GOD. try to lie a bit better at least!
[19:06:42] CM: It's hard to lie when you're being honest, mate.
[19:06:50] ME: you're hilarious.

The conversation broke down pretty fast after that. CM started talking about LePepper like he was batman. I just started to feel sorry for him.
What I did learn however was LePeppers' email, the name of CM and another goon who was apparently his 'bodyguard' (though I find it highly likely both of these are merely aliases for LePepper himself) and also that LePepper and Hector have supposedly called a peace between eachother and guilmon will be saved by DCMO troops.

Not sure what to make of this odd encounter. I feel like telling people you're in an armed gang who kills people is probably breaking some kind of law, but I have no idea if that's even worth my time or effort. Clearly LePepper is still using the site, laying low under another account that is as-of-yet unbanned. (I will relinquish whatever information I can to admins if requested).

I guess the moral of the story is, if you must be insane, at least try to be plausibly insane.
EDIT: Apologies in advanced for my typos. Spelling is not my strong point when I'm without a spellchecker. Apologies again to admins if the topic is not appropriate, but it was just too good not to share.

Updated by user 59725

I don't think it's a good idea to publicly harass a user (even if they deserve it).

Updated by anonymous

There was no harassing going on! He contacted me (for reasons I'm still not super sure about) and I don't *think* either one of us got too perturbed by the conversation. But in any case, names are protected so...

Updated by anonymous

I felt the bile coming up as I was reading that... I have ADHD and I think he's a fucking loon

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
There was no harassing going on! He contacted me (for reasons I'm still not super sure about) and I don't *think* either one of us got too perturbed by the conversation. But in any case, names are protected so...

An entire thread on a public forum dedicated entirely to badmouthing one is that not harassment? Anyway, I don't like the dude either but imo it's situations like this where you have a good laugh and move on.

Updated by anonymous

Kinda agree with Husky on this one, thinly veiled disguises on names or no

Updated by anonymous

Good lord, all this for ONE fucking comic? Excuse my language, but I'm serious. I can't believe they're going THIS nuts. A sane mind would have stopped long ago, even a troll.

I wish you were making this up, but you're clearly not.

Updated by anonymous

This stuff is just batshit crazy. I thought my mental state was bad.

Updated by anonymous

After presenting this thread to CM, he says he is in fact happy I chose to publish this conversation, as it affords him more publicity. Jubilations all round! \o/

Updated by anonymous

OMG this is about as good as wolfee darkfang's bs way way back.

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
After presenting this thread to CM, he says he is in fact happy I chose to publish this conversation, as it affords him more publicity. Jubilations all round! \o/

post #266642

Updated by anonymous

The right thing to do would probably be to lock and/or hide this. But it's just so goddamn funny.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
The right thing to do would probably be to lock and/or hide this. But it's just so goddamn funny.

Thats why you're an admin LOL

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Thats why your an admin LOL


Updated by anonymous

Treat LePepper like WBC. They feed off the attention that their antics get, so the best way to fight them is to ignore them.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Treat LePepper like WBC. They feed off the attention that their antics get, so the best way to fight them is to ignore them.

He's a problem because he's more persistent than trolls, though. How many months has he been at this now?

Updated by anonymous

White_Len said:
He's a problem because he's more persistent than trolls, though. How many months has he been at this now?

Best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them. Don't stoop down to their level

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them. Don't stoop down to their level

But this is the internet everyone here is a troll :I

Updated by anonymous

I actually have a honorable mention on one of their steam groups, I believe as a faggot or something.

Good times.

Updated by anonymous

Damn, that dude is still at it? He's damn dead serious about his "organization"

Sheeesh, some people...

thatoneclarinetist said:
But this is the internet everyone here is a troll :I

[actual picture of me]

no, not really. I'll never show my face on teh interwebz

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
[actual picture of me]

no, not really. I'll never show my face on teh interwebz

That is an ogre, not a troll.

You were probably adopted if your parents told you you're a troll.

