Topic: Tag Alias: family -> parent

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

-1 on the alias, but I'm interested in Max's idea of using family as a blanket tag, primarily for use on e926

Updated by anonymous

Jackalfag said:
So which one in post #971955 is the father, and which one is the son?

nether one their twins thru family it used more often in the context of a father or mother also being present. Alas its probably best to invalidate it instead since it could be any one of them.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Knotty_Curls said:
-1 on the alias, but I'm interested in Max's idea of using family as a blanket tag, primarily for use on e926

Generic tag for characters who seem like they might be relatives? Might work. It's often impossible to figure out by twys exactly how two characters are related, but family would be taggable in such cases.

Could be combined with related and relatives too, that'd be one invalid tag less.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Generic tag for characters who seem like they might be relatives? Might work. It's often impossible to figure out by twys exactly how two characters are related, but family would be taggable in such cases.

Could be combined with related and relatives too, that'd be one invalid tag less.

Aren't all these tags TWYK? Literally how are you supposed to tell characters are related unless explicitly stated in the image. They could just have similar appearances and that doesn't exactly seem conducive to the twys system.

Updated by anonymous

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