Updated by anonymous

I'd say the target of this forum thread is somewhat suspect - to a degree, maybe suffering from a mental illness or six.

but that'd be insulting to people with mental illnesses. This is just stupid, and you can't fix stupid.

Updated by anonymous

I almost pity how completely insane he is.

then I remember.. furries.

Then I don't give a fuck.

Updated by anonymous

This easily made my week, got me laughing for a good amount of time XD

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Damn, that dude is still at it? He's damn dead serious about his "organization"

Sheeesh, some people...

[actual picture of me]

no, not really. I'll never show my face on teh interwebz

That looks like Ray Sipe. Is that Ray Sipe?

Updated by anonymous

Kids, this is why glue is for sticking, not for sniffing.

that's fucking hilarious.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Kids, this is why glue is for sticking, not for sniffing.

that's fucking hilarious.

Well then why don't we take him to the glue factory?

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Kids, this is why glue is for sticking, not for sniffing.

that's fucking hilarious.

Wait, I thought glue was used for masturbatory lubricant.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Treat LePepper like WBC. They feed off the attention that their antics get, so the best way to fight them is to ignore them.

The difference here is that the WBC makes money off of people's attention and their actions towards them that violate their constitutional rights. This guy is like chrischan, and thus is completely okay to harass and make fun of, since he is enabling it.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
The difference here is that the WBC makes money off of people's attention and their actions towards them that violate their constitutional rights. This guy is like chrischan, and thus is completely okay to harass and make fun of, since he is enabling it.

It is never okay, or acceptable, to harass anyone... for any reason.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
The difference here is that the WBC makes money off of people's attention and their actions towards them that violate their constitutional rights. This guy is like chrischan, and thus is completely okay to harass and make fun of, since he is enabling it.

Or let it disappear and have something better to do besides making a disturbed person dance for your amusement . . .

Updated by anonymous

The best course of action would be to stop giving this Pepper attention, to be honest. He's not going to stop if people keep feeding his ego.

Updated by anonymous

Wasn't there a group of people at one point who like, maliciously stalked LMR (Jay) Until he drew a pic of Scootaloo and Sweetie. (Both who in the show are assumed to be the ages of anywhere from 12-14) And wrote down. FOR HALF A SECOND on the screen whal he was drawing. "Under age!"

They screen capped it, and sent it to tumblr who then banned him. They got him banned like 2 other times I think before he finally made his own website.

I hate people like this... Seriously, I don't get it.

EDIT: I think sites like tumblr so focus a lot less on just general rule breaking, and a lot more on the sitational aspect. Especially since the version he posted on tumblr did not have the. "Under age" Part written on it, in fact none of the versions do.

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
Wasn't there a group of people at one point who like, maliciously stalked LMR (Jay) Until he drew a pic of Scootaloo and Sweetie. (Both who in the show are assumed to be the ages of anywhere from 12-14) And wrote down. FOR HALF A SECOND on the screen whal he was drawing. "Under age!"

They screen capped it, and sent it to tumblr who then banned him. They got him banned like 2 other times I think before he finally made his own website.

I hate people like this... Seriously, I don't get it.

EDIT: I think sites like tumblr so focus a lot less on just general rule breaking, and a lot more on the sitational aspect. Especially since the version he posted on tumblr did not have the. "Under age" Part written on it, in fact none of the versions do.

The first thing he did after he got banned was draw a picture of Applebloom getting blasted with cum on her 18th birthday with the description "no longer underage". He posted it on his Ask Double E Tumblr, which wasn't banned.

I fucking love Jay.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
The first thing he did after he got banned was draw a picture of Applebloom getting blasted with cum on her 18th birthday with the description "no longer underage". He posted it on his Ask Double E Tumblr, which wasn't banned.

I fucking love Jay.

He needs to post on LMR more often tho -_-

Updated by anonymous

Tcharger said:
I have never felt so much second hand embarrassment in my life.

Well, you did decide to necro a year old thread.
So that's kinda embarrassing...

Updated by anonymous

Tcharger said:
I have never felt so much second hand embarrassment in my life.

Do not necro dead topics for pointless reasons.

Updated by anonymous

not that i want to continue this any further but...yeah, thanks for reminding me of the, by far, most delusional (insane?) person i have ever met on this site. don't really remember what became of that guy but then again i don't care enough to go find out (i'd assume more ban evasion before the drama finally calmed down. all that over a single comic though. *facepalm*).

hope things worked out well enough for that artist though i think recall him/her? getting some bad backlash towards the end for giving in to pepper's demands or something, i dunno.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
not that i want to continue this any further but...yeah, thanks for reminding me of the, by far, most delusional (insane?) person i have ever met on this site. don't really remember what became of that guy but then again i don't care enough to go find out (i'd assume more ban evasion before the drama finally calmed down. all that over a single comic though. *facepalm*).

hope things worked out well enough for that artist though i think recall him/her? getting some bad backlash towards the end for giving in to pepper's demands or something, i dunno.

actually he's still lurking in e621's basement, rattling pipes from time to time till the admin call the exterminator and they catch a few of his accounts and send them to the internet graveyard.
as for hector, yeah at the time he seemed to be fighting it, then suddenly gave in, which only empowered the lil shit.

Updated by anonymous

Had the pleasure of learning about this guy when some updates to the comic were made a couple months ago.

Legend has it, if you check some of the posts on a full moon, you'll see a new comment from one of his innumerable alt accounts.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
actually he's still lurking in e621's basement, rattling pipes from time to time till the admin call the exterminator and they catch a few of his accounts and send them to the internet graveyard.
as for hector, yeah at the time he seemed to be fighting it, then suddenly gave in, which only empowered the lil shit.

:O are you...i... post #588545 i knew he caved to that troll but that is ridiculous. i didn't know he actually went so far as to make that last pic like lepepper told him to. *facepalm*

sorry hector but welcome to my blacklist.

oh and i see he still likes to mass neg rep your comments, esme, among other people. 2 comments on that pic with -17 rating each, likely from pepper and his army of alt accounts. its kinda obvious who gave the negative rating to comments when it comes to that particular comic.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
:O are you...i... post #588545 i knew he caved to that troll but that is ridiculous. i didn't know he actually went so far as to make that last pic like lepepper told him to. *facepalm*

sorry hector but welcome to my blacklist.

oh and i see he still likes to mass neg rep your comments, esme, among other people. 2 comments on that pic with -17 rating each, likely from pepper and his army of alt accounts. its kinda obvious who gave the negative rating to comments when it comes to that particular comic.

yeah i know he likes to. he's still spamming the site with accounts then uses them to mass vote... wish the admin would check the votes, they'd be able to catch 17 of his accounts in one go.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
Had the pleasure of learning about this guy when some updates to the comic were made a couple months ago.

Legend has it, if you check some of the posts on a full moon, you'll see a new comment from one of his innumerable alt accounts.

also works if you say his name three times infront of a mirror in a dark room. just make sure you have a crusifix, garlic and holy water with you.

Updated by anonymous

think he's recently downvoted some comments on the comic. just check it every other week or so

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
also works if you say his name three times infront of a mirror in a dark room. just make sure you have a crusifix, garlic and holy water with you.

Bloody Pepper. Bloody Pepper. Bloody Pepper.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Bloody Pepper. Bloody Pepper. Bloody Pepper.

3 oz. of red wine and 3 oz. of dr. pepper makes a drink named bloody pepper. Supposed to be really good, though I've never had any.

Updated by anonymous

we need an exorcist to fully ban that man

his power's beyond that of an admin at this point

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
we need an exorcist to fully ban that man

his power's beyond that of an admin at this point

Hey buddy, I think you necro'd the wrong thread.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
we need an exorcist to fully ban that man

his power's beyond that of an admin at this point

was this necro absolutely necessary

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
ah, crap.

i never realised. Sorry

It wasn't you. Somebody else replied before you but hid their post afterwards.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Somebody else replied before you but hid their post afterwards.

Gee can't imagine why -_-
Can we plz lock this? It's disturbing enough to even mention the name

Updated by anonymous

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